3.3. SMART Method for Crack-Growth Simulation

Use Separating, Morphing, Adaptive and Remeshing Technology (SMART) to simulate both static and fatigue crack-growth in engineering structures.

SMART updates the mesh from crack-geometry changes due to crack-growth automatically at each solution step. Mesh updates occur around the crack-front region only and are integrated into the Mechanical APDL solver without exiting and reentering the solver, resulting in a computationally efficient solution of the crack-growth problem.

Crack-growth mechanics include various fracture criteria for static crack-growth and fatigue crack-growth.

SMART supports distributed-memory parallel processing.

Primary analysis characteristics:

Loading considerations:

  • For static crack-growth analysis, enable automatic time-stepping (AUTOTS,ON) to ensure better results accuracy.

  • For fatigue crack-growth analysis, use stepped loading (KBC,1).

    When tabular and nontabular loads are present in the same analysis, the nontabular loads are ramped or stepped according to the KBC setting, and the tabular loads are evaluated according to the specified tabular functions (regardless of the KBC setting).

Also see SMART Method for Crack-Initiation Simulation and Adaptive Crack-Initiation and -Propagation in the Technology Showcase: Example Problems.

3.3.1. Understanding a SMART Crack-Growth Simulation

A SMART crack-growth simulation is assumed to be quasi-static. You can use the SMART crack-growth method to perform a static or fatigue crack-growth simulation.

For more information, see Example: Fatigue Crack-Growth Analysis Using SMART. Creating a Finite Element Model with an Initial Crack

Standard nonlinear finite element solution procedures apply for creating a crack model with proper solution-control settings, loadings and boundary conditions.

SMART uses higher-order tetrahedral element SOLID187, and the finite element model must be meshed with that element.

To create a finite element model with an initial crack, you can use Ansys Workbench, Ansys Mechanical, Mechanical APDL, or any third-party meshing tools that work with Mechanical APDL.

Fracture mechanics deals with cracks (defects), and a singularity always exists around the crack tip/front. The crack-tip/-front mesh is therefore of utmost importance in a crack analysis, as stress-analysis and fracture-parameters calculation accuracy depend on the crack mesh. Size and shape differences in the elements ahead of and behind the crack tip/front affect the accuracy of the fracture-parameters calculation, and therefore the crack-growth simulation.

For more information, see Understanding How Fracture-Mechanics Problems Are Solved and Fracture-Parameter Calculation Process. Defining the Fracture-Parameter Calculation Set

The SMART crack-growth method uses either J-integral or stress-intensity factors (SIFS) as the fracture parameter (driving force) and the criteria for crack-growth calculation.

For each crack, only one fracture parameter can be specified. The parameter must be consistent with the specified crack-growth criterion (CGROW,FCOPTION).

The CINT command initiates the fracture-parameter calculation and specifies options for the calculation.

  1. Define the crack-calculation set:


    where SETNUMBER is an integer value indicating the fracture-parameter set ID, used to identify the fracture parameter for the crack-growth criterion.

  2. Calculate the fracture parameter:


    where FractureParameter is JINT (J-integral) or SIFS (stress-intensity factors).

  3. Specify the crack-front node component (CTNC) or crack-extension node component (CENC) (CINT).

    If specifying CINT,CTNC, also define the crack-plane normal (CINT,NORM).

  4. Specify the number of contours for fracture-parameter calculation:


  5. Specify the nodal components for the nodes on the crack surfaces:


    where Par1 and Par2 are the node-component names for the nodes on the two crack surfaces, respectively. Defining the Fracture Criterion

SMART supports static and fatigue crack-growth analyses:

For each crack, only one fracture criterion can be specified. The criterion parameter must be consistent with the defined fracture-parameter calculation (CINT).

For fatigue crack-growth analysis, you can include a crack-closure effect (with certain crack-growth criteria).

If using J-integral as a fracture parameter, the crack is assumed to grow along the initial direction. It is therefore suited for Mode I crack-growth only. Static Crack-Growth Criterion

For static crack-growth simulation, SMART supports the stress-intensity factors (SIFS) and J-integral fracture criteria. Specify a fracture criterion and provide the corresponding fracture-criterion value:


where Par1 is the fracture criterion type (KIC or JIC), and Par2 is the critical value of the corresponding fracture parameter.

To define a temperature-dependent and/or time-dependent fracture criterion instead:

  1. Activate the crack-growth material table with the desired fracture criterion option (TB,CGCR,,,,KIC or JIC).

  2. Specify the desired field variables (TBFIELD,TEMP and/or TBFIELD,TIME).

  3. Specify static crack-growth analysis options (CGROW,FCOPTION).



TBDATA,1,KIC1 (or JIC1 )



TBDATA,1,KICn (or JICn )


where Valuei is the respective field value, MAT_ID is the material ID for the material data table, and CONTOUR is the fracture-parameter contour to use for fracture evaluation (default = 2). Fatigue Crack-Growth Criterion

The TB and CGROW commands define a fatigue crack-growth criterion.

Crack-growth criterion options are available for Paris' Law (PARIS), Walker equation (WALK), Forman equation (FORM), tabular fatigue law (TFDK), NASGRO equation v. 3 (NG03), and NASGRO equation v. 4 (NG04):


where Option = PARIS / WALK / FORM / TFDK / NG03 / NG04

The fatigue crack-growth law constants can be temperature-dependent (TBTEMP or TBFIELD,TEMP). The Paris’ Law (Option = PARIS) and tabular fatigue law (Option = TFDK) criteria also support stress-ratio-dependent data (TBFIELD,SRAT).

You can include a crack-closure effect for crack-growth criterion based on Paris’ law (Option = PARIS) and tabular fatigue law (Option = TFDK). Options are available for the Elber (ELBER), Schijve (SCHIJVE), Newman (NEWMAN), and polynomial (UPOLY) crack-closure functions:



Specify the crack-growth analysis option:


where MAT_ID is the material ID for the material data table and CONTOUR is the fracture-parameter contour to use for fracture evaluation.

If using J-integral as a fracture parameter, Mechanical APDL converts the calculated J-integral to a stress-intensity factor (using a plane-strain assumption) for the crack-growth calculation.

If the data related to the crack-growth criterion depends on stress-ratio (TBFIELD,SRAT), the crack-closure model is ignored for the calculations. Defining the Methods for Equivalent SIF and Kink Angle Calculations

SMART supports the following options for the calculations of equivalent stress-intensity factor and kink angle. These options are valid only when stress-intensity factors (SIFS) are specified for fracture-parameter calculations by issuing CINT,TYPE,SIFS. Note that any negative value of (mode-I stress-intensity factor) is non-physical and is treated as zero for the calculations.

  1. Maximum tangential stress (MTS) criterion

    According to the MTS criterion, a crack tends to extend to a radial direction corresponding to the maximum tangential stress (Figure 3.8: Stress near crack-tip in polar coordinates) on a finite circle around the crack-tip [1].

    Figure 3.8: Stress near crack-tip in polar coordinates

    Stress near crack-tip in polar coordinates

    The tangential stress () near a crack-tip is given by:

    where and are the stress-intensity factors for mode-I and mode-II, respectively.

    The kink angle (in rad) corresponding to the maximum is given by:

    The equivalent stress-intensity factor is determined as:

    Specify the MTS option for equivalent SIF and kink angle by issuing these commands:


    The MTS formulation is the default option.

  2. Richard approximation functions

    Richard et al. [2] proposed approximation functions to evaluate the equivalent SIF and kink angle in a mixed-mode (I + II + III) fracture situation:

    With the following parameter values (default), these functions are in close agreement with the -criterion by Schollmann et al. [3]:

    = 1.155, = 1.0
    = 140°, = -70°

    The -criterion assumes that the crack grows perpendicular to the maximum principal stress , which is a function of the near-crack-tip stresses , , and [3]. Check the reference for more details.

