Supplied Templates

Descriptions follow for the extensions in supplied template packages:

For download information, see Extension and Template Examples.

ACT Templates for DesignModeler

The following table describes the folders in the template package for DesignModeler. Each folder contains an extension example. For information about using ACT to customize DesignModeler, see the ACT Customization Guide for DesignModeler.

DM_Template1-SelectionManager Shows how to add toolbar items to DesignModeler, access model entities, generate criteria-based entity listings, and interact with the Selection Manager by adding entities to it.
DM_Template2-PropertyGroupShows how to add toolbar items to DesignModeler, add custom objects to the tree, add properties and property groups to a custom tree object, access custom object property values from Python, and create basic primitives from defined details.
DM_Template3-PolyExtrudeShows how to add toolbar items to DesignModeler, add custom objects to the tree, access custom object property values from Python, create a polygon using provided details, use the created polygon for extrude and resolve operations, and unite the create bodies to form a single-body object.
DM_Template4-ParametricPrimitiveShows how to how to add toolbar items to DesignModeler, use the attribute isparameter to promote properties as DesignModeler design parameters, access property values from Python, and create a box primitive object.

ACT Templates for Mechanical

The following table describes the folders in the template package for Mechanical. Each folder contains an extension example. For information about using ACT to customize Mechanical, see the ACT Customization Guide for Mechanical.

Template1-APDLMacroEncapsulationShows how to encapsulate an APDL macro within one ACT load object.
Template2-GenericObjectionCreationShows how to implement ACT generic objects in the model tree above analyses and how to implement an object that does not affect the solution state.
Template3-TabularDataShows how to implement an ACT property with tabular data.
Template4-CustomUnitShows how to implement an ACT load with a property having a non-standard unit.
Template5-ExternalSolveShows how to implement an ACT result that executes an APDL macro on an external Ansys solver process.
Template6-GenericPostObjectShows how to implement ACT generic objects in the solution tree of the analyses.
Template7-PullDownMenusShows how to implement an ACT load with properties having pull-down menus.
Template8-TargetedAnalysisLoadShows how to implement an ACT load that is valid for the following simulation types: Static Structural, Modal, and Thermal.
Template9-AttributesShows how to use ACT attributes to save persistent data.
Template10-GraphicsShows how to implement graphics features in an ACT extension.
Template11-Table_n_GraphShows how to implement a table and graph object using existing panes in Mechanical.
Template12-BodyViewShows how to implement objects that show single-body and double-body views.
Template13-SolverBypassShows how to implement a solver that will allow native loads under it to have custom functions for property values where functions are applicable, and how to access those functions in the <OnSolve> callback.

ACT Wizard Templates

The following table describes the folders in the template package for ACT simulation wizards. Each folder contains an extension example, with the exception of Templates-FluentWizard, which contains two Fluent extension examples.

Template-DesignModelerWizard Shows how to create a target product wizard for DesignModeler. This wizard creates a geometry.
Template-ElectronicsDesktopWizardShows how to create a target product wizard for Electronics Desktop. This wizard displays a list of available projects or designs and creates a cube.
Template-MechanicalWizardShows how to create a target product wizard for Mechanical. This wizard create the mesh for the geometry, adds boundary conditions, and then solves and displays a result.
Template-MixedWizardShows how to create a mixed wizard for multiple contexts. This wizard creates a static structural system, opens either DesignModeler or SpaceClaim, and creates a geometry (a cube). It then opens Mechanical, creates the mesh, defines the boundary conditions, and displays the maximal deformation.
Template-ProjectSchematicWizardShows how to create a project wizard for the Workbench Project tab. This wizard shows all the property capabilities for ACT. It also show how to include reports and charts.
Templates-FluentWizardShows how to create target product wizards for importing MSH and CAS files into Fluent. The extension FluentDemo1 shows how to import a MSH file. The extension FluentDemo2 shows how to create a CAS file. After the import, both extensions show how to run a simple analysis, generates results, and display the results in a customized panel in Fluent. For more information, see Fluent Wizard (MSH Input File) and Fluent Wizard (CAS Input File).
Template-SpaceClaimWizardShows how to create a target product wizard for SpaceClaim. This wizard shows all the property capabilities for ACT. It also show how to include reports and charts.

ACT Workflow Templates

The following table describes the folders in the package for ACT workflow templates. Each folder contains an extension example. For information about using ACT to customize Workbench, see the ACT Customization Guide for Workbench.

