3.9. XFEM-Based Fatigue Crack-Growth

The XFEM-based crack-growth simulation technique can be used to simulate fatigue crack-growth in engineering structures. The method offers a convenient engineering approach for simulating cracks and fatigue crack propagation without resorting to modeling the cracks or remeshing the crack-tip regions as the crack propagates.

Following are characteristics of the XFEM-based approach to simulating fatigue crack-growth:

  • Uses singularity-based XFEM.

  • Based on Paris' Law.[2]

  • Supports 2D and 3D fatigue crack-growth simulation in linear elastic isotropic materials only.

  • Ignores large-deflection and finite-rotation effects, crack-tip plasticity effects, and crack-tip closure or compression effects.

For more information about XFEM, see XFEM-Based Crack Analysis and Crack-Growth Simulation.

3.9.1. XFEM-Based Fatigue Crack-Growth in Mechanical APDL

Mechanical APDL analyzes crack-growth in structural components subject to repeated or cyclic loading using linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) concepts.

The crack-growth rate (crack-growth per cycle) is defined as:[2]


= crack length
= number of cycles, (where , = stress-intensity factors at the maximum and minimum loads, respectively)
= stress/load ratio

The current implementation of fatigue crack-growth simulation in Mechanical APDL is restricted to region II in the following figure:

Figure 3.41: Variation of Crack-Growth Rate vs. Variation of Crack-Growth Rate vs. for Metals for Metals

Variation of Crack-Growth Rate vs. for Metals

The variation in region II is typically described by Paris' Law:

where and are material constants that are determined experimentally. (Several other relationships have been developed for regions I, II and III [3]).

For crack-growth involving mixed-mode fracture, the expression is modified as:

where the maximum circumferential stress criterion [4] is used to define


and , the direction of crack propagation, is defined using the maximum circumferential stress criterion: Valid Loading Types

Only cyclic loadings of constant amplitudes are allowed, as shown:

Figure 3.42: Valid Loading Type for XFEM-based Fatigue Crack-Growth Simulation

Valid Loading Type for XFEM-based Fatigue Crack-Growth Simulation

If the cyclical loading is such that the amplitude changes after some number of cycles, then each set of cycles with the same load amplitude should be modeled separately as a load step. Overloading can also be modeled in a similar manner. Fatigue Crack-Growth Analysis Methods

A typical fatigue crack-growth calculation requires:

  • Calculation of at the maximum load

  • Calculation of at the minimum load (or using the stress/load ratio )

  • Calculation of the crack increment


    Calculation of the incremental number of cycles

  • Stopping the analysis if the specified maximum crack extension is reached

Mechanical APDL calculates or (via the stress ratio) numerically during the analysis. The determination of or depends on the fatigue crack-growth method. The program uses a simple smoothing algorithm to smooth the calculated SIFS values for a given crack front before calculating the or .

The calculation of or (via the stress ratio ) is performed numerically during the analysis.

The determination of or depends on the fatigue crack-growth method.

A fatigue crack-growth can be modeled via either of these methods: Life-Cycle (LC) Method

The LC method is typically used with constant-amplitude cyclic loads.

The maximum crack-extension increment is user-specified, and the program calculates the number of incremental cycles based on the fatigue crack-growth law.

LC Method Restrictions

2D XFEM-based fatigue crack-growth:

  • The crack-extension increment is restricted to the length of the crack in the element ahead of the current crack tip.

  • Crack extension always propagates the crack one element at a time.

  • The initial crack specification must result in fully-cut elements. (Partially cut elements are not supported.)

  • If multiple cracks exist in a model, the program may estimate the number of cycles differently for different cracks in the same model.

3D XFEM-based fatigue crack-growth:

If multiple cracks exist in a model, the number of cycles may be estimated differently for different cracks in the same model.

  • The initial crack can cut an element fully or partially. The crack-extension increment can cut multiple elements.

