10.2. BladeEditor Features

The following table lists BladeEditor toolbar icons that add features to your model:





Creates a flow path (FlowPath) feature, which is used to define the flow path for blade geometry (that is, the meridional shape of the passage). For details, see FlowPath Feature.



Creates a blade (Blade) feature, which is used to create the blade bodies. For details, see Blade Feature.



Creates a splitter (Splitter) feature, which is used to create the splitter bodies. For details, see Splitter Feature.



Creates a Vista TF export (VistaTFExport) feature for exporting the flow path and blade geometry to the Vista TF throughflow analysis tool. For details, see Export to Vista TF (.geo).



Creates an ExportPoints feature for exporting blade point data to TurboGrid or to a meanline file. For details, see Export as Meanline Data (.rtzt file) and Export to Ansys TurboGrid.



Creates a stage fluid zone (StageFluidZone) feature for generating the blade passage bodies. The stage fluid zone is a 3D fluid region to support CFD analyses. For details, see Stage Fluid Zone Feature.



Creates a 3D hub sector. For details, see SectorCut Feature.



Creates a throat area (ThroatArea) feature for calculating the blade throat area. For details, see Throat Area Feature.

CAD Import


Creates a CAD Import (CADImport) feature, which exports CAD models to files that can subsequently be loaded to produce blades. For details, see Exporting Blades from CAD Models to NDF or Script Files and Importing Blades from CAD Models.

After you add a feature to your model, the feature appears in the tree view.

Note:  Starting with Release 2019 R2, BladeEditor records version information with its geometry data. This version information enables BladeEditor to accurately reconstruct geometry despite possible changes to BladeEditor algorithms with each new release.

In some cases, it is necessary to update the geometry before a newer BladeEditor feature can be applied.

You can upgrade an older geometry to the version of the current release by right-clicking the root tree node, selecting Update BladeEditor Feature Version from the context menu, and clicking OK to confirm your decision.

Keep in mind the following:

  • Version updates are not reversible.

  • The geometry may undergo (typically small) changes as a result of a version update.

  • When you load geometry that was saved with Release 2019 R1 or older, the geometry is reconstructed using the algorithms of Release 2019 R1. Such a geometry can be updated as described above.