DesignModeler Wizards

You can use ACT to create target product wizards for DesignModeler. The supplied extension WizardDemos contains a project wizard, multiple target product wizards, and a mixed wizard. This section describes the target product wizard for DesignModeler. Named CreateBridge, this two-step wizard is for building a bridge.

  • Target product wizards for DesignModeler are not supported on Linux platforms.

  • You use the Extension Manager to install and load extensions and the Wizards launcher to start a target product wizard.

  • The extension WizardDemos contains two wizards named CreateBridge. The first one is for DesignModeler, and the second one is for SpaceClaim. This topic describes the DesignModeler wizard. For a description of the SpaceClaim wizard, see SpaceClaim Wizard for Building a Bridge in the ACT Customization Guide for SpaceClaim.

Tip:  Included in the supplied package ACT Wizard Templates is the extension Template-DesignModelerWizard. It contains a target product wizard for DesignModeler that creates a geometry. For download information, see Extension and Template Examples.