Setting Advanced Face Meshing Controls for Mapped Meshing

This section describes the basic steps for setting Face Meshing controls for mapped meshing.

To set advanced Face Meshing controls for mapped meshing:

  1. Insert a Face Meshing control by highlighting Mesh in the Tree and right-clicking to view the menu. Select Insert> Face Meshing. Definition>Mapped Mesh is set to Yes by default.

  2. Select the face upon which the vertex types are to be defined by scoping the face in the Mapped Face Meshing Details View. (Refer to Selecting the Face for more information.)

  3. For the Definition> Method control, choose Quadrilaterals or Triangles: Best Split.

  4. Enter additional Definition settings, as desired, in the Details View.

  5. Use the Specified Sides, Specified Corners, and Specified Ends controls in the Advanced section of the Details View to select the desired vertices in the Geometry window and apply your selections. To do so, pick the desired vertex/vertices in the Geometry window and then click the Specified Sides, Specified Corners, or Specified Ends control to assign the vertex/vertices to the desired vertex type. (Refer to Selecting the Vertex Type and Picking Vertices for more information.)

    Note:  If you select a vertex by mistake and want to de-select it, click the control in question in the Advanced section of the Details View, clear the selection by clicking in an "empty" portion of the Geometry window, and then click Apply. For example, assume that you mistakenly selected 1 vertex for the Specified Corners control. To clear the selection:

    • In the Specified Corners control in the Advanced section of the Details View, click your selection (that is, the text "1 Vertex").

      The Apply/Cancel buttons will appear in the Specified Corners control and the vertex will be highlighted in green in the Geometry window.

    • Click in an empty portion of the Geometry window.

    • Click Apply in the Specified Corners control.

    Note:  An individual vertex may possess as many vertex type designations as the number of faces to which it is attached. For example, it is possible for a vertex to possess a Side type designation with respect to one face and an End type designation with respect to another, as long as two separate mapped face meshing controls are defined for the two faces. Conversely, a single mapped Face Meshing control cannot specify the same vertex as more than one vertex type. That is, you cannot designate a vertex as type Side and also designate that same vertex as type End in a single mapped face meshing control. If you attempt to do so, the second and any subsequent assignments for that vertex will result in the control being highlighted in yellow in the Advanced section of the Details View, and you will not be able to generate a mesh. If this occurs, use the procedure noted above to de-select the unwanted vertex assignment(s).

  6. Generate the mesh by right-clicking the Mesh object in the Tree and selecting Generate Mesh.