PARRES, Lab, Fname, Ext, --
Reads parameters from a file.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

Argument Descriptions


Read operation:

NEW -- 

Replace current parameter set with these parameters (default).


Extend current parameter set with these parameters, replacing any that already exist.


File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters for the file name.

The file name defaults to Jobname.


Filename extension (eight-character maximum).

The extension defaults to PARM if Fname is blank.


Unused field.


Reads parameters from a coded file. The parameter file may have been written with the PARSAV command. The parameters read may replace or change the current parameter set.

This command is valid in any processor.

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>Parameters>Restore Parameters