
Interactive command that creates a restart point at the end of the last completed coupling step or coupling iteration.

Can be run only after participants have started.

Signals System Coupling and all coupling participants that a restart point should be created before the next coupling step or iteration begins. The restart point is created in addition to restart points created by the OutputControl setting in the data model.

Note:  Some participants write their restart files only when the coupling run resumes, so their files are not available immediately after the CreateRestartPoint() command is issued.

Restart information for the coupling step or coupling iteration is written to a file named according to the convention Restart_step<#>|iter<#>.h5, where "#" is the index of the coupling step or iteration. Existing restart files named according to previous naming conventions will be renamed to conform to the new naming scheme. By default, the Restart files are written to the SyC directory, which is automatically created by System Coupling when restart points are created.

Supported Keyword Arguments


Return Type
