27.5. Boundary Conditions and Loading

Two local coordinate systems are created that are used to define remote displacements.

27.5.1. First Remote Displacement

Create a coordinate system and scope it to the Named Selection"TopRoller" body with details shown in the figure below so that the X axis is aligned with the axis of the top roller.

Figure 27.15: First Coordinate System

First Coordinate System

Create a Remote Displacement scoped to top roller face (Named Selection "Face_2") and the local coordinate system described above in Figure 27.15: First Coordinate System to set top roller rotation around its axis to Free and constrain it in all other directions.

Figure 27.16: First Remote Displacement

First Remote Displacement

27.5.2. Second Remote Displacement

Create a second coordinate system and scope it to the Named Selection"SideRoller" body with details shown in the figure below so that the Y axis is aligned with the axis of the side roller.

Figure 27.17: Second Coordinate System

Second Coordinate System

Create a second Remote Displacement scoped to side roller face (Named Selection"Face_3") and the local coordinate system described above in Figure 27.17: Second Coordinate System to set side roller rotation around its axis to Free and constrain it in all other directions.

Figure 27.18: Second Remote Displacement

Second Remote Displacement

27.5.3. Displacement

A Displacement along global Z direction is applied to the top face of the block (Named Selection"Face_1"). The block is displaced to 1.5 m in load step 1 and then to 6 m in load step 2 along global Z direction.

Figure 27.19: Displacement


27.5.4. Nonlinear Adaptive Region

To enable adaptive mesh regeneration during the simulation, create a Nonlinear Adaptive Region and scope it to the block body with the following settings:

  • Set Criterion to Mesh

  • Select Skewness and Jacobian Ratio Option.

  • Set Skewness Value to 0.9 and Jacobian Ratio Value to 0.1.

  • Set Recurrence Rate to 10 for Time Range of entire load step.

Figure 27.20: Nonlinear Adaptive Region

Nonlinear Adaptive Region