  • The maximum crack increment is used along with the maximum (attained at some position along the crack front) to first calculate . The crack extension at other locations of the crack front are then calculated based on this and the corresponding calculated for that location.

  • If multiple cracks exist in a model, the program may estimate the number of cycles differently for different cracks in the same model. Cycle-by-Cycle (CBC) Method

The CBC method is suitable for variable-amplitude cyclic loadings and overload simulations.

The incremental cycles are user-specified, and the crack-extension increment is calculated by the program based on the fatigue crack-growth law.


2D XFEM-based fatigue crack-growth:

  • The calculated can result in partially cut elements.

  • If at any instant the calculated exceeds the element boundaries, the program sets crack extension length to the remaining uncut portion of the element, and recalculates to grow the crack by that .

  • The program does not modify the crack-propagation angle until the element is fully cut.

3D XFEM-based fatigue crack-growth:

  • After the crack front advances by the given increment, the program defines a new crack surface internally and recalculates the LSM values for the cracked elements. Because a cut element cannot have a kinked crack surface, this method may smooth out a previously kinked crack.

  • When calculating the crack increment, if at any point on the crack front the value (CGROW,FCG,DAMX,Value) or (CGROW,FCG,DAMN,Value) is exceeded, the crack increment is set to ( or ) and the incremental number of cycles () reported for output purposes at this location will be based on this .

3.9.2. Performing an XFEM-Based Fatigue Crack-Growth Analysis

The analysis is assumed to be quasi-static and uses the singularity-based method. Step 1. Define an Initial Crack

Defining an initial crack using the singularity-based XFEM approach. See Defining the Model in an XFEM Analysis.

For fatigue crack-growth analysis, the following considerations apply:

  • In a 2D XFEM analysis, the initial crack must cut the element(s) fully. For a 3D analysis, the crack can cut the elements partially or fully.

  • Only PLANE182 and SOLID185 elements (with the KEYOPT settings shown in Table 3.1: Elements Used in an XFEM Analysis) can be used.

  • Only linear elastic isotropic material behavior is supported. Step 2. Specify the Fatigue Crack-Growth Law

Issue the following commands to invoke Paris' Law:


TBDATA,1,Value1,Value2 Step 3. Set up the Solution Procedure

A fatigue crack-growth analysis uses the static analysis procedure only:


By default, the loading is assumed to be step-applied. (KBC,1 is enforced automatically.)

The total time specified (TIME) has no direct effect on the loading or the boundary conditions.

Each substep of the analysis load step yields a finite element solution during which the solution parameters are calculated and the crack is propagated. You can issue the DELTIM or NSUBST command to control the extent of crack propagation in a given load step.

A fatigue crack-growth analysis typically uses fixed time-stepping. Although you can use an automatic time-stepping scheme, it does not accelerate or decelerate the crack-propagation rate.

If using the LC method, the program controls the crack-growth increment during a substep. If using the CBC method, a value that you specify (CGROW,FCG,DN) controls the incremental number of cycles during a substep. Step 4. Evaluate the Fracture Parameters

Evaluate the stress-intensity factors (SIFS), as follows:

  1. Specify a new domain-integral calculation (where ID is a number that you specify to identify this crack-calculation):


  2. Specify the desired fracture parameter:


  3. Specify the element component name (CompName) containing the crack-front element set:


  4. Specify the number of contours (n) required:


Mechanical APDL calculates , and by averaging the SIFS over contours 3 through n. Step 5. Set Crack-Growth Calculation Parameters

The crack-growth calculations occurs in the solution phase after the solution has converged. Set the crack-growth calculation parameters as follows:

  1. Initiate the crack-growth set (where SETNUM is the crack-growth set number):


  2. Specify the crack-calculation ID (the same numerical identifier that you specified when setting up this fracture-parameter calculation (CINT,NEW,ID)):


  3. Specify the XFEM crack-growth method:


  4. Specify the fatigue crack-growth law (where MATID is the material ID (TB,CGCR)):


    If this command is not issued, the crack does not propagate.

