Damping is present in most systems and should be specified in a dynamic analysis. The following forms of damping are available:
Global Alpha and Beta Damping (Rayleigh Damping) (ALPHAD, BETAD)
Material-Dependent Alpha and Beta Damping (Rayleigh Damping) (MP,ALPD, MP,BETD, TB,SDAMP,,,,ALPD, TB,SDAMP,,,,BETD)
Material-Dependent Damping Ratio (MP,DMPR)
Material-Dependent Structural Damping Coefficient (MP,DMPS, TB,SDAMP,,,,STRU)
Viscoelastic Material Damping (TB,PRONY)
Element Damping (as in COMBIN14, COMBIN40, MATRIX27, MPC184)
The structural damping coefficients lead to damping forces which are proportional to the displacements (strains). Also known as hysteretic damping, this type of damping represents the damping that may be due to internal friction of the material or in the structural connections. The other damping forms lead to damping forces which are proportional to the velocity (or frequency of vibration). Also known as viscous damping, this type of damping represents a system immersed in a fluid.
You can specify more than one form of damping in a model. The program will formulate the damping matrix [C] as the sum of all the specified forms of damping. For more information about damping, see Damping Matrices in the Theory Reference
The following tables show the type of damping supported for each structural analysis type:
Table 1.1: Damping for Full Analyses
Rayleigh Damping | Element Damping[a] | Constant Structural Damping Coefficient | Viscoelastic Material Damping | Structural Damping Coefficient | Damping Ratio | ||||
Global | Material-Dependent | COMBIN14, MATRIX27, … | Global | Material-Dependent | Material-Dependent | Material-Dependent | Mode-Dependent | Global | |
Static | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Buckling | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Substructure Generation | Yes | Yes | Yes | --- | --- | --- | --- | Yes[b] | Yes[b] |
Full Harmonic | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes[c] | Yes[c] | --- | --- |
Full Transient | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes[d] | Yes[d] | No[e] | --- | --- | --- |
Harmonic Balance Method (HBM) | Yes[f] | Yes[f] | Yes | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
[a] Includes superelement damping matrix.
[b] Supported for Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) analysis. See Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) for details.
[c] In a full harmonic analysis, viscoelastic material damping and structural material damping coefficient do not support damping force calculation.
[d] In a full transient analysis, structural damping is supported when
a frequency for the calculation of equivalent viscous damping is
specified (DMPSFreq
[e] In a full transient analysis, viscoelastic behavior is included in the constitutive relationship and not represented via damping.
[f] For linear elements only.
Table 1.2: Damping for Modal and Mode-Superposition Analyses
Rayleigh Damping | Damping Ratio | Constant Structural Damping | |||
Global | Global | Material-Dependent[a] | Mode-Dependent[a] | Global | |
Undamped Modal (LANB, LANPCG, SNODE, SUBSP) | --- | --- | No[b] | --- | --- |
Mode-Superposition Harmonic | Yes | Yes | Yes[b] | Yes | Yes |
Mode-Superposition Transient | Yes | Yes | Yes[b] | Yes | --- |
Spectrum | |||||
SPRS,MPRS | Yes | Yes | Yes[b] | Yes | --- |
PSD | Yes | Yes | Yes[b] | Yes | --- |
DDAM | Yes[c] | Yes[c] | Yes[c] | Yes[c] | Yes[c] |
[a] The material dependent damping (MP,DMPR) and the mode dependent damping (MDAMP) cannot be cumulated. Use only one method.
[b] MP,DMPR specifies an effective material damping ratio. Specify it in the modal analysis (and expand the modes with MXPAND,,,,YES) for use in subsequent spectrum and mode-superposition analyses.
[c] In DDAM analyses, damping input is not used when calculating mode coefficients; however, damping may be used in the mode-combination procedure. See Combination of Modes in the Theory Reference for more information.
Table 1.3: Damping for Damped Modal and QRDAMP Mode-Superposition Analyses
Rayleigh Damping | Element Structural Damping[c] | Element Viscous Damping[c] | Damping Ratio[a] | Constant Structural Damping | ||||
Global[b] | Material Dependent[c] | Global | Mode Dependent | Global[b] | Material Dependent[c] | |||
Damped Modal (DAMP or QRDAMP) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | --- | --- | Yes | Yes |
QR-Damped Mode-Superposition Harmonic | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
QR-Damped Mode-Superposition Transient | Yes | Yes | --- | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes[d] | Yes[d] |
Table 1.5: Damping for Unsymmetric Modal Followed by Mode-Superposition Analyses
Rayleigh Damping | Damping Ratio | Constant Structural Damping | |||
Global | Global | Material Dependent[a] | Mode Dependent[a] | Global | |
Unsymmetric Modal (MODOPT,UNSYM) | --- | --- | No[b] | --- | --- |
Mode-Superposition Harmonic | Yes | Yes | Yes[b] | Yes | Yes |
Spectrum | |||||
SPRS,MPRS | Yes | Yes | Yes[b] | Yes | --- |
PSD | Yes | Yes | Yes[b] | Yes | --- |
The damping ratios can be retrieved via *GET,,MODE,,DAMP. They are calculated for the following analyses:
Spectrum analysis
Damped modal analysis
Mode-superposition transient and harmonic analysis
After a modal analysis (ANTYPE,MODAL) using the unsymmetric (MODOPT,UNSYM), damped (MODOPT,DAMP) or QR Damped (MODOPT,QRDAMP) method, the modal damping ratios are deduced from the complex eigenvalues using Equation 14–249 in the Theory Reference. These frequencies appear in the last column of the complex frequencies printout.
