2.3. Contacts

Contacts enable you to connect flexible and rigid bodies. Different contact types are used to define the behavior of the connection.

2.3.1. Defining Contacts

Contacts may be defined automatically or created manually. Contact pairs can be automatically detected and generated in Mechanical when you first attach geometry. If a required contact is not detected and defined automatically, you will need to create the contact conditions manually.

Figure 2.27: Automatic and Manual Contact Creation

Automatic and Manual Contact Creation Flexible-Rigid Contact Definition

When creating contact between a rigid body and a flexible body, select the flexible body as the Contact body and the rigid body as the Target body. If you do not create a Contact Properties object, the parameters are set to default values.

Figure 2.28: Contact Between Rigid and Flexible Bodies

Contact Between Rigid and Flexible Bodies

Figure 2.29: Equivalence between Motion in Workbench and Standalone Motion

 Motion StandaloneMotion in Workbench
Base (Contact)Rigid (Faceset) Flexible Behavior
Action (Target)FE (Patchset)Rigid Behavior

  • Contact in Workbench corresponds to the Base geometry in the Standalone Preprocessor.

  • Target in Workbench corresponds to the Action geometry in the Standalone Preprocessor.

  • A Patchset creates a group of triangular or rectangular patches on an FE body to define contact.

  • A Faceset can represent the contact surface on a rigid body. Geometry Scoping

You can select Face and Body geometry types for contacts and may also select Edge geometry types to connect circular beams to faces. Some combinations of Edge contact are also supported for non-beam flexible bodies (see Defining Edge Contacts). Vertex, Node, Element Face, and Element geometry types may not be selected for contact. Defining Beam Contact

You may select an edge on a beam body for a Contact Region in a Motion analysis. This beam body must have a circular cross section. In this case, based on the R dimension of the beam cross section properties, the solver uses a virtual shape of hexahedrons surrounding the middle beam line to represent the real contact surface (see figure below).

Figure 2.30: Shape of beam contact surface

Shape of beam contact surface


Partial selection of edges for contact is not supported. You may therefore need to split the beam body to use for contact. Defining Edge Contacts

To use Edge Contact for a Contact Region in a Motion analysis, the contact (base) must always be an edge. The target body can be an edge or face.

Figure 2.31: Edge Contact Between Bodies

Edge Contact Between Bodies

The following face and edge combinations are supported for Edge Contact:

Table 2.5: Support for Edge Contact

 Contact - Edge (Flexible)Contact - Edge (Rigid)
Target - Face (Flexible)SupportedNot Supported
Target - Face (Rigid)SupportedNot Supported
Target - Edge (Flexible)SupportedNot Supported
Target - Edge (Rigid)Not SupportedNot Supported

Contact Point Detection Algorithm
  • Edge to Face

    • Consists of a Vertex-to-Patch search using an FE Node belonging to the Edge as the Vertex, and an Element face belonging to the Face as the Patch (if the element is of high order, the mid-node is also used as a vertex).

    • Contact point example:

      Figure 2.32: If a contact point is found and is on a patch on the face

      If a contact point is found and is on a patch on the face

      Figure 2.33: If the contact point cannot be found

      If the contact point cannot be found

  • Edge to Edge

    • Consists of a Vertex-to-Patch search using an FE Node belonging to the Contact Edge as the Vertex, and an Element face including the Target Edge as the Patch (if the contact edge element is of high order, the mid-node is also used as a vertex).

    • Contact point example:

      Figure 2.34: If a contact point is found

      If a contact point is found

      Figure 2.35: If the contact point cannot be found

      If the contact point cannot be found

2.3.2. Contact Types

There are 4 types of Contact:


Supports only Nodal flexible bodies for both Contact and Target.

No Separation

Supports only Nodal flexible bodies for both Contact and Target.


Supports all types of bodies.


Supports all types of bodies.

Contact Regions of type Bonded or No Separation are supported only for Nodal flexible bodies .

The contact type for the solver is determined by the Body Flexibility and Surface Type selected in the contact properties for Frictional/Frictionless contacts.

Contact Type in WorkbenchSelect BodySurface TypeSolver Contact Type
Frictional / FrictionlessRigid + RigidMulti-PointGeneral Contact
FE + RigidMulti-Point
FE + FEMulti-Point
Rigid + RigidSurfaceRTR 3DContact
FE + RigidSurfaceFTR 3DContact
FE + FESurfaceFTF 3DContact
Bonded / No-SeparationAnyNATie Constraint

In Workbench, Bonded and No Separation contact are represented internally as Tie Constraints and are only supported between FE Nodal bodies.

2.3.3. Contact Detection

The detection method executes two searches to find contact pair candidates. The first is a global search and the other is a local search. If the bounding boxes in the global search overlap, those boxes are divided to sub-domain boxes to be inspected for overlapping contact patches. The solver then uses a local search to find overlapping patches (see below).