CaptionChangerShows the dynamic update of task group captions.
CommandCancellationShows how to cancel a command from script.
ConnectionsShows the filtering of connections with downstream target tasks. The general transfer type supports connectivity with Model, Setup, and Solution cells. Here, Setup and Solution connections are blocked, allowing only the Model connection to be established.
CSharpShows a simple workflow-based app that is coded using C#.
CustomCFDShows two custom CFD-based workflow task groups that mimic the integration of external processes. The final connection links the workflow with CFX.
CustomContextMenuShows the creation, registration, and filtering of a custom context menu. The menu appears when the right mouse button is clicked on a Model task of any Ansys-based analysis system.
CustomContextMenu2Shows the creation, registration, and filtering of a custom context menu on a custom task.
CustomGeometryShows a custom CAD generation process integrated into Workbench. The geometry can then be passed into a downstream system for simulation setup and analysis.
CustomLoadShows the dual-work of a workflow extension (to interact with Workbench) and Mechanical extension (to operate on your behalf inside Mechanical). This example could form the basis of custom external load processing.
CustomPropertyActionShows the customization of an existing property. It changes the property into a button-based, dialog box retrieval of the property value.
CustomStructuralShows a custom workflow-based analysis system (task group) that re-uses existing Mechanical-based tasks.
CustomTabShows the creation of a custom project tab in Workbench. You can set the tab control to a control provided by the UI Toolkit. For example, you can set the control to a web page viewer. The supplied IronPython script shows a custom view with HTML content.
CustomTab2Shows the creation of a custom project tab in Workbench. You can set the tab control to a control provided by the UI Toolkit. For example, you can set the control to a web page viewer. The supplied IronPython script shows the re-use of built-in and custom views in a custom pane and displays only the parameters associated with the edited task. Each task has its own custom tab. Switching between tabs shows unique data loaded for each task tab.
CustomTransferShows the transfer of data between two custom tasks using custom input and output data types.
DataSquaresShows a simple data-integrated external processor as a custom task group having one task.
DemonstrationSovlerShows a custom solver integrated using ACT. It also shows how to use an upstream custom task to provide custom data over ACT's general transfer mechanism. A toolbar button inside Mechanical displays the custom data retrieved from the upstream task.
DictionaryShows dictionary use for a task property.
DynamicContextMenusShows the creation, registration, and filtering of dynamic custom context menus on a custom task.
DynamicParametersShows how to dynamically create parameters from a context menu exposed from a task.
EmbeddedEXEShows how to embed an external application inside a Workbench pane.
EventsShows framework event processing inside an empty extension.
GenericMeshTransferShows a custom workflow that passes an upstream mesh to a downstream consumer. This could be a mesh-morphing integration.
GenericTransferShows the use of ACT's generic transfer capability between two custom components. It uses the TransferData data store from which to push and pull data.
ImportedLoadShows an imported load being read from external files into an ACT task and fed into a Mechanical-based analysis Setup task. The behavior leverages external data-like behavior and relies on one of the already-supported external load types for boundary conditions. For custom types, see the CustomLoad template.
InputGroupsShows consuming from more than one type of source. The custom task can consume from a Mechanical-based Solution cell and a Fluent-based Solution cell.
LicenseCheckShows Ansys license API invocation from a toolbar button.
ObjectTestShows how you can use custom classes as property types on tasks. ACT relies on serialization support to persist property values. At the same time, Workbench relies on spec-based metadata to properly save its projects. Combining the two requires a little coding finesse and the need to use C# to describe the custom class definition. This is an advanced example to be used only in projects that must use custom property types.
ParametersShows the Workbench integration of a custom optimizer via a parametric task group.
PasswordPropertyShows the customization of an existing property. You change the property into a button-based, dialog setting/retrieval of the property value to display a masked password task propertyS=.
ProgressShows progress monitor API interaction to display messages during updates to Workbench's Progress pane.
ProjectPrunerShows a toolbar button that allows users to select "keep" systems and delete all remaining in the project.
PropertiesShows task-based property manipulation for selection-based properties.
PythonModulesShows a Python module-only load to access custom modules from the console or script.
QuantityShow all possible declarations for task-defined quantity-based properties.
RSTProcessorShows a custom task that consumes from an upstream Ansys analysis solution task. Possible uses include custom postprocessing of the results from the generated RST file.
SaveAsHandlerShows how to detect "save-as" events inside Workbench.
SDKWrapperShows the wrapping of an SDK integration with an ACT extension for distribution.
SquaresShows a simple external-connection-like integration of a parameters-only process-oriented task group.
TaskColonizerShows custom task background color selection via a custom context menu. The menu appears when your right-click any task in the Workbench Project Schematic. Color data is stored within the extension.
TaskGroupShows the most basic workflow implementation. The single-task task group has one callback (update), no properties, and no connections.
ToolBarShows custom Workbench toolbar buttons. Workbench does not support toolbar captioning. A no-operation, empty entry is used to display a caption.