
You can use the Fan feature to extract the fan data and to create a fan object for export to Ansys Icepak. You need to specify the body that represents the fan. Additionally, you can choose the faces that form the Hub and Casing of the fan. If you select only one face, then that face will be considered the casing face and the hub data will be computed as half the size of the casing face. This feature supports only circular (cylindrical) fans and the Hub and Casing faces must be cylindrical faces.

After generation of the feature, you will be able to see the fan data computed using the inputs and these will be exported to Icepak.

Note that Ansys DesignModeler sets only the geometric properties of the fan object while exporting to an Icepak model file. Use Icepak to set any physics specific properties of the fan object, for example: DesignModeler sets only the plane of the flow direction. To specify the flow direction itself you should use Icepak.

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