Transcript and Log File

System Coupling writes coupled analysis information to two output formats:

System Coupling Transcript

During the execution of the run, coupled analysis information is written dynamically to the Transcript, so you can use it both to monitor the analysis during the solution process and to review coupling results after the solution is finished. When a coupled analysis is restarted, the content for the restarted run is appended to the end of the existing file.

  • For System Coupling in Workbench, Transcript output is written to the System Coupling tab's Solution Information view.

  • For System Coupling run in one of its user interfaces, Transcript output is written to the CLI or the GUI's Command Console and SC Transcript tabs.

System Coupling Log File

During the execution of the run, coupled analysis information from the Transcript is written to the Log file (scLog.scl) file, which is created in the SyC output folder in System Coupling's working directory.

The Transcript and Log file include the following sections:

Tip:  The ability to set the level of precision used in the Transcript/Log file is available as beta functionality. For more information, see Set Transcript/Log Precision in the System Coupling Beta Features documentation.

Note:  In the sections that follow, output examples are selected to illustrate variances in output, so are not all generated from the same coupled analysis.

Summary of Coupling Setup

Provides information about the coupled analysis setup, preceded by the time at which the Transcript output was started.

When you run the Solve() command, this section is written to the command console at the beginning of the coupling run. To write it to the console at other times during the run, you can run the PrintSetup command.

Note that when the Summary of Coupling Setup is printed using the PrintSetup() command, all variables and regions defined for the coupling participants are listed in this section. When the Summary of Coupling Setup is printed at the beginning of a solve, however, only the regions and variables actively involved in a data transfer are included.

Figure 47: Summary of Coupling Setup section header

Transcript output started: 2021-07-29 12:06:22

|                                                                             |
|                          Summary of Coupling Setup                          |
|                                                                             |


Provides information about any library objects (that is, expressions, expression functions, or transformation reference frames that are used in the coupled analysis. If no library objects are defined, then this section is not generated.

Figure 48: Library section

|                                   Library                                   |
|                                                                             |
| Expression:If Condition                                                     |
|    Expression Name :                                            IfCondition |
|    Expression String : 2 if count >= 8 else 2.25 if count == 7 else 2.5 if  |        
| Expression:End Time                                                         |
|    Expression Name :                                                EndTime |
|    Expression String :                                                1 [s] |
| Expression:Timestep Size                                                    |
|    Expression Name :                                           TimestepSize |
|    Expression String :                                              0.1 [s] |
| Expression:count                                                            |
|    Expression Name :                                                  count |
|    Expression String :                                                 Step |
| Reference Frame: Frame-1                                                    |
|    Option :                                                ByTransformation |
|    Parent Reference Frame :                            GlobalReferenceFrame |
|    Transformation Order :                                        Rotation-1 |
|    Transformation:Rotation-1                                                |
|       Angle :                                                     -90 [deg] |
|       Axis :                                                          YAxis |
|       Option :                                                     Rotation |
| Instancing: Instance-1                                                      |
|    Instances For Mapping :                                                2 |
|    Instances In Full Circle :                                             8 |
|    Reference Frame :                                   GlobalReferenceFrame | 

Coupling Participants

Provides information about each participant solver.

Participants are ordered alphabetically by display name. Display names are also used for regions and variables.

For details about corresponding settings in the data model, see CouplingParticipant in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference manual.

