Fatigue Tool with Non-Proportional Loading for Normal Stress


Reference:Any basic Machine Design book

Ansys Mechanical

Analysis Type(s):Fatigue Analysis
Element Type(s):Solid

Test Case

A bar of rectangular cross section has the following loading scenarios.

  • Scenario 1: One of the end faces is fixed and a force is applied on the opposite face as shown below in Figure 16: Scenario 1.

  • Scenario 2: Frictionless support is applied to all the faces of the three standard planes (faces not seen in Figure 17: Scenario 2) and a pressure load is applied on the opposite faces in positive y- and z-directions.

Find the life, damage, and safety factor for the normal stresses in the x, y, and z directions for non-proportional fatigue using the Soderberg theory. Use a design life of 1e6 cycles, a fatigue strength factor or 1, a scale factor of 1, and 1 for coefficients of both the environments under Solution Combination.

Figure 16: Scenario 1

Scenario 1

Figure 17: Scenario 2

Scenario 2

Material Properties
E = 2e11 Pa
ν = 0.3
Ultimate Tensile Strength = 4.6e8 Pa
Yield Tensile Strength = 3.5e8 Pa
Endurance Strength = 2.2998e6 Pa
Number of CyclesAlternating Stress (Pa)
Geometric Properties
Bar: 20 m x 1 m x 1m
Scenario 1: Force = 2e6 N (y-direction)
Scenario 2: Pressure = -1e8 Pa


Non-proportional fatigue uses the corresponding results from the two scenarios as the maximum and minimum stresses for fatigue calculations. The fatigue calculations use standard formulae for the Soderberg theory.

Results Comparison

ResultsTargetMechanicalError (%)
Stress Component - Component XLife3335.10493329.9-0.156
Safety Factor0.0190.0190250.132
Stress Component - Component YLife14765.787414653-0.764
Safety Factor0.045690.045378-0.683
Stress Component - Component ZLife14765.7874147660.001
Safety Factor0.045690.0456960.013