3.3.5. Fatigue

The Fatigue group includes the following categories and preferences.

GeneralDesign LifeSet the number of cycles that indicate the design life for use in fatigue calculations. The default is 1e9.
Analysis TypeSet the default for the Mean Stress Theory property when defining a fatigue analysis. Options include:
  • SN - None (default)

  • SN - Goodman

  • SN - Soderberg

  • SN - Gerber

  • SN - Mean Stress Curves

The Goodman, Soderberg, and Gerber options use static material properties along with S-N data to account for any mean stress while Mean-Stress Curves use experimental fatigue data to account for mean stress.
Cycle CountingBin SizeSpecify the bin size used for rainflow cycle counting. For example, a value of 32 means you use a rainflow matrix of size 32 X 32. The default setting is 32. Supported range is from 10 to 200.
SensitivityLower VariationSet the default value for the percentage of the lower bound that the base loading will be varied for the sensitivity analysis. The default setting is 50.
Upper VariationSet the default value for the percentage of the upper bound that the base loading will be varied for the sensitivity analysis. The default setting is 150.
Number of Fill PointsSet the default number of points plotted on the sensitivity curve. The default setting is 25. The range is from 10 to 100.
Sensitivity ForSet the default fatigue result type for which sensitivity is found. Options include:
  • Life (default)

  • Damage

  • Factor of Safety