    Specify the Richard functions for equivalent SIF and kink angle via the following commands:


    Note that since the parameters are customizable, you can specify values other than the default, as needed.

  3. Pook criterion

    For a mixed-mode fracture, the equivalent stress-intensity factor is evaluated as follows according to the Pook criterion [4]. The equivalent SIF (I + II) is calculated first, based on the formulation of MTS criterion. The kink angle is the same as in the MTS criterion.

    The equivalent SIF (I + II + III) is then determined as:

    where is Poisson’s ratio.

    Specify the Pook criterion for equivalent SIF and kink angle via the following commands:


  4. Empirical function

    You can define define an empirical function for equivalent SIF based on customizable parameters and .

    The empirical formulation can be combined with any of the available options (MTS / RICHARD) for the kink angle calculation. Specify the empirical function for equivalent SIF and kink angle via the following commands:


The following references are cited:

  1. Erdogan, F. and G. C. Sih. On the Crack Extension in Plates under Plane Loading and Transverse Shear. ASME Journal of Basic Engineering. 85: 519-527 (1963).

  2. Richard, H.A., Eberlein, A. and Kullmer, G. Concepts and experimental results for stable and unstable crack growth under 3D-mixed-mode-loadings. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 174:10-20 (2017).

  3. Schöllmann, M., Richard, H.A., Kullmer, G. and Fulland, M. A new criterion for the prediction of crack development in multiaxially loaded structures. International Journal of Fracture. 117:129-141 (2002).

  4. Pook, L.P. Comments on fatigue crack growth under mixed modes I and III and pure mode III loading. Multiaxial fatigue. Eds. Miller, K.J. and Brown,M.W. ASTM International, 1985. Applying Boundary Conditions and Loading

When a crack begins to grow, a new mesh is generated. To correctly predict crack-growth behavior, any external loading associated with the remeshing volume must be mapped to the new meshes from the old meshes. Boundary conditions not in the remeshing volume are maintained as initially defined.

Note:  Unless otherwise specified, any reference to boundary conditions assumes that they are associated with the remeshing volume. To obtain a correct solution, therefore, ensure that they are properly applied.

You can use nodes or element components to define initial boundary conditions; however, Mechanical APDL does not maintain them after remeshing. It is therefore best to avoid using those components for any purpose (such as applying new boundary conditions at later load steps) after crack-growth has begun. Displacement Boundary Condition

SMART crack-growth analysis handles the following types of displacement boundary conditions:

  • Displacement boundary condition on a node

    Generally, a node with applied displacement boundary condition is treated as a hard node (that is, it remains unchanged throughout the analysis). Therefore, the applied boundary condition remains the same as the user input through the solution.

  • Constant displacement boundary condition on a face

    A constant value of a displacement boundary condition is applied to a surface in a continuous facet of element faces. The surface topology is maintained throughout the solution. If the mesh changes due to remeshing as the crack grows and the meshing topology changes, the displacement boundary condition value is carried to the new mesh from the old mesh. This method also covers the fixed boundary condition on a face.

  • Non-constant displacement boundary condition on a face

    Similar to the constant displacement boundary condition, a non-constant value or the tabular load of a displacement boundary condition is applied to a surface in a continuous facet of element faces. The surface topology is maintained throughout the solution. If the mesh changes due to remeshing as the crack grows and the meshing topology changes, the displacement boundary condition is mapped to the new mesh from the old mesh.

    A displacement boundary condition can even be applied to nodes with their nodal coordinate systems rotated in any preferred direction (specified via NROTAT, NMODIF, NANG, or NORA). The node rotations and boundary condition values are properly mapped during remeshing. Temperature Boundary Condition

When the mesh changes as a result of remeshing, the temperature boundary condition is mapped to the new mesh from the old mesh. The temperature between elements is assumed to be continuous.

Define the temperature boundary condition via TUNIF, BFUNIF, BF, or BFE. Tabular input (via *DIM and %tablename%) for the temperature boundary is also supported. Force Boundary Condition

SMART crack-growth analysis handles the following types of force boundary conditions:

  • Force boundary condition on a node

    Generally, a node with an applied force boundary condition is treated as a hard node (that is, it remains unchanged throughout the analysis). Therefore, the applied boundary condition remains the same as the user input through the solution.

  • Force boundary condition on a face

    SMART does not map any force boundary condition on a face but treats the face with the force boundary condition as a hard face (where the face and nodes remain unchanged throughout the analysis). SMART may, therefore, create additional constraints which could lead to remeshing failure. General Surface-Traction Load

SMART supports general surface-traction loading. Loads must be applied directly on element faces.

When a surface-traction load is applied to a surface (SF or SFE, with or without SFCONTROL), the surface topology is maintained throughout the analysis.

If any part of the mesh changes because of crack-growth, the surface-traction loads are mapped from the old mesh to the new mesh, and the traction-control data from the old mesh also applies to the new one.

Within the traction-load surface, Mechanical APDL assumes a continuous traction load between elements, and that each surface has the same set of control data (introduced via SFCONTROL). Normal Surface Pressure Load to New Crack Surfaces

When a crack grows, the newly formed crack surfaces may be subjected to certain external loading such as surface pressure. Apply the crack-surface pressure load to the new crack surface, as follows:


where Value is the new constant surface-pressure load to apply to the new crack surface for the current load step.

To specify a table, enclose the table name within "%" characters (%tablename%). Issue *DIM to define the table. Only one table can be specified for a crack-growth set, and time is the only primary variable supported.

CGROW,CSFL applies to both static and fatigue crack-growth simulation.

To apply stepped pressure loading in a fatigue crack-growth analysis, issue KBC,1. (The command is valid only for constant loading. For tabular loading, define a stepped load directly.) Initial Strain

When the mesh changes as a result of remeshing, the node- or element-based initial strains are mapped to the new mesh from the old mesh.

After remeshing, the existing initial strains are taken into account for the solution and for the fracture parameter calculation.

Define initial strain via this command:


Generally, node-based initial strain offers better post-mapping accuracy than does element-based initial strain.

For more information, see Initial State in the Advanced Analysis Guide. Initial Stress

When initial stresses are present, the program first converts them internally to initial strains based on the material stiffness matrix at the first substep of the first load step, then calculates the fracture parameters via the initial-strain method. The initial strains are mapped from the old mesh to the new mesh during crack-growth.

Define initial stress via this command:


For more information, see Initial State in the Advanced Analysis Guide. Crack-Surface Traction Load Derived from Initial Stress

You can specify any residual (initial) stress as mesh-independent initial-stress data, and the program can convert that data to a traction load acting on the crack surfaces. As the crack grows, the program applies the traction to the new crack surfaces. The traction is applied as a step load for all substeps.

For more information, see: Enhancing Crack Surfaces with Cohesive Zone Elements

When a crack grows, the crack surfaces can be enhanced using INTER204 3D 16-node cohesive interface elements to simulate a cohesive effect (for bonding tractions and to prevent crack-surface penetration). The cohesive elements are generated automatically during the first remeshing around the associated crack.

The process of generating the cohesive elements requires close topological matching between the upper and lower crack surfaces. Both surfaces should have the same number of vertices and edges on both sides, and each vertex/edge should have a counterpart on the opposite surface. Each pair of the topological entities should be as close as possible.

Generate INTER204 elements on a new crack surface as follows:


where the cohesive zone material model parameters are defined via TB_CZM_ID with TB,CZM,,,,BILI, TB,CZM,,,,CEXP, TB,CZM,,,,CLIN, or TB,CZM,,,,REXP.

