Supplied Extensions

The package of extension examples contains the many extensions that the ACT documentation references. This table describes these extensions and provides links to where they are explained in the ACT documentation. For an extension specific to an Ansys product, the referenced topic is in the ACT customization guide for the particular product. For download information, see the previous topic.

ExtensionProduct ContextDescriptionReference
ACTResultsMechanicalShows how to add postprocessing features in Mechanical. This extension adds a toolbar and buttons that create ACT objects in the Mechanical tree to access a result for a shell element, layer element, and contact and then display them as custom results. The creation of each result is explained in its own topic.
AdvancedPropertiesMechanical, but applicable to othersAdds a property group and a time-dependent worksheet (property table) to Mechanical.Dialog Box Creation
CouplingMechanicalShows how to create a tool for coupling two sets of nodes related to two edges. This Mechanical extension demonstrates how you can develop your own preprocessing feature, such as a custom load, to address one specific need. Coupling Two Sets of Nodes
CustomLayoutWorkbench, but applicable to othersShows how to create the extension CustomLayoutWizard, which has customized wizard-level and component-level layouts.Custom Wizard Interface Example
CustomTransferWorkbench Shows how to implement a custom transfer from a producing task group to a consuming task group, creating connections between custom tasks. This Workbench extension also illustrates the creation of single-task vs. multiple-task group. Custom Transfer
DataSquaresWorkbench Shows how to use custom task properties to integrate an external application and submit a task to the Ansys Remote Solve Manager. This Workbench extension uses custom task properties to drive an external application in squaring an input number. The result is displayed in the Parameter Set bar in Workbench. External Application Integration with Custom Data and Remote Job Execution
DebuggerDemoWorkbench, but applicable to others Shows how to use the ACT Debugger to debug the IronPython scripts for loaded extensions.ACT Debugger
DemoLoadMechanicalShows how to add a preprocessing feature for Mechanical. This extension adds a toolbar and buttons to create a generic load. Adding a Custom Load
DemonstrationSolverMechanicalShows how to add a connection to a third-party solver in Mechanical. This extension provides the ability to start an external solver rather than an Ansys solver. This extension is included in the package but is not referenced in the documentation.
DemoResultMechanicalShows how to add a postprocessing feature in Mechanical. This extension adds a toolbar and buttons to create a custom result. The custom result computes the worst value of the principal stresses for the scoped geometry entities.This extension is included in the package but is not referenced in the documentation.
EmptyGUIWorkbenchShows how to add a custom context menu for a task to the Workbench Project Schematic.Custom User-Specified Interface Operation
ExtDialogSampleMechanical, but applicable to othersShows how to add a dialog box.Dialog Box Creation
ExtSample1Mechanical, but applicable to othersShows how to add a toolbar with a single button. Extension Definition
ExtSolver1MechanicalShows how to connect to a very simple external solver in Mechanical. Third-Party Solver Connections in Mechanical
ExtToolbarSampleMechanical, but applicable to othersShows how to add a toolbar with three buttons.Toolbar Creation
GenericMaterialTransferWorkbenchShows how to implement two custom material transfer task groups, with each passing material data to a downstream task group or task. Generic Material Transfer
GenericMeshTransferWorkbench Shows how to implement two custom mesh transfer task groups, with each including consuming and providing connections.Generic Mesh Transfer
MisesMechanicalShows how to define a custom result in Mechanical. This custom result reproduces the result for the averaged von Mises equivalent stress.This extension is included in the package but is not referenced in the documentation. For similar examples, see the custom stress examples in Postprocessing Capabilities in Mechanical.
ParametricWorkbenchShows how to create a parametric task group in Workbench using the attribute isparametricgroup. Parametric Task Group
SC_BGAExtensionSpaceClaimShows how to create a wizard named BGAWizard that is executed from SpaceClaim. This wizard shows how to generate a ball grid array (BGA), which is a surface on which to mount integrated circuits.Space Claim Wizard for Generating a Ball Grid Assembly (BGA)
SquaresWorkbench Shows how to use parameter definitions to integrate an external application in Workbench. This example uses parameters to drive an external application in squaring an input number. The result is displayed in the Parameter Set bar in Workbench. External Application Integration with Parameter Definition
TraverseExtensionMechanicalShows how to traverse the nodes in the Mechanical tree. This example is described in the Scripting in Mechanical Guide. It shows how to use Mechanical APIs to query properties for the objects Geometry, Mesh, Simulation, and Results. Object Traversal
WizardDemoElectronics DesktopShows how to create a wizard named ED Wizard Demo to execute from Electronics Desktop. Electronics Desktop Wizards
WizardDemosMultiple Ansys productsShows how to create multiple wizards running across multiple Ansys products in a single extension.
BridgeSimulationShows how to create a mixed wizard named BridgeSimulation that runs wizards from the Project tab in Workbench and from DesignModeler or SpaceClaim, and Mechanical.Mixed Wizard Example
WorkbenchShows how to create a wizard named ProjectWizard to execute from the Project tab in Workbench. Wizard Creation
DesignModelerShows how to create a wizard named CreateBridge to execute from DesignModeler. DesignModeler Wizards
SpaceClaimShows how to create a wizard named CreateBridge to execute from SpaceClaim. SpaceClaim Wizard for Building a Bridge
MechanicalShows how to create a wizard named SimpleAnalysis to execute from Mechanical. Mechanical Wizards
WorkflowCallbacksDemoWorkbench Project tabShows how to use global callbacks to implement a custom process or action before or after a Workbench Project Schematic operation. This extension example adds pre- and post-operation callbacks for each available operation.Global Workflow Callbacks