This is a function designed to allow you to easily duplicate items from another sketch in the current plane, or the plane boundary, into the current sketch. The duplicated items and endpoints will have coincident constraints automatically created with the original items. While the same functionality can be obtained by using the Copy and Paste functions, using this function streamlines the process. This function is especially useful for copying portions of plane boundaries, Sketch Instances, or Sketch Projections into a new sketch where they can be modified and used as profiles for other features.
To use the function, either create a new sketch, or make sure the sketch you want the items to be created in is active. Then go into the function and select point and edges that are in the plane, but not the current sketch to duplicate. Finally, use the RMB Duplicate Selection option to create the new copies. Note that if you select items that are already in the current sketch, they will not be used. Also, if you are duplicating an edge, there is no need to select its endpoints as they will automatically get duplicated. However, you can select existing points, including endpoints of edges you are not duplicating, to process.