Figure 2.36: Contact Detection

Contact Detection

If the relative displacement dba is perpendicular to the tangent direction at a point on the base surface, the point can be considered a contact point, as shown below.

Figure 2.37: Contact Point Detection

Contact Point Detection

The contact penetration p can be calculated from the relative displacement and normal direction, as shown below.

Figure 2.38: Contact Penetration Detection

Contact Penetration Detection

2.3.4. Contact Formulation

Frictional or Frictionless Contact

Motion uses a penetration method to determine friction at the contact point.

Figure 2.39: Contact Friction detection

Contact Friction detection


  • Fcnt : Contact force

  • Fn : Normal force of Fcnt

  • Ft : Friction force of Fcnt

  • K : Stiffness coefficient

  • C : Damping coefficient

  • p : Penetration

  • n : Exponent of penetration

  • : Penetration velocity

  • μ : Friction coefficient

  • v : Tangential velocity

Bonded or No Separation Contact

The nodes on the action surface are tied to each corresponding point on a base surface. Tie contact constrains full DOFs of each node relative to the other surface. See Tie Contact in the Motion Preprocessor User Guide for more information.

Figure 2.40: Contact Bonding Detection

Contact Bonding Detection

2.3.5. Contact Properties

Insert a Contact Properties object to specify additional contact characteristic values. This can be applied to a set of Contact Region objects whose type is Frictional or Frictionless.

Figure 2.41: Inserting Contact Properties Objects

Inserting Contact Properties Objects

Surface Type

If Surface Type is set to Surface, and the contact is defined between a rigid and a flexible body (as the Target and Contact bodies, respectively), the base and action are flipped internally during analysis. With this option, Stiffness Type can be set to Program Controlled, Factor, Constant or d-F Spline. See available options in Figure 2.42: Available Contact Properties: Surface Type = Surface.

Figure 2.42: Available Contact Properties: Surface Type = Surface

Available Contact Properties: Surface Type = Surface

If Surface Type is set to Multi-Point, Stiffness Type has additional options for Considering Contact Area and d-P Spline. See available options in Figure 2.43: Available Contact Properties: Surface Type = Multi-Point.

Figure 2.43: Available Contact Properties: Surface Type = Multi-Point

Available Contact Properties: Surface Type = Multi-Point

Maximum Penetration and Buffer Range

Usually, Max. Penetration is set first and Buffer Range Factor does not need to be changed. The purpose of the buffer range is to detect contact candidates before the contact has begun. If the model has contact between fast-moving bodies, a larger buffer range is required to detect this. To increase the buffer range, set Buffer Range to Factor, and Buffer Range Factor to a larger value.

Note:  Max Penetration can be defined for both the Contact and Target bodies, allowing different conditions for each body surface.

The Max. Penetration setting determines buffer range as follows:

  • Only the objects within max. penetration and the buffer range are considered when calculating contact.

  • Buffer range = Max. Penetration x Buffer Range Factor (default =1).

  • Too large a value may cause contact analysis to run with poor performance.

  • Too small a value may cause problems with missed contact.

  • A value of 1/10 ∼ 1/5 of the radius of curvature is recommended.

Figure 2.44: Determining Maximum Penetration

Determining Maximum Penetration


Offset is used to offset the Contact or Target surface. When one body is enveloped by another body, use a small offset to help establish contact and improve numerical stability in the Motion solver.

Figure 2.45: Determining Offset

Determining Offset


You can choose a contact Stiffness Type and Coefficient Factor from the Advanced properties of a Contact Properties object.

Stiffness Type

Use to set the stiffness coefficient type: Factor, Constant, Considering Contact Area, d-F Spline, or d-P Spline.

The Considering Contact Area option is recommended when you need to increase contact stiffness in proportion to the increase in the contact area. If you select Considering Contact Area, available Stiffness Evaluation Types are as follows:

  • Calculated from Material: the stiffness per contact area is defined by the Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and the Thickness of Contact Surface, where the material information set in the body is retrieved automatically. The stiffness per contact area is inversely proportional to the Thickness of Contact Surface. Refer to Intermittent Contact Force in the Motion Theory Reference for more information.

  • User Defined: the stiffness per contact area is defined by user input.

Note that the size of the facets and patches must be small enough, otherwise the area contact option can cause system instability or an incorrect solution. For more information see General Contact Properties in the Motion Preprocessor User Guide.

When d-F Spline (Displacement-Force Spline) or d-P Spline (Displacement-Pressure Spline) is selected, contact spring force can be defined with a predefined spline for Penetration-Force or Penetration-Pressure curves. When d-P Spline is selected as the stiffness type, the damping type is usually defined as Ratio.