If the parameters are not specified or are set to zero, Mechanical APDL uses linear material behavior with a penalty slope to prevent surface penetration on the cohesive interface as the default cohesive model type (TB,CZM,,,,CLIN) . The program sets reasonable CZM parameters based on the solid elements around the crack fronts/surfaces.

The penalty stiffness for CLIN is determined by:


= characteristic element length around the crack (the average element size)
= effective elastic modulus, calculated by:
where subscripts and denote upper and lower crack-surface materials, respectively.

The penalty stiffness for CLIN is evaluated at the reference temperature only. For temperature-dependent materials, define the CZM parameters (TB,CZM,,,BILI / CEXP / CLIN / REXP) to obtain an accurate result.

When TB,CZM,,,,FRIC / REXP is applied and no valid local coordinate system (LCS) ID is specified (ESYS_ID in CGROW,CSFL,CZM,MAT_ID,ESYS_ID), the program creates an internal LCS for CZM on crack surfaces. Information about this internal LCS such as (ID, locations, and orientations) is provided via echo messages. The LCS ID is assigned to the ESYS attribute of the CZM elements inserted on crack surfaces; the program calculates and displays tractions and separations in CZM elements in the element coordinate system. The LCS is crucial for maintaining consistency in CZM during remeshings.

When neither FRIC or REXP is specified, a valid ESYS_ID in the CGROW,CSFL command applies, although no internal LCS is created when ESYS_ID is invalid or unavailable.

When INTER204 elements are enhanced to a crack surface with pressure loads, Mechanical APDL accounts for the contributions from both the cohesive tractions and pressure loads during fracture-parameter calculations.

When applying predefined pressures to a crack surface, and no pressures are defined for the new open crack surface (CGROW,CSFL,PRES), a fine mesh around the original crack front is recommended. Issue CGROW,RMCO,ESIZE,Par1,COMP,Par2, where Par1 is the expected mesh size and Par2 is the node-component name of the crack front. (See CGROW,RMCO,ESIZE).

If a crack has existing cohesive zone elements on its surfaces, enable crack-surface loading (CGROW,CSFL,CZM) for the associated crack. All existing cohesive zone elements are maintained during remeshing.

If you enable crack-surface loading, Mechanical APDL detects the element type, material model, and element coordinate system for cohesive zone elements attached to the crack surfaces, then applies additional cohesive zone elements on new opened crack surfaces. (If your specified values are inconsistent with those expected by the program, a message appears and your values are not used; however, the program still applies cohesive zone surface loading to the crack surface using the values that it detects.)

For more information, see: Nonproportional Fatigue Loading

Fatigue crack-growth under nonproportional loading is a complex phenomenon and can be difficult to analyze. The varying mode mix occurring at different loading states, and the varying stress ratio , are among the challenges. SMART-based crack-growth analysis supports nonproportional loading problems via cyclic loading (CLOAD).

The following topics for nonproportional fatigue loading are available: Defining Nonproportional Cyclic Loading

When a crack is under nonproportional cyclic loading, SMART requires the history of the fracture-parameter calculations in intermediate steps of a loading cycle. A loading cycle can be introduced via CLOAD commands used in typical cyclic-loading analyses. Use CLOAD to define a loading cycle and repeat the cycle during the solution with loading tables:


After applying a loading cycle, define the total number of cycles:[1]

CLOAD,CYCNUM,100   ! Total number of cycles

CLOAD commands are valid in a SMART-based fatigue crack-growth simulation only when applying nonproportional loading (CGROW,NPLOAD).

For more information, see Cyclic-Loading Analysis in the Advanced Analysis Guide. Applying Nonproportional Crack-Growth

SMART-based fatigue crack-growth offers options for defining the crack-propagation direction under nonproportional cycle loading, and for defining effective stress-intensity factors for fatigue-life calculation: Defining the Stress-Intensity-Factor Range

The crack-growth rate is typically dependent on the stress-intensity-factor range calculated from the maximum and minimum stress-intensity factor during a loading cycle.

With nonproportional loading, different fracture-modes typically have the corresponding minimum and maximum stress-intensity-factors occurring at different loading states:

Figure 3.9: Nonproportional Loading Example

Nonproportional Loading Example

The stress-intensity-factor range drives fatigue crack-growth and must therefore be calculated from the history of a loading cycle. The following methods are available to introduce the stress ratio’s effect:

Effective stress-intensity-factor range method

The simplest method for calculating the stress-intensity-factor range is to use the difference between the maximum and minimum equivalent stress-intensity-factors at each crack-front node, determined by:


= equivalent stress-intensity-factor range at each crack-front node
= stress ratio at each crack-front node
and = minimum and maximum equivalent stress-intensity factors at each crack-front node, respectively

The effective stress-intensity-factor range at each crack-front node is defined as

If there is no crack closure effect, the closure parameter , and thus .

At the end of each loading cycle analysis, the effective stress-intensity-factor range is used in the fatigue law as:

where are the material parameters of fatigue crack-growth law.

This command introduces the effective stress-intensity-factor range method in nonproportional fatigue problems:


This method overwrites any previously defined stress ratio (CGROW,FCG,SRAT). It works with any available fatigue law.

Stress-intensity-factor range method based on mode-separation

In some mixed-mode problems, mode-separation may be required to analyze complex nonproportional fatigue crack-growth. You can specify a stress-intensity-factor range based on mode-separation. The stress-intensity-factor range is formulated from the ranges of mode-separated stress-intensity factors at each crack front node as:


and = stress-intensity-factor ranges for mode I and mode II at each crack-front node, respectively
and = maximum stress-intensity-factors for mode I and mode II at each crack-front node, respectively
and = minimum stress-intensity-factors for mode I and mode II at each crack-front node, respectively

The equivalent stress-intensity-factor range is formulated as a function of the mode-separated stress-intensity-factor ranges , , and as:


= function for the equivalent stress-intensity-factor formulation (CGROW,SOPT,KEQV).
= nonproportional crack-growth direction (CGROW,NPLOAD,DIRECTION)

At the end of each loading-cycle analysis, the equivalent stress-intensity-factor range is used in the fatigue law as:


= stress ratio that you define (CGROW,FCG,SRAT). Default = 0.
= material parameters for the fatigue crack-growth law.

This command introduces the stress-intensity-factor method based on mode-separation in nonproportional fatigue problems:


This method works with any available fatigue law.

Total effective stress-intensity-factor method

In special cases, the crack-growth rate can depend on a superposition of the minimum and maximum equivalent stress-intensity factors. You can use the summation of the maximum and minimum equivalent stress-intensity-factors at each crack front node as:


= superposed stress-intensity factor
and = minimum and maximum equivalent stress-intensity factors, respectively

At the end of each loading-cycle analysis, the superposed stress-intensity factor is used in the fatigue law as:


= stress ratio that you define (CGROW,FCG,SRAT). Default = 0.
= material parameters for the fatigue crack-growth law.

This command introduces the total effective stress-intensity-factor method in nonproportional fatigue problems:


This method works with any available fatigue law.

Total stress-intensity-factor method based on mode-separation

Also in special cases, the crack-growth rate can depend on a superposition of the minimum and maximum stress-intensity-factors. You can use the summation of the maximum and minimum mode-separated stress-intensity factors at each crack-front node as:

where and are the superposed stress-intensity factors for mode I and mode II, respectively.

The equivalent stress-intensity-factor range is formulated as a function of the superposed stress-intensity-factor ranges as:


= function for the equivalent stress-intensity-factor formulation. (CGROW,SOPT,KEQV).
= nonproportional crack-growth direction (CGROW,NPLOAD,DIRECTION).

