Static Structural


Physical Properties

*Density, f(T,F,C,U)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T,F,U) ()
Orthotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C, U)
Isotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C, U)
Isotropic Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T)
Orthotropic Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T)
Melting Temperature

Stress-Strain Relationships

*Isotropic Elasticity (Field Variables), f(T,F,U)
Orthotropic Elasticity (Field Variables), f(T,F,U)
Anisotropic Elasticity ()


Damping Factor (α) (Transient Structural only)
Damping Factor (β) (Transient Structural only)
Constant Damping Coefficient (Transient Structural only)


General Isotropic Hardening

General Kinematic Hardening

Rate-Dependent Plasticity

Rate-Independent Plasticity

Gurson Model, f(T) ( )
Hill Yield, f(T, C, H, D, U).


Strain-Life Parameters
S-N Curve
Linear S-N Curve
Bilinear S-N Curve


Stress Tool

Tensile Yield Strength
Compressive Yield Strength
Tensile Ultimate Strength
Compressive Ultimate Strength

Implicit Creep Equations

Strain Hardening, f(T)
Time Hardening, f(T)
Generalized Exponential, f(T)
Generalized Graham, f(T)
Generalized Blackburn, f(T)
Modified Time Hardening, f(T)
Modified Strain Hardening, f(T)
Generalized Garofalo, f(T)
Exponential form, f(T)
Norton, f(T)
Combined Time Hardening, f(T)
Rational polynomial, f(T)
Generalized Time Hardening, f(T)

Material Strength Limits

Note:  Material strength limits can be saved into a material library and they will be written to the Mechanical APDL solver. However, these items cannot be post-processed in Mechanical.

Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)


Material Damage

Cohesive Zone

Fracture Criteria

Crack Growth Laws

The following material models provide the necessary crack growth laws for fatigue crack growth analyses performed using the SMART Method for Crack-Growth Simulation. Only one material model can be specified for fatigue crack growth in a model.

Paris' Law, f(T) and/or f(R)
Tabular Fatigue Law, f(T) and/or f(R)
The material models listed below cannot be used with crack-closure functions:
Forman Equation, f(T)
Walker Equation, f(T)
NASGRO Equation V3, f(T)
NASGRO Equation V4, f(T)

(★) Refers to the corresponding Engineering Data Help page.