19.5. Reading Your Own Files into the Program

In many situations, you will need to read in your own files. The file may be a text file of commands or a binary data file.

Issue the /INPUT command to read in a text file containing commands (such as Jobname.log or Camshaft_Assembly.inp).

Example 19.2: Reading a Text File

This command reads the file MATERIAL.inp from the current directory:


Table 19.3: Commands for Reading in Special-Purpose Text Files

This command...Reads in this type of text file:
*USE Macros
PARRES Parameter (Jobname.parm)
EREAD Element (Jobname.elem)
NREAD Node (Jobname.node)
MPREAD Material property (Jobname.mp)
INISTATE Initial state (Jobname.ist)

Table 19.4: Commands for Reading in Binary Files

This command...Reads in this type of binary file:
RESUME Database (Jobname.db)
SET [1]Results (Jobname.rst, Jobname.rth, Jobname.rmg)

  1. in the POST1 postprocessor