At the end of each loading-cycle analysis, the superposed stress-intensity factor is used in the fatigue law as:


= stress ratio that you define (CGROW,FCG,SRAT). Default = 0.
= material parameters for the fatigue crack-growth law.

This command introduces the total stress-intensity-factor method based on mode-separation in nonproportional fatigue problems:


You can combine this method with your own stress-ratio input (CGROW,FCG,SRAT).[2]It works with any available any fatigue law. Defining the Crack-Growth Direction

The varying mode mixity occurring during a nonproportional loading cycle makes it difficult to predict crack-growth direction. SMART-based fatigue crack-growth offers the following methods for determining the crack-growth direction:

Maximum-load method

This method determines the angle based on the mode mix at the instant when the equivalent stress-intensity factor is maximum (). The crack-propagation direction is determined by the angle formulation, a function of the stress-intensity factors , , and at each crack-front node:

where is the function for the crack-propagation-direction angle formulation (CGROW,SOPT,KANG).

This command determines the crack-growth angle using the maximum-load method in nonproportional fatigue problems:


Minimum-load method

This method determines the angle based on the angle calculation at the instant when the equivalent stress-intensity factor is minimum (). The crack-propagation direction is determined by the angle formulation, a function of the stress-intensity factors , , and at each crack-front node:

where is the function for the crack-propagation-direction angle formulation (CGROW,SOPT,KANG).

This command determines the crack-growth angle using the minimum-load method in nonproportional fatigue problems:


Local kink-tip stress-intensity-factors method

This method uses the kink-tip stress-intensity factors:[14]


and = kink-tip stress intensity-factors at each crack-front node
= local crack angles at each crack-front node
= solution time

and the different local crack angles of and the solution time, at each crack-front node.

The kink-tip stress-intensity-factor ranged is determined via:


= nodal kink-tip stress-intensity-factor range at each crack-front node
and = kink-tip stress-intensity factors at the minimum and maximum load points at each crack-front node, respectively, where and are located in the loading cycle at each crack-front node (as shown in Figure 3.9: Nonproportional Loading Example)

Although maximization of is a good agreement with simple experimental test sets, a better approach is the maximization of a coupled function:

where is a fitting parameter controlling the weight of the function (default = 0.5). The angle at which the crack-propagation direction is determined, for which becomes the maximum, is:

This command determines the crack-growth angle using the local kink-tip stress-intensity-factor method in nonproportional fatigue problems:


Note that this option is only supported when the kink angle calculation is based on MTS criterion (CGROW,SOPT,KANG,MTS). Spectrum Fatigue Loading

Fatigue crack growth under spectrum loading is a common occurrence, and structures operating under mission conditions are typically subjected to complex spectrum loading. It is crucial to simulate such scenarios accurately to predict fatigue life. To simplify spectrum loading, cycle-counting techniques (such as rainflow counting, range-pair counting, and racetrack counting) are often used.

This figure illustrates loading in one pass (primary cycle) of a complex spectrum and its simplification via some cycle-counting method:

Figure 3.10: Original Loading History (a) and Alternating Loading After Applying Cycle-Counting (b)

Original Loading History (a) and Alternating Loading After Applying Cycle-Counting (b)

You can use the SMART method to analyze fatigue crack growth for a given spectrum loading. SMART requires simplified spectrum loading (shown by (b) in the figure) as input. SMART does not perform any conversion of a complex load-time history data to a simplified spectrum.

The following topics offer detailed usage information for spectrum fatigue loading: Defining Spectrum Cyclic Loading

When a crack model is subjected to cyclic loading containing several subcycles (shown by (b) in the figure), SMART calculates the fracture parameters at each time point of a subcycle. A complete spectrum loading (primary cycle) consisting of multiple subcycles can be introduced via a set of CLOAD commands for a multicycle analysis. (For more information, see Cyclic-Loading Analysis in the Advanced Analysis Guide.)

Example 3.3: Defining a Cyclic-Loading Table for SMART

*DIM,_cycload1,TABLE,4 ,2

The method can apply to proportional or nonproportional loading scenarios.

For proportional loading, the cyclic-loading table must contain the information for the maximum load and the number of cycles for every subcycle.

The zeroth, first, and second dimensions specify the time, load and number of cycles, respectively, for every subcycle in a primary cycle.

To define a proportional loading, every subcycle has two entries in the zeroth and first dimensions of the table. The first entry marks zero time and zero load. The second time entry specifies the time period for each subcycle. The second load entry marks the maximum load in the subcycle. The number of cycles for each subcycle is marked in the second dimension of the table.

Example 3.4: Specifying a Proportional Cyclic-Loading Table for SMART

CLOAD,MSUB,2          ! 2 subcycles

! Time values
_cycload1(1,0) = 0.   ! time must start at 0
_cycload1(2,0) = t1
_cycload1(3,0) = 0    ! time must start at 0 for every subcycle
_cycload1(4,0) = t2
! Load values
_cycload1(1,1) = 0.   
_cycload1(2,1) = p1   ! first proportional load value
_cycload1(3,1) = 0
_cycload1(4,1) = p2   ! second proportional load value
! Number of cycles
_cycload1(1,2) = n1   ! number of cycles of the first load
_cycload1(3,2) = n2   ! number of cycles of the second load

Although every subcycle has two entries, the analysis is performed only at the time-point with the load value for each subcycle.

Even though the subcycles have cycle numbers of n1 and n2 in the example above, the simulation does not repeat for n1 and n2 cycles. Instead, each subcycle simulation is completed with a single subcycle solution. This is because the SMART crack growth method is restricted to static linear elasticity to reduce computational costs. However, CLOAD is designed to repeat the cycles in non-linear models. Therefore, the solution steps for CLOAD with and without the SMART crack growth method might differ at the end of the simulation.

The default stress ratio for each subcycle is zero. Any non-zero stress ratio for the subcycles can be specified (CGROW,FCG,SRAT,%_tab_srat%). The time-dependent table _tab_srat contains the stress-ratio information for the complete primary cycle.

Example 3.5: Specifying the Stress Ratio for the SMART Proportional Cyclic-Loading Table

! Time values
_tab_srat (1,0) = 0.   
_tab_srat (2,0) = t1
_tab_srat (3,0) = t1+t2 

! Stress ratio values
_tab_srat (1,1) = 0.   
_tab_srat (2,1) = R1  ! stress ratio for first subcycle
_tab_srat (3,1) = R2  ! stress ratio for second subcycle 

! CGROW command for stress ratio

For multicycle cyclic loading (CLOAD,MSUB,n) where only single loading applies in each subcycle, the program activates proportional loading automatically.

Similarly, the spectrum cyclic-loading method can be used for nonproportional loading. In this case, the analysis of each subcycle involves solutions at more than one load value. Every subcycle must have the same loads at the start and end time points. If ramped loads exists between subcycles, add them by setting the subcycle number to -1.

