19.6. Writing Your Own Files from the Program

Besides the files generated automatically during an analysis, you can force files to be written as necessary. A commonly used file-write command is /OUTPUT, used to redirect text output from the screen to a file.

Example 19.3: Forcing an Output File to Be Written

These commands redirect POST1 stress printout to a file:

PRNSOL,COMP! Component stresses
/OUTPUT! Output back to screen

Table 19.5: Other Commands for Writing Files

Command Purpose
SAVE Writes the database to Jobname.db
PARSAV Writes parameters to Jobname.parm
EWRITE Writes element definitions to Jobname.elem
NWRITE Writes node definitions to Jobname.node
MPWRITE Writes material properties to Jobname.mp
/SHOW Writes graphics output to a standard graphic file format

You can also redirect graphics output (plots) from the screen to a neutral graphics file.