Working with Section Plane Results

View Options

When creating a Section Plane on a result, if the Section Plane feature is active, you can use the following options from the Edges drop-down menu on the Result Context Tab:

  • Show Undeformed WireFrame: displays the wireframe with the deformations added to the nodes. This is intended to help you interpret the image when you drag the anchor across smaller portions of the model.

  • Show Undeformed Model: displays the portion of model behind the plane as a deformed gray scale image. In order to not clutter the graphics display in this situation, the application does not currently display undeformed bodies.

Deformation Scaling

When you create a Section Plane, the slice it creates is flat. If you create a Section Plane on a deformed shape and then change the scaling of the result, the Section Plane deforms accordingly and the plane may no longer be flat. Furthermore, if you select a different object in the tree and then return to the result that includes the Section Plane, the Section Plane re-plots as originally defined and creates new flat surface on the new deformation scale. As a result, the display of the result changes. This change can be significant.

Important:  When you are actively working with a Section Plane, the application disables back-face culling. Back-face culling is a computer graphics technique that discards polygons facing away from the camera and assumes the polygons to be occluded. Back-face culling is disabled to make sure that the application displays the cut section of the model correctly. Furthermore, this display necessity may cause color bleeding for coplanar polygons on shell models because the application draws both sides of the shell.