Model Assembly Specification

Similar to defining Mesh-to-Mesh Connections, Model-to-Model linking provides certain Project Schematic properties on the downstream Model cell prior to import. These properties can be grouped into two categories as described below.

General Model Assembly Properties

The following properties are applicable to all the objects imported into the downstream system.



Length Unit

Units in which the geometry is assembled in Mechanical.

Object Renaming

Downstream system allows you to rename imported objects to easily identify the source of the object and also to differentiate objects from different sources with same name. The drop-down list of automatic naming options includes:

  • Off: no automatic naming of imported objects occurs.

  • Based on Cell ID: automatic naming uses the upstream system's cell ID.

  • Based on System Name (default): automatic naming uses the upstream system's system name.

  • User Specified Tag: when selected, a User Specified Tag entry field displays in the Transfer Settings property category (describe below). The default value in this field is the System Name of the upstream model. You can change this name.


    • This option is only applicable for connections from Mechanical Model systems. For connections from an External Model or ACP Component Systems, this option behaves as the Off setting and no automatic naming occurs for objects from the External Model or ACP systems.

    • Changing the Object Renaming option immediately renames the corresponding imported objects in the assembled system. This behavior is different from Group Objects By Source option which groups/ungroups the objects based on source on the next refresh operation.

Group Objects By Source

Select the checkbox to automatically group the various source objects created/imported during the assembly process. The assembly process can generate a large number of objects. Grouping them enables you to more easily manipulate the objects in the tree structure. This feature works independently or it can group existing groups of objects that you have defined in an upstream system(s). See the Grouping Tree Objects section of the Help for additional information.


  • This option is only available when you have more than one connection to the model or when you have multiple copies specified for the source Mechanical Model.

  • Changing this option groups/ungroups the imported objects on the next refresh operation. This behavior is different from Object Renaming option that immediately renames the corresponding imported objects in the assembled system.

Transfer Settings for "System Name"

Similar to importing mesh-based files using the External Model component system, these properties are applicable to each source (upstream) model imported into the downstream system.

Note:  The application does not apply Rigid Transform values if they expand to the "identity transformation." The identity transformation is when the values for Origin X, Origin Y, Origin Z are all zero (within a tolerance) and Theta XY, Theta YZ, Theta ZX are all multiples of 360 degrees (within a tolerance). The application uses an absolute and relative tolerance equal to the 2D Tolerance specified in the Geometry category of the Options preferences. You can change the specified default value (1e-5) using the preference dialog.



Transformation Type

You use this property to apply a transformation to your upstream model. The transformation options for this property include Rotation and Translation (default) and Mirroring.

The Rotation and Translation option enables you to translate the origin of the upstream model along the X, Y, or Z axis or to rotate the model about its origin in the XY, YZ, or ZX plane.
Using the Mirroring option enables you to import your upstream model as well as a mirror copy of the model about a specified plane. When you create a mirrored copy of your model, the corresponding coordinate system is mirrored by first mirroring the X and Y axes and then the Z axis is computed to make sure the coordinate system adheres to the right hand rule.

Note:  For the Rotation and Translation option, transformations are applied in the following order:

  1. Rotation about the Y Axis

  2. Rotation about the X Axis

  3. Rotation about the Z Axis

  4. Translations

User Specified Tag

This property allows you to append a label on to the name of the imported objects. The default value is the System Name from the upstream model. This property is only visible when the Object Renaming property is set to User Specified Tag.

Number of Copies

Specifying a number of copies greater than zero creates copies of the source mesh. For example, if you import a Mechanical Model with a single part and set Number Of Copies to 2, you will get three parts in the downstream Mechanical system.

Renumber Mesh Nodes and Elements Automatically

This property is active by default and automatically renumbers the nodes and elements of your assembly. Deselecting this option maintains the existing node and element numbering. Any numbering duplication and the application will display an error condition. You can modify node and element numbers with the Mesh Numbering feature once you import your assembly into Mechanical.

Rigid Transform (Transformation Type = Rotation and Translation)

Transform the Original: This property is only available when Number Of Copies is set to 1 or greater. Select the checkbox if you want to apply the specified transformation to the source mesh.

Origin X, Y, and Z: Translate the origin of the model along the X, Y, or Z axis. If you specify any copies, the translation will be applied relative to the previous copy (or source mesh in the case of the first copy).

Theta XY, Theta YZ, and Theta ZX: Rotate the model about its origin in the XY, YZ, or ZX plane. If you specify any copies, the rotation will be applied relative to the previous copy (or source mesh in the case of the first copy).

Mirror Transform (Transformation Type = Mirroring)

Plane Point X/Y/Z These properties enable you to define the coordinates of a point on the mirroring plane.

Plane Normal X/Y/Z: These properties enable you to define a vector that is normal (orthogonal) to the mirroring plane.