19.4. Text and Binary Files

Depending on how files are used, the program writes them in text (ASCII) form or binary form. For example, err and log files are text, while db, emat, and rst files are binary. In general, files that you may need to read (and edit) are written in text form, and all other files are written in binary form.

Below are some tips for using binary files:

  • When transferring files via FTP (File Transfer Protocol), you must set the BINARY option before doing the transfer.

  • Most binary files must have write permission to be used, even if the data is only being read from the file. However, the database files (file.db) and results files (file.rst, file.rth, etc.) can be read-only. When you save a read-only file.db, the existing read-only file is saved to a file.dbb. You cannot save the read-only file.db a second time, however, because it will attempt to overwrite the file.dbb file.

Binary files are not backward-compatible with previous releases. You cannot use binary files generated by the current release with an earlier release. Some files are forward (or upward) compatible, so they can be created in a previous release and used in a more recent version. For a list of those files, see Table 19.2: Program-Generated Permanent Files.

19.4.1. Program-Generated Files

The following tables list the files that the program writes:

Table 19.1: Program-Generated Temporary Files

ANOTextGraphics annotation commands (/ANNOT)
BATTextInput data copied from batch input file (/BATCH)
DSPxxxxBinaryScratch files for the sparse solver
EROTBinaryRotated element matrices
EVCBinaryScratch file for PCG Lanczos eigensolver
EVLBinaryScratch file for PCG Lanczos eigensolver
LNxxBinaryScratch files for the sparse solver (x = 1-42)
LOCKBinaryPrevents more than one job with the same name from running in the same directory
LVBinaryScratch file from substructure generation pass with more than one load vector.
PAGEBinary Page file for virtual memory (database space)
PnnBinaryScratch files for matrix assembly procedure
PCnBinaryScratch files for PCG solver and matrix assembly procedure
PDABinaryScratch file for PCG solver and matrix assembly procedure
PMABinaryScratch file for PCG solver and matrix assembly procedure
SNODExxxBinaryScratch files for Supernode eigensolver
SSCRBinaryScratch file from substructure generation pass
vtA0QBinaryScratch files for harmonic analysis using the VT method and/or certain eigensolvers
vtAQ0BinaryScratch files for harmonic analysis using the VT method and/or certain eigensolvers
vtAQ1BinaryScratch files for harmonic analysis using the VT method and/or certain eigensolvers
vtFQBinaryScratch files for harmonic analysis using the VT method and/or certain eigensolvers
vtQBinaryScratch files for harmonic analysis using the VT method and/or certain eigensolvers
vtWrkBinaryScratch files for harmonic analysis using the VT method and/or certain eigensolvers
vtdXBinaryScratch files for harmonic analysis using the VT method and/or certain eigensolvers

Many permanent files are forward compatible. Files that can generally be used by future program releases have a Y in the Forward column.