Figure 49: Coupling Participants section

|                          Coupling Participants (2)                          | 
|    Fluid Flow (CFX)                                                         | 
|       Internal Name :                                            Solution 3 | 
|       Participant Type :                                                CFX | 
|       Participant Display Name :                           Fluid Flow (CFX) | 
|       Dimension :                                                        3D | 
|       Input Parameters :                                                 [] | 
|       Output Parameters :                                                [] | 
|       Participant Analysis Type :                                    Steady | 
|       Restarts Supported :                                             True | 
|       Variables (2)                                                         | 
|          Variable : Force                                                   | 
|             Internal Name :                                     Total Force | 
|             Quantity Type :                                           Force | 
|             Location :                                                 Node | 
|             Participant Display Name :                                Force | 
|             Data Type :                                                Real | 
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector | 
|             Is Extensive :                                             True | 
|                                                                             | 
|          Variable : Mesh_Displacement                                       | 
|             Internal Name :                               Mesh Displacement | 
|             Quantity Type :                        Incremental Displacement | 
|             Location :                                                 Node | 
|             Participant Display Name :                    Mesh Displacement | 
|             Data Type :                                                Real | 
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector | 
|             Is Extensive :                                            False | 
|       Regions (2)                                                           | 
|          Region : coupling                                                  | 
|             Internal Name :                                        coupling | 
|             Topology :                                              Surface | 
|             Input Variables :                           [Mesh Displacement] | 
|             Output Variables :                                [Total Force] | 
|                                                                             | 
|          Region : wall                                                      | 
|             Internal Name :                                            wall | 
|             Topology :                                              Surface | 
|             Input Variables :                                            [] | 
|             Output Variables :                                           [] | 
|       Update Control                                                        | 
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled | 
|       Execution Control                                                     | 
|          Option :                                               UserDefined | 
|          Working Directory :                                          SOLN1 | 
|          Executable :                                    SOLN1\participant2 | 
|          Additional Arguments :                                        None | 
|          Parallel Fraction :                                       1.00e+00 | 
|          Initial Input :                                           case.def | 
|    Static Structural                                                        | 
|       Internal Name :                                              Solution | 
|       Participant Type :                                              MAPDL | 
|       Participant Display Name :                          Static Structural | 
|       Dimension :                                                        3D | 
|       Input Parameters :                                                 [] | 
|       Output Parameters :                                                [] | 
|       Participant Analysis Type :                                    Steady | 
|       Restarts Supported :                                             True | 
|       Variables (3)                                                         | 
|          Variable : Force                                                   | 
|             Internal Name :                                            FORC | 
|             Quantity Type :                                           Force | 
|             Location :                                                 Node | 
|             Participant Display Name :                                Force | 
|             Data Type :                                                Real | 
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector | 
|             Is Extensive :                                             True | 
|                                                                             | 
|          Variable : Force_Density                                           | 
|             Internal Name :                                            FDNS | 
|             Quantity Type :                                           Force | 
|             Location :                                              Element | 
|             Participant Display Name :                                Force | 
|             Data Type :                                                Real | 
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector | 
|             Is Extensive :                                            False | 
|                                                                             | 
|          Variable : Incremental_Displacement                                | 
|             Internal Name :                                            INCD | 
|             Quantity Type :                        Incremental Displacement | 
|             Location :                                                 Node | 
|             Participant Display Name :             Incremental Displacement | 
|             Data Type :                                                Real | 
|             Tensor Type :                                            Vector | 
|             Is Extensive :                                            False | 
|       Regions (1)                                                           | 
|          Region : Fluid Solid Interface                                     | 
|             Internal Name :                                          FSIN_1 | 
|             Topology :                                              Surface | 
|             Input Variables :                                  [FORC, FDNS] | 
|             Output Variables :                                       [INCD] | 
|       Update Control                                                        | 
|          Option :                                         ProgramControlled | 
|       Execution Control                                                     | 
|          Option :                                               UserDefined | 
|          Working Directory :                                           SOLN | 
|          Executable :                                     SOLN\participant1 | 
|          Additional Arguments :                                        None | 
|          Parallel Fraction :                                       1.00e+00 | 
|          Initial Input :                                               None | 
|          Additional Restart Input File :                               None | 

Analysis Control

Provides information on settings that define and control the behavior of the coupled analysis.

For details about corresponding settings in the data model, see AnalysisControl in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference manual.

Figure 50: Analysis Control section

|                              Analysis Control                               | 
|    Analysis Type :                                                   Steady | 
|    Optimize If One Way :                                               True | 
|    Allow Simultaneous Update :                                        False | 
|    Partitioning Algorithm :                          SharedAllocateMachines | 
|    Global Stabilization                                                     | 
|       Option :                                                         None | 

Coupling Interfaces

Provides information about each coupling interface.

