Extension and Template Examples

The following topics provide descriptions of supplied extension and template examples. You can use these examples to learn how to use ACT:

Extension Versus Template

All supplied examples are extensions, regardless of their package labels. The package ACT Extension Examples provides extensions that ACT documentation specifically references and explains. Template packages provide additional extensions that you can expand and manipulate to create your own custom extensions. While a few of the extensions in the template packages are referenced and explained in ACT documentation, most are not. You can explore these additional extensions as they become applicable to your own extension creation objectives.

Download Information

You can easily download the extension and template packages from the help panel for the ACT Start Page:

  • To download the package of extension examples, click Extension Examples under Downloadable Examples.

  • To download template packages, click the links for the packages that you want to download under Downloadable Examples.

Note:   On the Ansys Store, the App Developer Resources page provides for downloading these packages from links on the Help & Support and ACT Templates tabs.

After unzipping a package, you can install and load the extensions that they contain if you have an ACT license. For more information, see Installing and Uninstalling Scripted Extensions.

If you want, you can import any existing extension into the ACT App Builder to see and edit its files in a visual environment.