When Considering Contact Area or d-P Spline is selected as the Stiffness Type, the Damping Type is always defined as Ratio.

Stiffness Coefficient Factor

A low stiffness coefficient makes for good numerical convergence, but allows large contact penetration.

A high stiffness coefficient reduces penetration, but can cause contact noise and bad numerical convergence. For more information see Spring forces for normal force in the Motion Theory Reference.


Set Damping Type to Factor, Constant, Ratio or v-F Spline.

Selecting Ratio means that the Damping Coefficient is used as a scale factor for the contact Stiffness Coefficient currently being applied.

When v-F Spline (Velocity-Force Spline) is selected, contact damping force can be defined using a predefined spline.

Usually, a maximum damping coefficient value in the range of 1E-3 ∼ 1E-6 times the stiffness coefficient value is used.

Note:  If Stiffness Type is set to Considering Contact Area or d-P Spline, only the Program Controlled and Ratio options are available for Damping Type.

Bounce Off Damping Factor

The Bounce Off Damping Factor is intended to prevent excessive adhesion when the contact surfaces move outside the penetration range. It only affects the solution when an object is moving away from the contact surface (penetration velocity is negative) and has no effect when it is approaching or stationary. The limit of the adhesive force is determined using a factor proportional to the spring force component of the contact normal force (see Figure 2.46: Normal force calculated using bounce off damping factor).

This factor can be specified as a value between 0 and 1 as follows:

  • When set to 1, no damping force is generated as the contact surface moves away.

  • When set to 0, the damping force is limited by the spring force value of the contact normal force. So, in this case the sum of the normal forces can be zero, even though the bodies are in contact.

This can be expressed as shown in the formula and graph below.

Where fn is the normal force, Rb is the bounce off damping factor, and fs is the spring force component of the contact normal force.

Figure 2.46: Normal force calculated using bounce off damping factor

Normal force calculated using bounce off damping factor

Enable this option by setting Use Bounce Off Damping Factor to Use and then specify a numerical Bounce Off Damping Factor to give different damping values depending on the state of contact. Values in the range 0 to 1 are supported, as described above.

Note:  This damping factor is not used if the Sliding Contact Option (see below) is selected.

Max. Step Size

This property sets the modification factor for the step size used during contact detection.

Contact between two bodies is imminent when their buffer ranges start to overlap. The solver therefore monitors this condition and when overlap is detected, it reduces the step size by the specified factor (usually smaller than 1). This avoids the risk of the bodies passing through each other without making contact, due to a large change in displacement between two time steps.

If you do not specify a factor, it will default to a value of 1, meaning that there will be no modification to the step size when buffers ranges start to overlap.

Use Increment Time

If this option is set to Use (default = None), the Increment Time parameter is used and the applied contact force Fcnt is calculated as follows:

  • Fcnt.applied is the contact force when using the Use Increment Time option.

  • Fcnt.actual is the contact force without the Use Increment Time option.

This is useful if you need to gradually increase the contact force, such as in a shrink-fit simulation.

Point Check

This option is only exposed when Surface Type is set to Multi-Point. You can use this to set one of the following options for finding contact points:

Program Controlled

This option uses Both (see below) when Stiffness Type is set to Program Controlled, Factor, Constant, or d-F Spline. If Stiffness Type is set to Considering Contact Area or d-P Spline, it uses Target Points Only.

Contact Points Only

Only the nodes on the Contact surface are examined.

Target Points Only

Only the nodes on the Target surface are examined.


This option is exposed when Stiffness Type is set to Program Controlled, Factor, Constant or d-F Spline. The nodes on both Contact and Target surface are examined.

Factor for Internal Point

This parameter is exposed when the Use Factor for Internal Point option is set to Use and it generates additional internal contact points on a patch. This is useful for models where it is otherwise impossible to increase the number of contact points, such as with a Patchset on an FE body. This is a good option when you get a poor contact solution due to a rough mesh. The number of additional internal contact points can be determined as shown in the table below.

Figure 2.47: Original and Internal Contact Points

Original and Internal Contact Points

Sliding Contact Option

In sliding contact, contact force is only generated at nodes within the maximum penetration range, as shown in the figure below. If the penetration is greater than zero, a repulsive force is generated. The Sliding Contact Option reduces the repulsive force by adding opposing forces on the nodes located in the penetration area. This can improve the stability of time integration under higher contact forces and is useful in reducing chattering effects in sliding contact between two bodies.

Figure 2.48: Sliding Contact

Sliding Contact

Use Limit Increment in NR

If the Newton-Raphson (NR) increment is larger than the maximum penetration, the Motion solver cannot detect contact. However, if the Use Limit increment in NR option is selected, the solver can limit the solution to the specified value. Since using this option decreases the integration step size, the solving time may be longer.

Figure 2.49: Limit Increment Option

Limit Increment Option