Example 3.6: Specifying a SMART Nonproportional Cyclic-Loading Table

*DIM,_cycload1,TABLE,10 ,2


! Time values
_cycload1(1,0) = 0.   ! time must start at 0
_cycload1(2,0) = t11
_cycload1(3,0) = t12
_cycload1(4,0) = 0.   ! time must start at 0 for every subcycle
_cycload1(5,0) = t21
_cycload1(6,0) = 0    ! time must start at 0 for every subcycle
_cycload1(7,0) = t31
_cycload1(8,0) = t32
_cycload1(9,0) = 0.   ! time must start at 0 for every subcycle
_cycload1(10,0) = t41

! Load values
_cycload1(1,1) = 0 
_cycload1(2,1) = p11   ! first subcycle load value   
_cycload1(3,1) = 0      
_cycload1(4,1) = 0     ! ramped load begins 
_cycload1(5,1) = p21   ! ramped load ends 
_cycload1(6,1) = p31   ! second subcycle load value, p31=p21
_cycload1(7,1) = p32   ! second subcycle load value
_cycload1(8,1) = p33   ! second subcycle load value, p33=p31
_cycload1(9,1) = p41   ! ramped load begins, p41=p33
_cycload1(10,1) = 0    ! ramped load ends       

! Number of cycles
_cycload1(1,2) = n1   ! number of cycles of the first load
_cycload1(4,2) = -1   ! ramped load, ignored in SMART
_cycload1(6,2) = n2   ! number of cycles of the second load
_cycload1(9,2) = -1   ! ramped load, ignored in SMART

Ramped loads are not included in the fatigue calculation for spectrum loading.

Options are available for specifying nonproportional-loading and crack-growth direction (CGROW,NPLOAD). If not specified, the program uses the default options.

For multicycle cyclic loading (CLOAD,MSUB,n) where more than single loadings exist in the subcycles (not counting ramped loads), the program activates nonproportional loading automatically. Applying Spectrum Loading in a SMART Crack-Growth Analysis

In SMART spectrum loading, individual cycles are not repeated in the subcycles in order to reduce computational cost. Instead, the program calculates damage accumulation from cyclic fatigue loading in each subcycle using the Palmgren-Miner linear damage rule:


= index of a crack-front node
= nodal damage from all of the subcycles of one primary cycle
= number of subcycles
= repeat number of an individual cycle for the ith subcycle

At the end of each subcycle, is calculated at each crack-front node (via a proportional or nonproportional solution) using the specified fatigue law. represents the number of cycles of the ith subcycle required to cause damage of unit crack extension:

After is evaluated via the Palmgren-Miner rule, the number of primary cycles (where one primary cycle is shown by (b) in the figure) required to propagate the crack by units is determined by:

The crack increment at the crack-front is determined for the cycle increment via the crack-growth law:

The default method for obtaining the crack kink angle at a node at the end of each primary cycle involves calculating a weighted average of the kink angles from each individual subcycle (CGROW,SOPT,SPLO,WEIG):

Another approach for specifying the kinking angle in crack propagation involves using the kink angle from the dominant step, where the maximum damage is created (CGROW,SOPT,SPLO,DMAX):

Similarly, the average stress ratio for a primary cycle is calculated as a weighted average of stress ratios of every individual subcycle:

The average stress-intensity-factor range at a crack-front node for each primary cycle can be obtained via a Newton-Raphson iteration of specified fatigue law function (Paris’ Law, Walker Equation, Forman Equation, NASGRO Equation). The average quantities and should satisfy the fatigue law as:

where are the fatigue law parameters.

The following output quantities are available (PRCINT or *GET) at the end of each primary cycle of spectrum loading:

DLTKAverage stress-intensity-factor range
RAverage stress ratio
DLTNPrimary cycle increment number
DLTACrack-growth increment

Fracture parameter values (such as , , and ) are accessible at each solution substep (via PRCINT or *GET). The crack-growth solution (DLTK, R, DLTN, DLTA and KANG) for each primary cycle are available at the substep corresponding to the last time-point of that primary cycle. Crack-Growth with Mesh-Coarsening

When a crack begins to grow, SMART refines the mesh around the new crack front for better accuracy to accommodate the singularity of the crack tip. Without suitable coarsening of the mesh behind the crack front, the mesh around the crack front may be excessively fine.

Figure 3.11: Excessively Fine Mesh Around a Crack Front

Excessively Fine Mesh Around a Crack Front

In such cases, three mesh-coarsening options (specified via CGROW) are available:

  • Conservative (default) – Provides the least mesh-coarsening, resulting in a larger number of nodes and elements after a substantial amount of crack-growth. This option generally offers the best remeshing success rate.

  • Moderate – Performs a moderate reduction in the number of nodes and elements, and offers a good remeshing success rate.

  • Aggressive – Quickly coarsens the mesh in the region behind crack front, offering the largest reduction in the number of nodes and elements after a substantial amount of crack-growth. This option is the most likely one to cause remeshing failure.


When multiple cracks exist, the specified mesh-coarsening option applies to the last identified crack. Crack-Growth Dynamic Crack-Increment Control

When a crack begins to grow, SMART uses the mesh around the crack front to determine the crack-increment size for the robustness and accuracy of the crack-growth analysis.

If your model has a relatively small crack (and a correspondingly fine mesh) at the start of the solution, SMART may require a very small crack increment. Using that initial crack-growth increment throughout the analysis, however, can result in an excessive number of crack-growth increments and solution steps. As the crack propagates during the solution process, a very small crack-growth increment may become unnecessary and a larger increment may be more desirable.

Conversely, suppose that a crack front approaches a critical regime (such as a boundary or interface), requiring a finer mesh around the crack front for the sake of parameter-calculation accuracy. In that case, a smaller crack-growth increment may again be necessary.

For such scenarios, two command options (specified via CGROW) are available for controlling the crack-increment size:

  • Direct element-size control

    This command controls the reference-element size (ESIZE) that SMART uses to determine the crack-growth increment at each solution step:


    The command offers a static crack-increment size with a constant value, or a dynamic crack-increment size as a function of solution time with a table data. Only one table can be specified for a crack-growth set, and time is the only valid primary variable.

  • Crack-growth increment-multiplier control

    Use this method to adjust the crack-increment control parameter , where . ( is the reference-element size at the initial crack front.) By default, the crack increment is proportional to the reference-element size ESIZE at the substep.

    Issue this command to control the crack increment:


    The command's crack-front element-size multiplier controls this function:

The control method can be a function of the solution time, accumulated maximum crack extension, or number of remeshings:

  • Solution timeCGROW,RMCONT,CMULT,TIME,Value ,Value ,Value

    The control parameter is a function of the solution time: , where are the input value of the solution time at the beginning, the current time, the input value of the time at the end, and the user input for the maximum value of the multiplier, respectively.

  • Crack lengthCGROW,RMCONT,CMULT,CEMX,Value ,Value ,Value

    The control parameter is a function of the accumulated maximum crack extension: , where are the input value of the crack length at the beginning, the current crack length, the input value of crack length at the end, and the user input for the maximum value of the multiplier, respectively.

  • Number of remeshingsCGROW,RMCONT,CMULT,RMNU,Value ,Value , Value

    The control parameter is a function of the number of remeshings: , where are the input value of number of the remeshing number at the beginning, the current remeshing number, the input value of number of the remeshing number at the end, and the user input for the maximum value of the multiplier, respectively.

If the maximum multiplier value > 1, the crack increments increase; if < 1, the crack increments decrease. If the current variable < beginning variable of the function, Mechanical APDL uses 1; if the current variable > end variable of the function, the program uses the maximum multiplier value:

If the input is tabular data (CGROW,RMCONT,CMULT, TABLE,%tablename%), the table containing the data controls the parameter directly. You can specify one table per crack-growth set, and time is the only valid primary variable. Crack-Growth Element-Size Control in the Remeshing Zone

Accurate parameter calculation in a SMART crack-growth simulation requires a sufficiently fine mesh around the crack front.

