Changing Pinch Controls Locally

This section describes the steps for changing pinch controls locally. You can make changes to pinch controls regardless of whether they were created automatically or manually. You can select multiple pinch controls to make the same changes to all selected pinch controls at one time.

To change pinch controls locally:

  1. In the Tree Outline, select the pinch control(s) that you want to change.

  2. In the Geometry window, pick one or more faces, one or more edges, or one vertex that you want to define as primary. Refer to Pinch for a table that summarizes the valid entities you can pick for each type of pinch control.

  3. Use either of these methods to apply your selection:

    • Right-click in the Geometry window to display the context menu and select Set As Pinch Primary or Add To Pinch Primary.

    • Click in the Primary Geometry field in the Details View.

    The pinch region is flagged in the Geometry window. The color of each selected entity changes to blue to identify it as primary geometry. If you want to further adjust your selections, you can re-pick geometry and then apply the new selections to overwrite or add to the existing primary geometry. To add to the geometry, you must use Add To Pinch Primary in the context menu.

  4. In the Geometry window, pick one or more edges or vertices that you want to define as secondary. (Faces cannot be defined as secondary.)

  5. Use either of these methods to apply your selection:

    • Right-click in the Geometry window to display the context menu and select Set As Pinch Secondary or Add To Pinch Secondary.

    • Click in the Secondary Geometry field in the Details View.

    The color of each selected edge/vertex changes to red to identify it as secondary geometry. If you want to further adjust your selections, you can re-pick geometry and then apply the new selections to overwrite or add to the existing secondary geometry. To add to the geometry, you must use Add To Pinch Secondary in the context menu.

  6. Change the value of the Suppressed control if desired.

    By default, the value of Suppressed is No. If you change the value to Yes, this pinch control has no effect on the mesh (that is, the small features you picked for this pinch control are not removed and will affect the mesh). In addition, an Active control with a read-only setting of No, Suppressed appears under the Suppressed control when Suppressed is set to Yes.

  7. Change the value of the Tolerance control if desired.

    By default, the value of Tolerance is based on the global pinch control tolerance. If you specify a different value here, it overrides the global value.

  8. Change the value of the Snap to Boundary control if desired.

    By default, the value of Snap to Boundary is Yes. Snap to Boundary is applicable only for pinch controls in shell models for which a face has been defined as the primary geometry and one or more edges are defined as the secondary. In such cases, when the value of Snap to Boundary is Yes and the distance from a secondary edge to the closest mesh boundary of the primary face is within the specified snap to boundary tolerance, nodes from the secondary edge are projected onto the boundary of the primary face. The joined edge will be on the primary face along with other edges on the primary face that fall within the defined pinch control tolerance. Refer to Figure 115: Snap to Boundary Set to Yes and Figure 116: Snap to Boundary Set to No to see the effect of the setting.

    Note:  For edge-to-edge pinch controls in shell models, the snap tolerance is set equal to the pinch tolerance internally and cannot be modified.

  9. Change the value of the Snap Type control if desired. Snap Type appears only when the value of Snap to Boundary is Yes.

    • If Snap Type is set to Manual Tolerance (the default), a Snap Tolerance field appears where you may enter a numerical value greater than 0. By default, the Snap Tolerance is set equal to the pinch tolerance but it can be overridden here.

    • If Snap Type is set to Element Size Factor, a Primary Element Size Factor field appears where you may enter a numerical value greater than 0. The value entered should be a factor of the local element size of the primary topology.

Note:  If you make changes to a pinch control that was created through pinch control automation, the value of the Scope Method field for that pinch control changes from Automatic to Manual.