Natural Frequency of a Piezoelectric Transducer


Reference: Boucher, D.,Lagier,M., & Maerfeld, C. (1981). Computation of the Vibration Modes for Piezoelectric Array Transducers Using a Mixed Finite Element Perturbation Method, IEEE Trans. Sonics and Ultrasonics. SU-28 (5) , 322, table 1.

Ansys Mechanical

Analysis Type(s): Mode-frequency Analysis
Element Type(s):

3-D Coupled-Field Solid Elements

3-D 20-Node Coupled-Field Solid

Test Case

A piezoelectric transducer consists of a cube of PZT4 material with its polarization direction aligned along the Z axis. Electrodes are placed on the two surfaces orthogonal to the polarization axis. Determine the first two coupled-mode (breathing-type deformation) natural frequencies for the short circuit (resonance) case and the open circuit (anti-resonance) case.

This test case also appears in the Mechanical APDL Verification Manual. See VM175.

Figure 147: Piezoelectric Transducer Problem Sketch

Piezoelectric Transducer Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric Properties
ρ = 7500 kg/m3
See the Materials Properties Tables below.
= .02 m

Materials Properties Tables

Figure 148: Anisotropic Elasticity

Anisotropic Elasticity

Figure 149: Anisotropic Relative Permittivity

Anisotropic Relative Permittivity

Figure 150: Piezoelectric Matrix

Piezoelectric Matrix

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The electroded regions represent equipotential surfaces and are not modeled explicitly. For the short-circuit case, the top and bottom electrodes are grounded (voltages are set equal to zero). For the open-circuit case, only the bottom electrode is grounded. The short-circuit case represents excitation by potential while the open-circuit case represents excitation by charge.

A one-quarter symmetry sector is modeled with symmetry boundary conditions applied. The mesh density selected for analysis along the axes (X, Y, Z) are (2,2,4) elements respectively. All non-specified voltage degrees of freedom are condensed out during matrix reduction to allow for electro-elastic coupling.

The modes that produce a breathing-type deformation pattern indicate the desired results.

Figure 151: Short Circuit Case

Short Circuit Case

Figure 152: Open Circuit Case

Open Circuit Case

Results Comparison

 Target[a]MechanicalError (%)
Short Circuitf1, kHz 6512265122.283 0.0004
f2, kHz 83511 83510.819-0.0002
Open Circuitf1, kHz 7992279922.1420.0002
f2, kHz 9381193811.158 0.0002

[a] Experimentally measured values (f1,f2) represent breathing mode frequencies.

Figure 153: Short Circuit- Mode 2

Short Circuit- Mode 2

Figure 154: Short Circuit- Mode 4

Short Circuit- Mode 4

Figure 155: Open Circuit- Mode 5

Open Circuit- Mode 5

Figure 156: Open Circuit- Mode 8

Open Circuit- Mode 8