Table 19.2: Program-Generated Permanent Files

ANFText Y Ansys Neutral Format geometry file
ASIBinary Y Results file from a structural analysis on an FSI interface
BCLVBinaryY Superelement static correction vectors from the generation pass
BCSText-Stores performance information when running the sparse solver
BFINText-Interpolated body forces written as BF commands (BFINT)
CBDOText-Interpolated DOF data written as D Commands (CBDOF)
CDBText Y Text database file (CDWRITE)
CMAPText-Color map file
CMDText Y Commands written by *CFWRITE
CMSBinary Y Component Mode Synthesis file
CNDText Y Nonlinear diagnostics file that tracks contact quantities throughout the solution (NLDIAG)
CNMText Y Contact pair output data (CNTR)
DBBinary Y Database file (SAVE, /EXIT)
DBBBinary Y Copy of database file created when a nonlinear analysis terminates abnormally (used for traditional restart)
DBEBinary-Database file from VMESH failure in batch mode
DSPText-Stores performance information when running the sparse solver
DSUBBinary-Superelement DOF solution from use pass
DSPsymbBinary-Factorized stiffness matrix (also known as the triangularized stiffness matrix) from the sparse solver
ELEMText Y Element definitions (EWRITE)
EMATBinary-Element matrices
ERRText-Error and warning messages
ESAVBinary-Element saved data esav files created by nonlinear analyses may not be forward compatible
FULLBinary-Assembled global stiffness and mass matrices
GSTText-Graphical solution tracking file
IGESText Y IGES file from solid model data (IGESOUT)
LDHIText Y Loading and boundary conditions of load steps (used for multiframe restart)
LGWText Y Database command log file (LGWRITE)
LnnBinary Y Load case file (where nn = load case number) (LCWRITE)
LMODEBinary-Modal analysis frequencies and left mode shapes (MODOPT)
LN22Binary-Factorized stiffness matrix (also known as the triangularized stiffness matrix) from the sparse solver
LOGText Y Command input history
MAPPINGText Y Mapping data (HBMAT)
MATRIXText/Binary Y Mapping data in Harwell-Boeing format (HBMAT)
MCFText Y Modal coordinates from harmonic or transient analysis
MCOMText Y Mode combination commands from spectrum analysis
MLVBinaryY Modal analysis element load vector data
MnnnBinary Y Modal displacements, velocities, and accelerations records and solution commands for a single substep of a load step (used for multiframe restart of a mode-superposition transient analysis)
MNTRText-Nonlinear analysis convergence monitoring
MODEBinary-Modal analysis frequencies and mode shapes; buckling analysis load multipliers and mode shapes
MODESYMBinary-Modal analysis frequencies and mode shapes
MPText Y Material property definitions (MPWRITE)
NDXXXText-Element IDs violating criteria
NLHText Y Nonlinear diagnostics file that tracks results or contact quantities throughout the solution (NLHIST)
NODEText Y Node definitions (NWRITE)
NRXXXText Y Stores Newton-Raphson iteration information when the nonlinear diagnostic tool is active (NLDIAG,NRRE,ON)
OSAVBinary-Copy of esav file from last converged substep
OUTText-Output file
PARMText Y Parameter definitions (PARSAV)
PCSText-Stores performance information when running the PCG solver
PRSBinary-Stores response spectrum (SPRS, MPRS, and DDAM) information (mode coefficients, etc.) when remote modal files are used.
PSAVBinary-Copy of OSAV file from last substep (used only for semi-implicit analysis)
PSDBinary-Stores random vibration (PSD) information (modal covariance matrices, etc.)
PVTSText-Stores pivot information when running the sparse solver
RCNBinary Y Results file for the initial contact state
RDBBinary Y Database at the start of the first substep of the first load step (used for multiframe restart)
RDnnBinary Y Database from structural analyses after nn times of rezoning
RDSPBinary-Reduced displacements
RFRQBinary-Reduced complex displacements
RMFBinaryYResults file from a static mean flow analysis
RMGBinary Y Results file from a magnetic field analysis
RMSHText-Remeshing activity monitor file for mesh nonlinear adaptivity analysis
RnnnBinary-Element saved records, solution commands, and status for a single substep of a load step (used for multiframe restart of static and full transient analyses)
RSnnBinary Y Results file from structural analyses after nn times of rezoning
RSMBinary-Radiosity mapping data file for radiosity surface elements (SURF251, SURF252)
RSTBinary Y Results file from structural and coupled-field analyses
RSTPBinary Y Results file from a linear perturbation analysis
RTHBinary Y Results file from a thermal analysis
SECFText-Stores output quantities associated with result sections (OUTPR,RSFO)
SELDBinaryYSuperelement load vector data from generation pass
SnnText Y Load step files (where nn = load step number) (LSWRITE)
SORDText-Superelement name and number from use pass
STATText-Status of a batch run
SUBBinary Y Superelement matrix file from generation pass
TBText Y Hyperelastic material constants
USUBBinary Y Renamed dsub File for input to substructure expansion pass

19.4.2. File Compression

Many file compression utilities exist for Linux (such as gzip) and Windows (such as WinZip). The program cannot read compressed files. You can compress your models to save space when archiving, so long as you uncompress them before trying to read them into the program.

The /FCOMP command enables you to control compression of the results files, database files, certain restart files (.rnnn), and certain files created during a nonlinear analysis (.osav) while they are being written. This command offers two different ways to do compression:

  • Compression based on a sparsification scheme (default).

    The average file compression is 10-50 percent. The solution time and time reading the results file or database file are not significantly increased and may decrease due to reduced I/O size requirements.

  • Compression based on the zlib algorithm; you control the level of compression by inputting a number from 0 (no compression) to 5.

    The average file will compress about 25 percent at the cost of added solution time (more so if running in distributed-memory parallel mode) or time to save the database. The time to read the results (for example, the SET command) or resume the database is also increased.

Compressing the files is useful for speeding up file transfers (for example when solving on a network cluster) or reducing the disk space required to archive the analysis data.

Note that results files from modal analyses will compress very little if the stresses are written to the MODE file (MSUPkey = YES on MXPAND).