Interfaces are ordered alphabetically by display name. Display names are also used for participants, data transfers, regions, and variables.

For details about corresponding settings in the data model, see CouplingInterface in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference manual.

Figure 51: Coupling Interfaces section

|                           Coupling Interfaces (1)                           | 
|    interface-1                                                              | 
|       Internal Name :                                           interface-1 | 
|       Side                                                                  | 
|          Side: One                                                          | 
|             Coupling Participant :                               Solution 3 | 
|             Region List :                                        [coupling] | 
|             Reference Frame :                          GlobalReferenceFrame | 
|             Instancing :                                               None | 
|          Side: Two                                                          | 
|             Coupling Participant :                                 Solution | 
|             Region List :                                          [FSIN_1] | 
|             Reference Frame :                          GlobalReferenceFrame | 
|             Instancing :                                               None | 
|       Data Transfers (2)                                                    | 
|          DataTransfer : Data Transfer                                       | 
|             Internal Name :                                   Data Transfer | 
|             Suppress :                                                False | 
|             Target Side :                                               Two | 
|             Option :                                          UsingVariable | 
|             Source Variable :                                   Total Force | 
|             Target Variable :                                          FORC | 
|             Ramping Option :                                           None | 
|             Relaxation Factor :                                    1.00e+00 | 
|             Convergence Target :                                   1.00e-02 | 
|             Mapping Type :                                     Conservative | 
|          DataTransfer : Data Transfer 2                                     | 
|             Internal Name :                                 Data Transfer 2 | 
|             Suppress :                                                False | 
|             Target Side :                                               One | 
|             Option :                                          UsingVariable | 
|             Source Variable :                                          INCD | 
|             Target Variable :                             Mesh Displacement | 
|             Ramping Option :                                           None | 
|             Relaxation Factor :                                    1.00e+00 | 
|             Convergence Target :                                   1.00e-02 | 
|             Mapping Type :                                ProfilePreserving | 
|             Unmapped Value Option :                           Nearest Value | 
|       Mapping Control                                                       | 
|          Stop If Poor Intersection :                                  False | 
|          Face Alignment :                                 ProgramControlled | 
|          Absolute Gap Tolerance :                                   0.0 [m] | 
|          Relative Gap Tolerance :                                  1.00e+00 | 

Solution Control

Provides information on settings that define and control the behavior of the solution. For details about corresponding settings in the data model, see SolutionControl in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference manual.

Figure 52: Solution Control section

|                              Solution Control                               |
|    Duration Option :                                          NumberOfSteps |
|    Number Of Steps :                                                      2 |
|    Minimum Iterations :                                                   5 |
|    Maximum Iterations :                                                   5 |
|    Use IP Address When Possible :                                      True |

Output Control

Provides information on settings that define and control the behavior of the coupled analysis.

For details about corresponding settings in the data model, see OutputControl in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference manual.

Figure 53: Output Control section

|                               Output Control                                | 
|    Option :                                                        LastStep | 
|    Generate CSV Chart Output :                                        False | 
|    Write Initial Snapshot :                                            True | 
|    Results                                                                  | 
|       Option :                                            ProgramControlled | 
|       Include Instances :                                 ProgramControlled | 
|       Type                                                                  | 
|          Option :                                               EnsightGold | 

One-Way Workflow Message

If the OptimizeIfOneWay setting is enabled and the data transfers are one-way, a message indicating this is written to the Transcript.

Figure 54: One-Way Workflow Messages section

|                       One-way Workflow Optimizations                        |
|                                                                             |
| The data transfers in this simulation define a one-way simulation. The      |
| participant execution order will be determined automatically, with a       |
| single coupling iteration for each step.                                    |
|                                                                             |

Pre-Solution Warnings and Messages

Prior to the solution details, System Coupling prints any validation warnings about issues that could affect execution. When applicable, it prints messages indicating that hidden features are activated and noting which hidden settings have been changed from their default values at any time during the course of the analysis.