  5. Optional: Stop the analysis when the maximum crack extension is reached:

    CGROW,STOP,CEMX,Value Step 6. Calculate the Fatigue Crack-Growth

Perform the fatigue crack-growth calculation according the method chosen (LC or CBC): Life-Cycle (LC) Method
  1. Specify fatigue crack-growth using the LC method:


  2. Specify the maximum crack-growth increment:


  3. Optional: Specify the minimum crack-growth increment:


  4. Optional: Specify the minimum equivalent stress-intensity factor:


    The crack does not propagate if the program-calculated is below VALUE.

  5. Specify the stress/load ratio:

    CGROW,FCG,SRAT,VALUE Cycle-by-Cycle (CBC) Method
  1. Specify fatigue crack-growth using the CBC method:


  2. Optional: Specify the maximum (DAMX) and minimum (DAMN) allowable crack increments:



  3. Specify the incremental number of cycles:


  4. Optional: Specify the minimum equivalent stress-intensity factor:


    The crack does not propagate if the program-calculated is below VALUE.

  5. Specify the stress/load ratio:


3.9.3. XFEM-Based Fatigue Crack-Growth Assumptions

2D and 3D analyses:

  • Fatigue crack-growth requires singularity-based XFEM.

  • Material behavior is assumed to be linear elastic isotropic.

  • Plasticity effects, nonlinear geometry effects, load-compression effects, and crack-tip-closure effects are not considered.

  • For cracks with short kinks, the SIFS may be only approximately path-independent (due to the limited number of contours that properly encompass the crack tip). This behavior may affect crack-direction prediction.

  • Restarting the analysis (ANTYPE,,RESTART) requires reissuing the CGROW command.

2D analysis only:

  • The maximum allowable crack increment is limited by the crack length in the element ahead of the tip. The minimum allowable crack increment must be smaller than the crack length in the element ahead of the tip; if it is larger, the crack increment is limited to the length of the crack in the element ahead of the tip.

  • Crack-path deviation can occur only at element edges (or faces). Crack propagation within an element occurs along a constant direction (determined when the element begins to crack).

3.9.4. Postprocessing XFEM-Based Fatigue Crack-Growth Analysis Results

Use the following standard POST1 (/POST1) commands for postprocessing fatigue crack-growth analysis results:

Command Purpose
ANDATA Displays animated graphics data for nonlinear problems
ANTIME Generates a sequential contour animation over a range of time
*GET Retrieves a value and stores it as a scalar parameter or part of an array parameter
PLCKSURF Plots the Φ = 0 level set surface in an XFEM-based crack analysis
PLDISP Displays the displaced structure
PLESOL Displays the solution results as discontinuous element contours
PLNSOL Displays results as continuous contours
PLVECT Displays results as vectors
PRCINT Prints fracture parameters and crack-growth information
PRESOL Prints element solution results
PRNSOL Prints nodal solution results
PRVECT Prints results as vector magnitude and direction cosines

To visualize the cracked elements in postprocessing, write the element miscellaneous data to the results file (OUTRES,MISC).

The POST26 time-history postprocessor (/POST26) is not supported.

3.9.5. Example: XFEM-Based Fatigue Crack-Growth Analysis

This example analysis illustrates Mode I fatigue crack-growth simulation using the XFEM-based method. Fatigue crack-growth calculations apply Paris' Law. [2]

The problem uses a SEN specimen with a crack length (a) to width (W) ratio, a/W = 0.5:

Figure 3.43: SEN Specimen

SEN Specimen

The specimen is subjected to a cyclical pressure P = 10.0 MPa with a stress/load ratio .

Table 3.6: Dimensions, Parameters and Constants

Model DimensionsW = 10.0 mm, L = 20.0 mm, a = 5 mm
Bulk Material Properties
Paris Law Constants

The PLANE182 element (KEYOPT(1) = 0, KEYOPT(3) =0, KEYOPT(6) = 0) is used to model the specimen. A fine mesh is used in the region near the crack surface:

Figure 3.44: Finite Element Mesh for the SEN Specimen

Finite Element Mesh for the SEN Specimen

Linear elastic isotropic material behavior is assumed. The crack tip rests on the edge of the element.

