14.1. Table Requirements and Limitations

Keep the following in mind when working with tables.

Requirements for Tables

  • Table data must be numeric. Your localization settings determine the format of this numeric data.

  • A table must include at least one independent or primary variable. These variables represent independent, measurable quantities. Valid independent variables include:

    • Spatial coordinates: X Coordinate, Y Coordinate or Theta Coordinate, Z Coordinate

    • Time

    • Temperature

  • A table must include at least one dependent variable. These variables represent real physical quantities whose values depend on the independent variables in the table.

    The possible dependent variables for the supported boundary conditions are listed below.

    Boundary ConditionDependent Variable(s)Description
    Pressure[a]PressureThe magnitude of pressure normal to a surface
    Pressure components (Pressure_i, Pressure_j, Pressure_k)The X, Y, and Z components of a pressure vector
    TemperatureTemperatureThe temperature on the boundary
    Thermal ConditionTemperatureThe internal temperature of the body

    [a] Pressure tables can include either pressure or pressure components.

  • The order of columns in a table is not important. Independent and dependent variables can be specified in any order.

  • Table rows do not need to be sorted. The solver input generation reorders data as required. You can optionally sort table data for display as described in Sort Data by Column Value or Row Number. The data order in the table itself is never changed.

  • The dimensions of table variables should match the dimensions of the model (2D or 3D). See Tables in 2D and 3D Models for details.

Limitations on Tables

  • Tables are only supported for the Mechanical APDL solver.

  • The maximum size of a table depends on your computing resources. You might experience performance issues with very large tables that contain thousands of rows.

  • Although Temperature can be included as an independent variable in a table of pressure loads, the Mechanical APDL solver does not currently use it when computing a solution.

  • Tables can include either the independent variable Y Coordinate (that is, table data in Cartesian coordinates) or the independent variable Theta Coordinate (that is, table data in cylindrical coordinates), but not both.

  • The spatial coordinate system defines the origin for the coordinates in the table. Tables that include Y Coordinate as an independent variable (that is, tables with Cartesian coordinates) cannot be used with cylindrical spatial coordinate systems. Similarly, tables that include Theta Coordinate as an independent variable (that is, tables with cylindrical coordinates) cannot be used with Cartesian spatial coordinate systems.

  • If a table contains rows with identical variable values, the Mechanical APDL solver uses the last row.

  • Mechanical automatically displays table data in the unit system that is selected for the model. If you change the model's unit system, all table data is displayed in its equivalent values in the new units of measurement.

  • The Mechanical APDL solver converts all table values to SI units during the solution, regardless of the units assigned to the model in Mechanical.