Because a very fine mesh for the entire remeshing zone leads is computationally expensive, SMART remeshing uses a fine mesh around the crack front and a coarse mesh in the far field. This approach can, however, lead to accuracy loss in special zones such as boundaries, interfaces, voids, and holes. If your model has such areas where the mesh must be conserved or controlled, options (specified via CGROW,RMCONT,ESIZE) are available to control the element size in the remeshing zone:

  • Component-based element-size control

    To control the reference element size by introducing a component that you have specified for SMART crack-growth analysis, issue this command:


    The command offers a constant element size with a constant value or a dynamic element-size control as a function of solution time using tabular data. Time is the only valid primary variable for the table. The component can be an element or a node component. Although remeshing does not maintain the component node or element numbers, SMART uses the locations after the first remeshing. If Value is not specified or is zero, the averaged element size is used. If the command is issued for the same component more than once, SMART uses the last element size.

  • Element-based element-size control

    To control the reference element size by introducing an element number in the initial mesh that you have specified for SMART crack-growth analysis, issue this command:


    The command offers a constant element size with either a constant value or a dynamic element-size control as a function of solution time using tabular data. Time is the only valid primary variable for the table. Although remeshing does not maintain the element numbers, SMART uses the location after the first remeshing. If Value is not specified or is zero, the averaged element size is used. If the command is issued for the same element more than once, SMART uses the smallest element size.

  • Node-based element-size control

    To control the reference element size by introducing a node number in the initial mesh that you have specified for SMART crack-growth analysis, issue this command:


    The command offers a constant element size with either a constant value or a dynamic element-size control as a function of solution time using tabular data. Time is the only valid primary variable for the table. Although remeshing does not maintain the node numbers, SMART uses the location after the first remeshing. If Value is not specified or is zero, the averaged element size is used. If the command is issued for the same node more than once, SMART uses the smallest element size.

Figure 3.12: Element-Size Control to Avoid Coarsening on the Boundary

Element-Size Control to Avoid Coarsening on the Boundary Specifying the Crack-Growth Increments in a Step

Fracture mechanics deals with cracks (defects), and a singularity always exists around a crack front. The finite element solution therefore always depends on the element sizes, especially around the crack front. To ensure consistent results throughout the crack-growth process, maintain a reasonable crack-front element size and crack-growth increment. The crack-growth increments are usually of the order of the average element size at the crack front.

You can specify the maximum crack-growth increment (damax) as an absolute value or a multiple of the reference-element size (ESIZE) at the crack front: damax = m * ESIZE (Default: m = 1.5)

The minimum crack-growth (damin) is specified in a similar way. (Default: damin = 0). To explore options for specifying damin and damax, see CGROW,SOPT.

You can also control ESIZE at the crack front as the crack grows via CGROW,RMCONT,CMULT and CGROW,RMCONT,ESIZE.

The crack-growth calculation occurs in the solution phase after stress calculation. The fracture parameter is calculated first, followed by the crack extension according to the crack-growth method:

  • If using the fatigue crack-growth life-cycle (LC) method:


    The crack-growth rates are first evaluated at all crack-front nodes according to the specified crack-growth law. Crack-growth rate at node i:

    where is the stress-intensity factor, is the stress ratio, and is the temperature.

    The at the node with the maximum crack-growth rate is set equal to :

    The cycle increment is calculated as:

    The at the remaining nodes is determined by:

  • If using the fatigue crack-growth cycle-by-cycle (CBC) method:


    For this method, is a user-specified cycle increment.

    The preliminary at the crack-front nodes is calculated for the cycle increment using the crack-growth law:

    If the maximum increment exceeds the maximum-limit , the program scales the and values down by a factor of 1/n so that the new maximum is < . Here, is a natural number.

    If the preliminary is < , the program scales the and values up by a factor of so that the new maximum is closer to .

    Scaling up or down does not alter the crack-growth rate at any crack-front node.

  • If using static crack-growth:

    If the maximum equivalent stress-intensity factor at the crack front is greater than the specified criterion, the crack is set to grow. The node with the maximum is assigned with a crack extension equal to the specified maximum limit .

    Crack increments at other nodes are evaluated as:

To specify the maximum crack-growth increment (damax):


If Option = ABSO (default):
If Option = MULT:


For mesh-coarsening (CGROW,RMCONT,COARSE), the default option (CONS) allows a maximum value of up to . For the moderate (MODE) and aggressive (AGGR) options, can be extended up to .

To specify the minimum crack-extension increment (damin):


If Option1 = ABSO (default):
If Option1 = MULT:

If Option2 = 0 (default): Sets the crack extensions below as .
If Option2 = 1: Sets the crack extensions below as .


By default, the program sets any crack extension < to . To change the default setting, specify a non-zero value. Valid values are between 0 and .

When the fracture criterion is reached for the specified crack-growth type, the program determines the crack-growth increment and generates the new crack surfaces.

For an analysis involving multiple cracks, you can set different and limits for individual cracks.

For a fatigue crack-growth analysis for multiple cracks, the program maintains the cycle increment at a substep for all cracks (CGROW,SOPT,SCN) by default. The program selects such that values at all cracks are within their respective limits. Crack-extension at a node is determined via:

For a static crack-growth analysis involving multiple cracks, the crack node with the maximum stress-intensity factor (among all cracks) is identified. Crack extension at that node, at crack j for example, is assigned the corresponding value (that is, ). Crack extensions at other nodes related to any crack are determined as:

To control how the program handles small crack extensions at any crack, use the options (CGROW,SOPT,DAMN).

3.3.2. Performing the SMART Crack-Growth Calculation

SMART supports static or fatigue crack-growth analyses:

The CGROW command defines all necessary crack-growth-calculation parameters. Static Crack-Growth Calculation

  1. Define a set number for this crack-growth calculation:


  2. Specify the crack-calculation ID (created when you defined the fracture-parameter calculation set) to use as the fracture criterion:


  3. Set the crack-growth method to SMART:


  4. Specify the fracture criterion:

    CGROW,FCOPTION,Par1,Par2 when the fracture parameter is only a constant,

    or, when fracture parameters are more than just a constant,



  5. Set the crack-growth time-stepping controls:



  6. Specify maximum and minimum crack-growth increments in a step:



  7. Stop the crack analysis as needed:


    The command stops the analysis when the crack extension for any crack-front node reaches the maximum value specified.

    This command stops the analysis when the crack extension reaches free boundary:


    This command stops the analysis when the maximum equivalent stress-intensity factor at the crack front exceeds the specified limit:


Large Time Steps and Fracture Parameters  —  A crack-growth condition is based on whether the fracture criterion is met along the crack-front nodes; therefore, a large time step may result in significant over-prediction of the fracture parameters (and therefore the load-carrying capacity of the structures). A large time step can also cause over-prediction in the solution when crack-growth becomes unstable. In both cases, try using a small minimum time DTMIN. Fatigue Crack-Growth Calculation

  1. Define a set number for this crack-growth calculation:


  2. Specify the crack-calculation ID (created when you defined the fracture-parameter calculation set) to use as the fracture criterion:


  3. Set the crack-growth method to SMART:


  4. Specify either the life-cycle (LC) or cycle-by-cycle (CBC) method for the fatigue crack-growth calculation:


    If using the CBC method, also specify the cycle increment to use in a calculation step:


  5. Specify the fatigue crack-growth model and parameters:



  6. Specify the stress ratio:


  7. Specify maximum and minimum crack increments in a step:



  8. Specify maximum and minimum crack increment in a step:



  9. Stop the crack analysis as needed:


    The command stops the analysis when the crack extension for any crack-front node reaches the maximum value specified.

    This command stops the analysis when the crack extension reaches free boundary:


    This command stops the analysis when the maximum equivalent stress-intensity factor at the crack front exceeds the specified limit:


  10. If multiple cracks are defined, specify the type of load cycles:

    A single cycle count for multiple cracks (default) –


    A separate cycle count for each crack –


    This option is available only in cases where a separate loading is applied to each crack.

