Specifying Named Selections by Direct Node Selection

You create node-based Named Selections in the graphical viewer by scoping selections to single nodes, a group of surface nodes, or a group of nodes across a geometry cross-section.

Note:  You can make direct node selections when working with beams (line bodies) using the Worksheet. Direct graphical selection is also available using the Node selection filter on the Graphics Toolbar.

To define node-based Named Selections:

  1. Using the Node selection filter on the Graphics Toolbar, select one or more nodes.

    Note:  For accuracy, ensure that the selected node lies within the scoped area of the result

  2. In the Geometry window, right-click the selected node or nodes and select Create Named Selection.

  3. Enter a name for the Named Selection and click OK.

  • If you select a large number of nodes (order of magnitude: 10,000), you are prompted with a warning message regarding selection information time requirements.

  • Following a remesh or renumber, all nodes are removed from named selections. If named selections were defined with Scoping Method set to Worksheet and if the Generate on Remesh field was set to Yes in the Details view of the Named Selection folder, then the nodes are updated. Otherwise, node scoping does not occur and the named selection will be empty.