Paris' Law is used to simulate fatigue crack-growth in the analysis. (See Table 3.6: Dimensions, Parameters and Constants for the Paris' Law constants.)

In the solution phase, fixed time-stepping is used. Each substep provides a linear elastic solution used to calculate the stress-intensity factors (SIFS) (CINT).

The theoretical value of the stress-intensity factor for the SEN specimen is given as: [5]


and is the applied pressure.

For fatigue crack-growth, the analysis uses the Life-Cycle (LC) method.

The CGROW command specifies the crack-growth-related parameters. The command also specifies the fatigue crack-growth method and the stress ratio . Analysis Results

Figure 3.45: Final Displacement Plot After Crack-Growth Has Occurred

Final Displacement Plot After Crack-Growth Has Occurred

Figure 3.46: Equivalent Stress Distribution at the End of the Analysis

Equivalent Stress Distribution at the End of the Analysis

In the fatigue crack-growth LC method, the crack increment is fixed a priori (equal to the crack length in the element ahead of the current crack tip), and the incremental number of cycles is calculated for each substep.

This figure shows the predicted number of cycles (Mechanical APDL) versus the crack extension, as well as the theoretical results (TARGET):

Figure 3.47: Variation of the Number of Cycles with Crack Extension

Variation of the Number of Cycles with Crack Extension

In this figure, too, the numerically calculated results (Mechanical APDL) show good agreement with the theoretical results (TARGET):

Figure 3.48: Variation of Variation of with Crack Extension with Crack Extension

Variation of with Crack Extension Input File Used in This Example

Following is the input file used for the example fatigue crack-growth analysis of the SEN specimen:


/com  Mode-I Fatigue Crack-Growth in a SEN specimen

! Model dimensions
a=5              !--- CRACK LENGTH
W=10             !--- WIDTH OF MODEL
H=20             !--- HEIGHT OF MODEL

! applied load

! Material model
E=2.0e5          !--- YOUNG MODULUS
NU=0.3           !--- POISSON'S RATIO
RO=1.0           !--- DENSITY


! Paris Law Constants
M = 3

! Element types

! Continuum material behavior
mp, ex,   1, E
mp, nuxy,  1, NU
mp, dens, 1, R0

! Fatigue crack-growth Law Specification
tb, cgcr, 2, , , PARIS
tbdata, 1, C, M

! Define keypoints for base mesh
k, 1,  0.0, -2.0
k, 2,  W, -2.0
k, 3,  W, 2.0
k, 4,  0.0, 2.0

k, 5,  W,   -H/2
k, 6,  0.0, -H/2

k, 7,  0.0,  H/2
k, 8,  W,    H/2

! Define areas with KP
a, 1,2,3,4
a, 1,2,5,6
a, 3,4,7,8

! Set up the meshing size
xnume=79    ! number of elements in x,  which should be odd 
ynume=33    ! number of elements in y , which should be odd
LESIZE,all, , ,xnume, , , , ,1
LESIZE,all, , ,ynume, , , , ,1

! Mesh the areas
type, 1
mat, 1

! Element component required for XFENRICH command
esel, s, cent, y, -2,2
esel, r, cent, x,  0,9
cm, testcmp, elem

! mesh the crack surface with mesh200 elements 
et, 2, 200, 0 ! keyopt(1) = 0 for mesh200 line elements
k, 9, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0   
k, 10,10/79*40,0.0 , 0.0   
l,9, 10! define a line 
type, 2 
mat, 2  
! element component for mesh200 elements   
esel,s,type,, 2 
cm, m200el, elem   
! node component for crack front  
nsel, s, loc,x,10/79*40
cm, m200nd, node   
! Define enrichment identification
xfenrich, ENRICH1, testcmp, , SING,1.5,0.01

! Define LSM values for cut elements
xfcrkmesh, ENRICH1, m200el, m200nd
/com *************************************************************  
/com *************************************************************  
! b.c. - bottom face
nsel, s, loc, y, -10.0
sf, all, pres, -PRES

! b.c. - top face
nsel, s, loc, y, 10.0
sf, all, pres, -PRES

! b.c - fix rbm - nodes on rt face
nsel, s, loc, x, 10.0
nsel, r, loc, y, -4/ynume/2*1.05,4/ynume/2*1.05
d, all, all, 0.