Damping for coupled-field piezoelectric analyses is detailed in Damping for Piezoelectric Analyses in the Coupled-Field Analysis Guide.
Alpha damping and Beta damping are used to define Rayleigh damping constants α and β. The damping matrix [C] is calculated by using these constants to multiply the mass matrix [M] and stiffness matrix [K]:
[C] = α[M] + β[K]
The ALPHAD and BETAD commands are used to specify α and β, respectively, as decimal numbers. The values of α and β are not generally known directly, but are calculated from modal damping ratios, ξi. ξi is the ratio of actual damping to critical damping for a particular mode of vibration, i. If ωi is the natural circular frequency of mode i, α and β satisfy the relation
ξi = α/2ωi + βωi/2
In many practical structural problems, alpha damping (or mass damping) may be ignored (α = 0). In such cases, you can evaluate β from known values of ξi and ωi, as
β = 2 ξi/ωi
Only one value of β can be input in a load step, so choose the most dominant frequency active in that load step to calculate β.
To specify both α and β for a given damping ratio ξ, it is commonly assumed that the sum of the α and β terms is nearly constant over a range of frequencies (see Figure 1.1: Rayleigh Damping). Therefore, given ξ and a frequency range ω1 to ω2, two simultaneous equations can be solved for α and β:
Alpha damping can lead to undesirable results if an artificially large mass has been introduced into the model. One common example is when an artificially large mass is added to the base of a structure to facilitate acceleration spectrum input. (You can use the large mass to convert an acceleration spectrum to a force spectrum.) The alpha damping coefficient, which is multiplied by the mass matrix, will produce artificially large damping forces in such a system, leading to inaccuracies in the spectrum input, as well as in the system response.
Beta damping and material damping can lead to undesirable results in a nonlinear analysis. These damping coefficients are multiplied by the stiffness matrix, which is constantly changing in a nonlinear analysis. Beta damping is not applied to the stiffness matrices generated by contact elements. The resulting change in damping can sometimes be opposite to the actual change in damping that can occur in physical structures. For example, whereas physical systems that experience softening due to plastic response will usually experience a corresponding increase in damping, a Mechanical APDL model that has beta damping experiences a decrease in damping as plastic softening response develops.
Damping for contact elements and MPC184 constraint and joint elements is restricted. See element descriptions for details.
Material-dependent damping enables you to specify alpha damping (α) or beta damping (β) as a material property (MP,ALPD, MP,BETD, TB,SDAMP,,,,ALPD, and TB,SDAMP,,,,BETD).
Both linear material property commands (MP,ALPD and MP,BETD) and both data table commands (TB,SDAMP,,,,ALPD and TB,SDAMP,,,,BETD) can be used to define damping for elements as a whole. To define unique Rayleigh damping coefficients for section materials, use the data table commands.
The data table commands can be frequency-, temperature-, or time-dependent (TBFIELD). Frequency-dependent properties are supported for full harmonic analyses only.
Damping for contact elements and MPC184 constraint and joint elements is restricted. See element descriptions for details.
For more information about material-dependent damping, see Material Damping in the Material Reference.
The damping ratio is the simplest way of specifying damping in the structure. It represents the ratio of actual damping to critical damping, and is specified as a decimal number with the DMPRAT command. Use MP,DMPR to define a material dependent damping ratio.
Structural damping enables you to incorporate hysteretic behavior due to internal
material friction by specifying a coefficient on the stiffness matrix. In this type
of damping, the damping force is proportional to the displacement rather than the
velocity as in the other damping options. Both constant structural damping
(DMPSTR) as well as material-dependent structural damping
(MP,DMPS and
are supported.
A constant structural damping coefficient does not produce damping with a constant ratio to critical in a full harmonic analysis.
Damping for contact elements and MPC184 constraint and joint elements is restricted. See element descriptions for details.
Mode Dependent Damping Ratio gives you the ability to specify different damping ratios for different modes of vibration. It is specified with the MDAMP command and is available only for the spectrum and mode-superposition method of solution (transient dynamic and harmonic analyses).
Viscoelastic materials have a frequency-dependent complex modulus in the harmonic domain. The imaginary component of the complex modulus, also called the loss modulus, results in a material damping matrix that is added to any other forms of damping defined in the analysis.