Harmonic Response of Two Storied Building Under Transverse Loading



Thomson, W. T. (1999). Theory of Vibration with Applications (3rd ed., Example 6.4-1, p. 166).


Ansys Mechanical

Analysis Type(s):Harmonic Analysis
Element Type(s):Solid

Test Case

A two-story building has two columns (2K and K) constituting stiffness elements and two slabs (2M and M) constituting mass elements. The material of the columns is assigned negligible density so as to make them as massless springs. The slabs are allowed to move only in the y direction by applying frictionless supports on all the faces of the slabs in the y direction. The end face of the column (2K) is fixed and a harmonic force is applied on the face of the slab (M) as shown in the figure below.

Find the y directional Deformation Frequency Response of the system at 70 Hz on each of the vertices as shown below for the frequency range of 0 to 500 Hz using Mode-Superposition. Use Solution intervals = 50.

Figure 15: Schematic


Material Properties
MaterialE (Pa)νρ (kg/m3)
Block 22e180.37850
Shaft 24.5e100.351e-8
Block 12e180.315700
Shaft 19e100.351e-8
Geometric Properties
Block 1 and 2:
40 mm x 40 mm x 40 mm
Shaft 1 and 2:
20 mm x 20 mm x 200 mm
Force = -1e5 N (y direction)

Results Comparison

ResultsTargetMechanicalError (%)
Maximum Amplitude for vertex A (m)0.208530.211331.343
Maximum Amplitude for vertex B (m)0.0749020.0757071.075