! Solution Module
time, 1.0
deltim, 0.1, 0.1,0.1
outres,all, all

!Fracture Parameter calculations  
CINT, NCON, 8     
CINT, NORM, 0, 2

!CGROW calculations
cgrow, new, 1
cgrow, cid, 1
cgrow, method, xfem
cgrow, fcoption, mtab, 2

!Fatigue related data
CGROW, FCG, METH, LC  ! life-cycle method
CGROW, FCG, DAMX, 0.1 ! maximum crack-growth increment
CGROW, FCG, SRAT, 0 ! stress ratio 

kbc, 1  ! loads are stepped for fatigue analysis 


! get the # of data sets on the results file
*get, ndatasets, active, 0, set, nset

!define table if *VPLOT is used

!loop on data sets and store results
set, , , , , , , 1 ! read the data set
*get, pval, CINT,1,CTIP,15910,CONTOUR,1,DTYPE,DLTN
 DN(1,1) = pval
*get, pval, CINT,1,CTIP,15910,CONTOUR,1,DTYPE,DLTA
 DA(1,1) = pval
*get, pval, CINT,1,CTIP,15910,CONTOUR,1,DTYPE,dltk
 DK(1,1) = pval

 set, , , , , , , i ! read the data set
 *get, pval, CINT,1,CTIP,15910,CONTOUR,1,DTYPE,DLTN
 DN(i,1) = pval + DN(i-1,1)
 *get, pval, CINT,1,CTIP,15910,CONTOUR,1,DTYPE,DLTA
 DA(i,1) = pval + DA(i-1,1)
 *get, pval, CINT,1,CTIP,15910,CONTOUR,1,DTYPE,dltk
 DK(i,1) = pval

!Evaluate the SIFS and DeltaK for the 1st set
 set, , , , , , , 1 ! read the data set
 *get, pval, CINT,1,CTIP,15910,CONTOUR,1,DTYPE,DLTA
 a0 = pval
 DeltK= ZZZ*(ZZ+Z)
 DK(1,2) = DeltK
 DeltN = a0/(C*(DeltK**M))
 DN(1,2) = DeltN

!Evaluate the SIFS and DeltaK for the subsequent sets
 *get, pval, CINT,1,CTIP,15910,CONTOUR,1,DTYPE,DLTA
  a_step(i) = a_step(i-1) + pval
 DA(i,2) = a_step(i)
 pval = a_step(i)

 DeltK= ZZZ*(ZZ+Z)
 DK(i,2) = DeltK
 Nst = (pval-a_step(i-1))/(C*(DeltK**M))
 DeltN = DEltN + Nst
 DN(i,2) = DeltN



!Plot results 


/AXLAB,X,Crack Extension
/AXLAB,Y,Number Of Cycles

/AXLAB,X,Crack Extension 

/COM, ----------------------SOLVER RESULTS COMPARISON------------------------
/COM,                    DK
/COM,Step |    A value    |   TARGET  |    Mechanical APDL
/COM,  --------------------
(F3.0,'   ',F14.8,'  ',F14.8,'   ',F14.8) 

/COM, ----------------------SOLVER RESULTS COMPARISON------------------------
/COM,                    DN
/COM,Step |    A value    |   TARGET  |    Mechanical APDL
/COM,  --------------------
(F3.0,'   ',F14.8,'  ',F14.2,'   ',F14.2) 
