9.5.2. Details Pane Properties

This section describes the Details pane properties associated with a 1D Connection Group object.


Connection Type: Options include Beam, Contact, Spring, and Joint.


Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection (default) and Named Selection.

  • Geometry: Visible when Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection. Displays the type of geometry and the number of geometric entities to which the boundary has been applied using the selection tools.

  • Named Selection: Visible when Scoping Method is set to Named Selection. Provides a drop-down list of available user-defined Named Selections.

Detection Options

To create connection objects, you need a reference/mobile or contact/target pair. The following properties facilitate their detection, and the pairs are then scoped to the connection objects as reference/mobile (for Beam, Spring and Joint) or contact/target (for Contacts) entities.

  • Scoping Method: Options include Automatic (default) and Manual.

    • Automatic: Automatically defines entities as reference and mobile or contact and target.

    • Manual: Allows you to define geometric entities (bodies, faces, or edges) separately to be considered as reference and mobile or contact and target.

  • Use Shell Thickness: Options include Yes (default) and No. When set to Yes, the program takes into account the surface thickness while detecting hole pairs. When set to No, the surface thickness is not taken into account.

  • Maximum Distance: Defines the maximum distance between entities (hole edges) to be considered while detecting hole pairs.

  • Orientation: Specifies the misalignment allowance for the algorithm to detect misaligned holes. The orientation value is equal to the dot product of the vector joining the hole centroids and the surface normal vector of the face connected to reference edges. This value is between 0 and 1, where 1 represents perfect alignment or coaxial holes. The lower the value, the greater the misalignment allowed between holes.

  • Display Hole Pair: Options include Yes (default) and No. When set to Yes, the program highlights detected hole pairs in the Geometry window.

  • Hole Pair Count: Read-only property to display the number of detected hole pairs.

Connection Options

The following properties act as global properties to generate all connection objects at detected hole pair locations. Changing any property value updates all generated connections automatically without the need to refresh or regenerate.

Note:  Each connection type allows certain properties to be changed. These properties are visible in the Details pane of the 1D Connection Group, while the remaining properties are hidden and kept as default.

  • Connection Options (Connection Type - Beam)

    • Material: Provides a drop-down list of materials for the beam from the predefined material list.

    • Radius: Options include Manual (default) and Automatic.

      • Manual: Enables the Radius Value property and allows you to enter the radius value.

      • Automatic: The program calculates the radius from the scoped entity (the hole's radius). When the radii of the reference and mobile holes are different, the smaller value between them is used.

    • Reference Behavior: Specifies the scoped reference geometry as either Rigid (default) or Deformable.

    • Mobile Behavior: Specifies the scoped mobile geometry as either Rigid (default) or Deformable. For more information, see Geometry Behaviors.

    • Reference Expansion Layers: Specifies the number of layers of nodes around the reference hole to be scoped. By default, the value is 0, meaning that the geometric edges forming the hole are scoped. Any integer value greater than 0 will expand the selection to the nodes that are attached to the specified number of element layers around the hole.

    • Mobile Expansion Layers: Specifies the number of layers of nodes around the mobile hole to be scoped. The logic is the same as described above for the Reference Expansion Layers property.

      For more details about beam connections, see Beam Connections.

  • Connection Options (Connection Type - Contact)

    • Contact Type: Only Bonded contact type is currently supported.

    • Formulation: Only MPC formulation is currently supported.

    • Contact Expansion Layers: Specifies the number of layers of elements around the contact hole to be scoped. By default, the value is 0, meaning that the geometric edges forming the hole are scoped. Any integer value greater than 0 will expand the selection to the specified number of element layers around the hole.

    • Target Expansion Layers: Specifies the number of layers of elements around the target hole to be scoped. The logic is the same as described above for the Contact Expansion Layers property.

      Note:  If Target Expansion Layers is set to 0, element scoping is not permitted for contact holes, and Contact Expansion Layers cannot be greater than 0. However, the opposite is allowed. For more details, see Scope Settings in Contact.

    • Pinball Region: Options include Program Controlled (default) and Radius.

      • Program Controlled: The application automatically calculates the Pinball Region value.

      • Radius: Enables the Radius Factor property and allows you to enter the Radius Factor value manually. The Pinball Radius for each contact is the product of the Radius Factor and the distance between the corresponding contact and target scoping.

        Selecting the Radius option for the Pinball Region ensures that the contact is closed (provided that the Radius Factor is greater than 1).

        With a 1D Connection Group, the scoped entities are either edge(s) (if the Expansion Layers value is 0) or elements (if the Expansion Layers value is greater than 0). Therefore, even if a large Radius Factor is specified, it will not alter the number of scoped entities.

      For more details, see Contact.

  • Connection Options (Connection Type - Spring)

    • Material: Provides a drop-down list of materials for the spring from the predefined material list. The default option is None. The chosen material must include a constant damping coefficient to account for viscous damping or structural damping of the spring in the analysis.

    • Longitudinal Stiffness: Allows you to enter the Longitudinal Stiffness value. Only constant value is supported.

    • Longitudinal Damping: Allows you to enter the Longitudinal Damping value.

    • Preload: Options include None (default), Load, and Free Length. A Load or Free Length value entry field is visible when you select the respective option. If Preload is specified as Load, a positive value creates tension while a negative value creates compression.

    • Reference Behavior: Specifies the scoped reference geometry as either Rigid (default) or Deformable.

    • Mobile Behavior: Specifies the scoped mobile geometry as either Rigid (default) or Deformable.

    • Reference Expansion Layers: Specifies the number of layers of nodes around the reference hole to be scoped. By default, the value is 0, meaning that the geometric edges forming the hole are scoped. Any integer value greater than 0 will expand the selection to the nodes that are attached to the specified number of element layers around the hole.

    • Mobile Expansion Layers: Specifies the number of layers of nodes around the mobile hole to be scoped. The logic is the same as described above for the Reference Expansion Layers property.

      For more information, see Springs.

  • Connection Options (Connection Type - Joint)

    • Type: Only Fixed joints are currently supported.

    • Reference Behavior: Specifies the scoped reference geometry as either Rigid (default) or Deformable.

    • Mobile Behavior: Specifies the scoped mobile geometry as either Rigid (default) or Deformable.

    • Initial Position: Options include Unchanged (default) and Override.

      • Unchanged: The program uses the same coordinate system for the Reference holes and the Mobile holes.

      • Override: The program defines a separate Mobile Coordinate System for the Mobile holes.

      For more information, see Joint Properties.

  • Rename Connection Objects: Options include None (default), Based on Definition, Based on Body, and User Defined. This property renames the generated connection objects based on the option selected.

    • None: Keeps the default names for the objects.

    • Based on Definition: Renames the objects based on their type and scoping.

    • Based on Body: Renames the objects to include the names of the Geometry elements that constitute the objects.

    • User Defined: Allows you to enter a name through the Input Name property and creates each object's name using that input and a number based on the order the object appears on the list.

  • Connections: Read-only property to display the number of generated connection objects.

  • Active Connections: Read-only property to display the number of active connection objects.