Figure 55: Pre-Solution Warnings and Messages section

| Warnings were found during data model validation.                           |
| Restart output is only requested at last step. To enable restarts from      |
|     intermediate points, use another 'OutputControl' option.                |

| Hidden features are available.                                              |
| Beta: 'DisableInitialSnapshotWrite' in AnalysisControl                      |

EnSight Output Display Name Modifications

When variable or region display names are changed in the EnSight-formatted output files, a table shows the original and modified display name for each item.

Figure 56: EnSight Output Display Name Modifications section

|                  EnSight Output Display Name Modifications                  |
|                           Modified Variable Names                           |
| Region: Fluid Flow (Fluent) :        |                                      |
|   deforming_wall                     |                                      |
|   Original:                          | Modified:                            |
|   force__EV                          | force_1__EV                          |
|   force__EV                          | force_2__EV                          |
|   force__EV                          | force_3__EV                          |
|   force__EV                          | force_4__EV                          |
|   force__EV                          | force_5__EV                          |

Partitioning Information

Provides parallel execution information. It lists all available machines and cores, as well as which of those machines and cores are available to each of the participants. This information is available when one of the following conditions are met:

  • System Coupling is running with --cnf command line arguments explicitly specified.

  • System Coupling is running outside of the HPC job scheduler and -t command line arguments explicitly specified.

  • System Coupling is running inside of the HPC job scheduler environment.

Figure 57: Partitioning Information section

|                          Partitioning Information                           |
| Machine Name                         | Core Count                           |
|                                                                             |
| All Available Machines                                                      |
|   AAPjLoa2Vxm7cJj                    | 4                                    |
|                                                                             |
| Machines Available to Participants                                          |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                                                         |
|   AAPjLoa2Vxm7cJj                    | 4                                    |
| Default                                                                     |
|   AAPjLoa2Vxm7cJj                    | 4                                    |

Execution Information

Provides information related to the start-up and execution of the coupled analysis, such as the machines being used and details about intranode communications.

Note:  This information is written only to the Transcript and does not appear in the Log file.

Figure 58: Execution Information section

|                            Execution Information                            |
|                                                                             |
| System Coupling                                                             |
|   Command Line Arguments:                                                   |
|     --guiserver -m cosimgui                                                 |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     D:\CoilAndCoreMechanical                                                |
|                                                                             |
| Ansys Electronics Desktop                                                   |
|   Execution Command:                                                        |
|     "C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\AnsysEM24.2\Win64\ansysedt.exe" -ng -features |
|     =SF6694_NON_GRAPHICAL_COMMAND_EXECUTION -scport 60038 -schost MYACHINE. |
| -scname "AEDT-1" -runscript "CoilAndCore_Maxwell3DDesign_ |
|"                                                |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     D:\CoilAndCoreMechanical\Maxwell                                        |
|                                                                             |
| MAPDL Transient Thermal                                                     |
|   Execution Command:                                                        |
|     "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v242\ansys\bin\winx64\ANSYS242.exe" -o MAPD |
|     L-2.out -b nolist -s noread -scport 60038 -schost |
|     om -scname "MAPDL-2" -scid="" -sclic=600 |
|     39@ -i "CoilAndCore.dat"                                       |
|   Working Directory:                                                        |
|     D:\\CoilAndCoreMechanical\Mechanical                                    |
|                                                                             |

Build Information

Provides build information for System Coupling and each participant, with participants ordered alphabetically by display name.

Figure 59: Build Information section


|                              Build Information                              |
| System Coupling                                                             |
|   2024 R2: Build ID: 5e0ec62 Build Date: 1 May 2022 09:04:46               |
| Ansys Electronics Desktop                                                   |
|   2024.2.0                                                                  |
| MAPDL Transient Thermal                                                     |
|   Mechanical APDL Release 2024 R2          Build 24.2BETA UP20200823        |
|   DISTRIBUTED WINDOWS x64  Version                                          |


Analysis Initialization

Provides meshing statistics, interpolation diagnostics (when applicable), and mapping diagnostics from the initialization of the coupled analysis.