  11. Specify the threshold stress-intensity-factor range:


    If the last parameter is unspecified (default), the program ensures zero crack extension at any crack-front node where the equivalent stress-intensity-factor range (ΔK) is below the threshold (VALUE). This setting allows partial growth to occur at the crack front.

    If the last parameter is MIN, MAX, or AVER, the program enforces zero crack extension for the entire crack front when the minimum/maximum/average ΔK at the crack front is below the threshold (VALUE). If the criterion is satisfied, crack-growth is arrested completely even though ΔK at some nodes may exceed the threshold. This setting does not allow partial growth to occur.

    Do not issue this command when crack-growth is based on the NASGRO equation (v. 3 or v. 4). The equation incorporates the threshold stress-intensity-factor range inherently.

Also see Example: Fatigue Crack-Growth Analysis Using SMART.

3.3.3. SMART Crack-Growth Assumptions and Limitations

  • SMART supports 3D crack-growth only.

  • SMART is used with SOLID187 only.

  • The SMART method requires CINT results at all substeps (OUTRES,CINT,ALL).

  • Ramped loading (KBC,0) is not valid for SMART fatigue crack-growth analysis. The program forces stepped loading (KBC,1).

  • Nodes and elements components are not always maintained after the remeshing process, unless you set the component's update key option (CM,,,,KOPT) to active (CM,,,,1). It is important to note that this option is applicable only to solid element components and surface node components. If a new component is created (or an existing one is redefined) after remeshing, the current mesh numbering must be used, regardless of how element components are updated (KOPT on the CM command). To ensure the current mesh numbering is used, create a component at the beginning of the solution and set KOPT = 1 (See CM and CMBLOCK commands.)

  • Overlapping between multiple surface node components can cause re-meshing failure. Crack-surface node components (defined using CINT,SURF) are automatically updated during definition, so it is important to ensure that there is no overlap when defining multiple surface node components, especially between the surface components and the crack-surface components.

  • Material behavior is assumed to be linear elastic isotropic, with only one material in the crack-growth domain.

  • Plasticity effects and nonlinear geometry effects are not considered.

  • When the crack grows to the point of breaking the structural component apart, all solution results are set to zero and no crack-front information is reported.

  • SMART supports bonded, no-separation, frictionless, rough, and frictional contact options with CONTA174 and TARGE170 when they remain outside the remeshing zone during the simulation. (SMART does not support any contact element inside the remeshing zone.)

  • Due to the renumbering of elements and nodes in the remeshing zone, SMART crack-growth simulation does not support tabular loads defined via table parameters having ELEM and/or NODE as primary variables.

  • SMART crack-growth simulation supports tabular loads, including those where ELEM and/or NODE are primary variables for temperature, displacement, and pressure loadings. If you want to update the table after a load step or a restart command, the initial mesh based node and element numbering must be used (not the current mesh after any mesh change). Defining tabular loads only on a partial volume within the remeshing zone may cause a mapping error. Therefore, it is recommended to use only a single tabular function over the entire volume within the remeshing zone. This limitation only applies to the tabular loads over the volume and does not apply to surface loading. Multiple tabular loads can be used if they are surface loads. Always verify the results using contour plots after using the SMART crack growth method to confirm the proper mapping of boundary conditions following re-meshing.

  • For models with multiple cracks, crack merging is not supported. When two cracks grow into each other, a meshing error is likely to occur, stopping the solution process due to meshing failure.

  • SMART does not account for both a pressure and a force load on the same face. In such cases, the pressure load is overwritten.

  • Coupling commands (including CP, CPCYC, CPINTF, CPLGEN, CPMERGE, CPSGEN) are not supported.

  • It is possible to define or modify boundary conditions applied on elements and/or nodes after the initial load step or during a restart process. However, if remeshing occurs (where positions of nodes or elements change), use caution when updating the boundary conditions applied on those elements and/or nodes.

  • Any rotations of nodal coordinate systems are maintained inside the remeshing zone only if those nodes are associated with a displacement boundary condition. Otherwise, the nodal rotations are not maintained during remeshing, and any new node is set with the default nodal coordinate system.

  • After the first load step or during a restart, you cannot define a new crack growth (CGROW, NEW) or switch between fracture criteria.

  • Function-based loads and tabular loads with time as an independent variable are not recommended for fatigue crack growth. Such loads can lead to number-of-substeps (NSUBST) or time-step-size-dependent (DELTIM) results. (See the command KBC for details.)

  • When specifying an element coordinate system (ESYS) for existing CZM elements on crack surfaces (TB,CZM), the element normal must point away from the primary crack surface and toward the secondary crack surface (that is, from Par1 to Par2, where Par1 and Par2 are defined via CINT,SURF,Par1,Par2).

  • Consistent use of ESYS for CZM elements on the original and new crack surfaces is important for rebuilding CZM elements, mapping local variables, and displaying elements results. Check ESYS for CZM elements (/PSYMB,ESYS,1) after each remeshing, especially in analyses involving curved crack surfaces or kinked crack-growth paths.

  • It is possible to use a combination of non-proportional or spectrum fatigue loading methods and the SMART crack initiation feature. However, the crack growth (CGROW) and crack initiation definitions (CINT,INIT) must be introduced at the beginning of the solution, and the analysis must contain multiple load steps. The first load step must be a proportional fatigue (without CLOAD) or static solution, and it should consist of only one sub-step to induce crack initiation. The subsequent load steps can then include non-proportional or spectrum loading with the intended CGROW definitions. Recommendations for Remeshing Failure

A critical component in the SMART framework is remeshing as a result of crack-growth. When a crack is growing, however, the crack profile can become very complex even for a simple initial crack geometry; therefore, be aware that remeshing is not always successful. Try the following if you encounter remeshing failure:

  • Adjust the initial mesh. A very large mesh-size difference between adjacent elements can sometimes cause remeshing failure.

  • Try a different number of contours for fracture-parameter calculation. SMART uses the number of contours as a reference to determine the remeshing volume. Try using four to six contours.

  • Do not use surface-effect elements (SURF15xxx) for loading purposes (including surface pressure) in the remeshing zone.

3.3.4. Postprocessing SMART Crack-Growth Analysis Results

Use the following standard POST1 (/POST1) commands for postprocessing SMART crack-growth analysis results:

Command Purpose
ANDATA Displays animated graphics data for nonlinear problems
ANTIME Generates a sequential contour animation over a range of time
*GET Retrieves a value and stores it as a scalar parameter or part of an array parameter
OUTRES Output control
PLCINTPlots the fracture-parameter (CINT) results data
PLDISP Displays the displaced structure
PLESOL Displays the solution results as discontinuous element contours
PLNSOL Displays results as continuous contours
PLVECT Displays results as vectors
PRCINT Prints fracture parameters and crack-growth information
PRESOL Prints element solution results
PRNSOL Prints nodal solution results
PRVECT Prints results as vector magnitude and direction cosines

The nature of crack-growth simulation almost always implies many substeps and a correspondingly large results file. Take advantage of OUTRES to control output frequency, thereby reducing the size of the results file.

Note that the program requires the CINT results to be saved at all susbteps (OUTRES,CINT,ALL) for SMART crack-growth analysis. Any other output frequency for CINT is overwritten.

Example 3.7: Limiting SMART Results File Size via OUTRES

CINT (fracture-parameter) results are calculated and output at all load steps and substeps. Nodal and element solutions are output every five substeps. No other output (such as reaction force) is written to the results file.


