Using Interactive Solve Commands

System Coupling provides a series of advanced commands that enable an interactive solve process (as opposed to solving straight through, as when a coupling run is initiated by the Solve() command). These commands can be issued both from the System Coupling CLI and the System Coupling GUI's Command Console.

In general, an interactive solve process is advisable if you require more control over your solution. Interactive solve commands provide the ability to pause the run at designated points, enabling you to review its progress and make changes as needed.

Available interactive commands are described briefly below. For more detailed information on a given command, see the corresponding entry in the Commands section of the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference manual.


Prints the Summary of Coupling Setup to the System Coupling Transcript.


Prepares System Coupling for the run, makes connections to participants, starts participants, and prints participant build information to System Coupling's Transcript.

Disabled when a solution is already in progress. Note that this command will raise an exception if another instance of System Coupling is solving in the current working directory.

If this command is (re)issued after participants have been started, then the subsequent command's arguments are used. If there are changes to a participant's .scp file, then the new file replaces the previous one.


Available for step-based coupled analyses. (For more information on iteration-based vs. step-based steady analyses, see Steady Analysis Type.)

Specifies the number of coupling steps to be run before pausing the coupled analysis. If necessary, starts participants. Default value is 1.

Disabled when a solution is already in progress. This command will raise an exception if another instance of System Coupling is solving in the current working directory.

When you resume the solution, either by reissuing this command or running the Solve() command, System Coupling restarts the analysis at the point it left off and continues the solution with the next step.


Writes a restart point to a Restart file in an initialized analysis.

This command signals System Coupling and each participant that a restart point should be created before the next coupling step or coupling iteration begins. The requested restart point is created in addition to any restart points created either by System Coupling (via the OutputControl data model settings) or by participant configurations.

Note:  Some participants write their restart files only when the coupling run resumes, so their files are not available immediately after the CreateRestartPoint() command is issued.

Once a restart point is created, you can close the analysis and then resume working with it later, as described in Restarting a Coupled Analysis.


Shuts down a coupling analysis which has been initialized.

This command signals System Coupling and each participant to create a restart point at the end of the last completed coupling step or coupling iteration and then shut down the analysis as soon as possible. System Coupling then ends the coupling run, disconnecting from participants and printing timing information to the Transcript and Log file.

When instances of System Coupling started in GUI Server mode are disconnected, the GUI Server file is removed from the working directory.