7.6. Imported Material Fields

The Imported Material Field object enables you to import user-defined Field Variable values, created in the Engineering Data workspace, from External Data.

Preparing Required Data

  1. On the Workbench Project page select the desired analysis type, select your model using the Geometry cell, and then open the Engineering Data Workspace.

  2. Using the Field Variables feature in the Engineering Data Workspace, create a user-defined variable that contains your desired material properties.

  3. Create a comma-separated values (CSV) file that defines the mapping coordinates based upon the user-defined variable specified in Engineering Data. This file type enables the transfer of data between External Data and Mechanical. Save the file to a known location.

  4. Insert an External Data system.

  5. Open your CSV file in the External Data system and check (make active) the Material Data Field property in the Properties of File pane.

  6. In the Table for File and Preview of File panes, specify and verify your mapping.

  7. Return to the Workbench Project page and link your External Data system with the desired analysis type that includes the corresponding model in the Project Schematic.

  8. Launch Mechanical.

Mapping Material Values in Mechanical

  1. In Mechanical, open the Materials folder as well as the Imported Material Fields object.

  2. Select the Imported Material Field child object.

  3. Using the Apply To property, specify whether to map values to the Elements (default) or Corner Nodes of your model.

  4. As necessary, review and modify the remaining default settings of the properties in the Details view.

  5. Right-click the Imported Material Field object and select the Import Material Field option from the context menu. This action maps the values of your CSV file to the nodes or elements of your model.

See Data Transfer Mapping and Validation section for additional information about node and element mapping from external data sources.