3.3.6. Frequency

The Frequency group includes the following categories and preferences.

ModalMax Modes to FindSet the default value for the number of modes that a newly created frequency branch will contain. The default is 6. The entry range is from 1 to 200.
Limit Search to RangeSpecify if a frequency search range should be considered in computing frequencies. Options include Yes and No (default).
Min Range (Hz)Set the lower limit of the frequency search range. The default is value is 0.01 for Modal Acoustic analyses and 0 all other analysis types.
Max Range (Hz)Set the upper limit of the frequency search range. The default is value is 100000000.
Cyclic Phase Number of StepsSet the number of intervals to divide the cyclic phase range (0 - 360 degrees) for frequency couplet results in cyclic modal analyses.
Eigenvalue BucklingMax Modes to FindSet the number of buckling load factors and corresponding buckling mode shapes. The default value is 2. The entry range is from 1 to 200.
Condensed PartsMax Modes to FindSet the default value for the number of modes that a newly created frequency branch will contain. The default is 6. The entry range is from 1 to 200.
Limit Search to RangeSpecify if a frequency search range should be considered in computing frequencies. Options include Yes and No (default).
Min Range (Hz)Set the lower limit of the search range. The default is value is 0.01 for Modal Acoustic analyses and 0.0 all other analysis types.
Max Range (Hz)Set the upper limit of the search range. The default is value is 100000000.
HarmonicFrequency SpacingDefine how frequency spacing is performed. Options include:
  • Linear (default)

  • Logarithmic

  • Octave Band

  • 1/2 Octave Band

  • 1/3 Octave Band

  • 1/6 Octave Band

  • 1/12 Octave Band

  • 1/24 Octave Band