Geometry data, such as new mesh information generated by crack-growth remeshing, is not output to the results file at substeps without solution outputs, though remeshing may occur at that moment. Geometry data access for such substeps is linked to the last available results set. Therefore, given the OUTRES arguments shown in the example:

  • Geometry data and nodal/element solutions are available for substep 5, 10, 15, and so on.

  • Commands to fetch geometry data (such as NSEL or ESLN) at substep 6 return the corresponding data at substep 5.

  • Other commands (such as PLDISP) will fail and generate messages.

In cases where more precise information is necessary to track crack configuration and model deformation, OUTRES,ALL,ALL is a better option (at the cost of a larger results file).

3.3.5. Example: Fatigue Crack-Growth Analysis Using SMART

The following figure represents the model to be used in a SMART-based fatigue crack-growth simulation:

Figure 3.13: Standard Compact-Tension Specimen

Standard Compact-Tension Specimen

The fatigue calculation is based on Paris' Law. The numbers of cycles are obtained for various crack-growth increments and compared to the reference solution.

Following are the material properties, specimen dimensions, and loading:

Material Properties GeometryLoading

E = 2e5 MPa, = 0.33

Paris’ Law parameters:

C = 2.29e-10 mm / (cycle · MPam · mmm/2) = 2.29e-10 1 / (cycle · MPa2), where m = 2

a = 46.6 mm

W = 100 mm

B = 12 mm

P = 450 N

Stress ratio: R = 0

The theoretical stress-intensity factor for a compact-tension specimen [1] is:

For the specified stress ratio R = 0 and under a constant load P, the stress-intensity factor range for a crack length is . The number of cycles for a crack extension is estimated via Paris’ Law as . The values calculated are used as reference for validation of the Mechanical APDL results.

The problem is solved in Mechanical APDL using the 3D SOLID187 element. Stress-intensity factors (SIFS) are defined for the fracture parameter, and SMART is used for the crack-growth analysis (CGROW,METHOD,SMART).

To impose a plane-strain condition, nodes at the front and back faces of the specimen are constrained through the out-of-plane direction.

The life-cycle (LC) method is used for the fatigue analysis with a maximum crack-growth increment of 0.5 mm. The number of cycles is obtained corresponding to crack extension in each substep.

This table compares the Mechanical APDL results with the reference results at the first node of the crack-front nodes, where is the cumulative crack extension and is the cumulative number of load cycles:

(mm) Reference Mechanical APDL Ratio
of the First Node (MPa.mm0.5)
of the First Node:
2.98211483748114956271.001 Input File Used in This Example

Following is the input file for the example fatigue crack-growth analysis using SMART:


A = 46.6       	! crack length, mm
W = 100        	! width, mm
W1 = 125       	! total width, mm
H = 60         	! half height, mm
R = 12.5       	! radius of load circle, mm
E = 27.5       	! pin height, mm
S = 3          	! half width of notch, mm
D1 = 80        	! depth of notch, mm
D2 = 75        	! depth of notch, mm
B  = 12       	! thickness, mm

PF = 450 		! pin load, N	







mp,ex,1,200000 		! elastic modulus, MPa
mp,nuxy,1,0.33 		! Poisson's ratio

! Paris' Law Constants (units of delta-K in MPa.mm0.5, da/dN in mm/cycle) 

! Fatigue crack-growth law specification







*get,numnode,node,0,count, , , 



! plane strain, Uz constrained at front and back faces

! crack-front-nodes component

! upper crack-surface-nodes component

! lower crack-surface-nodes component


/com, *********************************************************
/com,             SOLUTION
/com, *********************************************************


kbc,1 			! step load, fatigue

! fracture parameter, J-integral

! crack-growth calculations
cgrow,new, 1
cgrow,cid, 1
cgrow,fcg,meth,LC         ! life-cycle method
cgrow,sopt,damx,0.5        ! maximum crack-growth increment, mm
cgrow,fcg,srat,0          ! stress ratio 
cgrow,fcoption,mtab,2     ! material table data (Paris law)

nsubst,6                  ! number of substeps


/com, *********************************************************
/com,             POST-PROCESSING
/com, *********************************************************


  crkid = 1
  maxnumnd = 0
  ! get number of crack front nodes
        maxnumnd = pval
  ! DN_R and DK_R store the reference results
  ! out0 stores the results of the first node
  ! out1 stores the results of the last node
  ! get number of crack front nodes
  istep = 1
  numnd(istep,1) = pval
  !  nodes at the two ends of crack front
     nodenum(inode,istep) = ndnum
     DN(inode,istep) = pval
     DA(inode,istep) = pval
     DK(inode,istep) = pval
     SR(inode,istep) = pval
     ND_X(inode,istep) = pval
     ND_Y(inode,istep) = pval
     ND_Z(inode,istep) = pval
     ND_A(inode,istep) = pval

	 ! Analytical solution (reference result)
     a0 = 46.6 	! initial crack size, mm
     deltk= zzz*(zz+z)
     DK_R(inode,istep) = deltk
     deltn = DA(inode,1)/(C*(deltk**M))
     DN_R(inode,istep) = deltn

  !  get number of crack front nodes
	*get, pval, cint,1, nnod
     numnd(istep,1) = pval
  !  nodes at the two ends of crack front
	*do, inode, 1, 2
       DN(inode,istep) = DN(inode,istep-1) + pval
       DA(inode,istep) = DA(inode,istep-1) + pval
       DK(inode,istep) = pval
       SR(inode,istep) = pval
       ND_X(inode,istep) = pval
       ND_Y(inode,istep) = pval
       ND_Z(inode,istep) = pval
       ND_A(inode,istep) = pval
	   ! Analytical solution (reference result)
       da0 = DA(inode,istep-1)
       a0 = 46.6 + da0
       aw = a0/W
       z = 16.7*aw**0.5-104.7*aw**1.5+369.9*aw**2.5
       zz = -573.8*aw**3.5+360.5*aw**4.5
       zzz = PF/B*sqrt(pi/W)
       deltk = zzz*(zz+z)
       DK_R(inode,istep) = deltk
       nst = (DA(inode,istep)-da0)/(C*(deltk**M))
       deltn = DN_R(inode,istep-1) + nst
       DN_R(inode,istep) = deltn


  ! plot results (save as png) 


  /axlab,x,crack extension (mm)
  /axlab,y,number of cycles

  /axlab,x,crack extension (mm)
  /axlab,y, delta-K (MPa.mm**0.5)

/com, ----------------------solver results comparison------------------------
/com,                    DK OF THE FIRST NODE
/com,  --------------------
(F3.0,'   ',F14.8,'  ',F14.5,'   ',F14.5) 
/com, ----------------------solver results comparison------------------------
/com,                    DN OF THE FIRST NODE
/com,  --------------------
(F3.0,'   ',F14.8,'  ',F14.5,'   ',F14.5) 
/com, ----------------------solver results comparison------------------------
/com,                    DK OF THE LAST NODE
/com,  --------------------
(F3.0,'   ',F14.8,'  ',F14.5,'   ',F14.5) 
/com, ----------------------solver results comparison------------------------
/com,                    DN OF THE LAST NODE
/com,  --------------------
(F3.0,'   ',F14.8,'  ',F14.5,'   ',F14.5) 


finish References

The following reference is cited in this example analysis:

  1. Bower, Allan F. Applied Mechanics of Solids. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2009.

[1] Do not confuse the total number of cycles with the fatigue life cycle. CLOAD,CYCNUM defines the number of analysis steps by repeating the loading cycle. The fatigue life-cycle is the number of cycles calculated by the fatigue law for crack-growth rate.

[2] If you have not defined a stress ratio, Mechanical APDL assigns a stress ratio of zero.