Figure 60: Analysis Initialization section header

|                                                                             |
|                           Analysis Initialization                           |
|                                                                             |

Mesh Statistics

Each time participant meshes are updated, System Coupling writes a Mesh Statistics section to the Transcript. This section provides meshing details for each meshed region and for the coupled analysis as a whole, as follows:

For each participant region:
  • Region name

  • Region cell statistics (the counts of cell zones, cells, and cells of each type)

    Note:  When performing volume-to-volume or surface-to-volume mapping, System Coupling detects the number of cells with warped faces and records the number of them here.

    Warped-face handling also affects volume-to-surface mapping, but the effects in this case are very small.

  • Region face statistics: (the counts of face zones, faces, and faces of each type)

  • Region area or volume

  • Region extent (minimum and maximum)

For the coupled analysis:

Total mesh element statistics (the counts of cells, faces, and nodes across all regions)

If instancing and/or reference frame transformations are defined for the analysis, mesh statistics are reported for the original (non-instanced/untransformed) geometries.

Figure 61: Mesh Statistics section

|                               MESH STATISTICS                               | 
| Participant: DEFAULT-1                                                      | 
|   Number of cell regions                                                  1 | 
|     Number of cells                                                  61 757 | 
|       Tetrahedral                                                    61 757 | 
|     Number of faces                                                 128 552 | 
|     Volume (m3)                                                   4.193e-06 | 
|   Bounding Box (m)                                                          | 
|     Minimum                              [ 0.000e+00  0.000e+00 -5.000e-03] | 
|     Maximum                              [ 4.000e-02  2.000e-02  5.000e-03] | 
|                                                                             | 
| Participant: DEFAULT-2                                                      | 
|   Number of cell regions                                                  1 | 
|     Number of cells                                                  16 755 | 
|       Hexahedral                                                     16 650 | 
|       Wedge                                                             105 | 
|       With warped faces                                               5 055 | 
|     Number of faces                                                  52 417 | 
|     Volume (m3)                                                   4.193e-06 | 
|   Bounding Box (m)                                                          | 
|     Minimum                              [ 0.000e+00  0.000e+00 -5.000e-03] | 
|     Maximum                              [ 4.000e-02  2.000e-02  5.000e-03] | 
|                                                                             | 
| Total                                                                       | 
|   Number of cells                                                    78 512 | 
|   Number of faces                                                   180 969 | 
|   Number of nodes                                                    32 132 | 
| Instancing and/or Reference Frame transformations are defined for this      |
| analysis. Note that the mesh statistics report non-instanced/untransformed  |
| geometries.                                                                 |

Mapping Summary

Each time participant meshes are mapped/remapped (as described in Mapping Process), System Coupling writes a MAPPING SUMMARY to the Transcript. Depending on analysis details, this summary may be written at coupled analysis initialization and/or at the start of the first coupling iteration of each coupling step for which participant meshes have changed.

The MAPPING SUMMARY provides mapping diagnostics for all mapped coupling interfaces, with interfaces and data transfers ordered alphabetically by display name. For each data transfer on the mapped coupling interfaces, the following diagnostics are provided:

  • Mapped Volume [%]: Indicates the percentage of the total volume that was successfully mapped for the source mesh and for the target mesh.

  • Mapped Area [%]: Indicates the percentage of the total area that was successfully mapped for the source mesh and for the target mesh.

  • Mapped Elements [%]: Indicates the percentage of source elements that map to target elements, and vice versa.

  • Mapped Nodes [%]: Indicates the percentage of source nodes that were successfully mapped for the source mesh and for the target mesh.

Figure 62: Mapping Summary section

|                               MAPPING SUMMARY                               |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |

| Interface-1                         |                                       |
|   Heat Rate Density                 |                                       |
|     Mapped Volume [%]               |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |        100               100          |
|   Temperature                       |                                       |
|     Mapped Volume [%]               |        25                100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        14                100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |         6                98           |
| Interface-2                         |                                       |
|   Heat Rate Density                 |                                       |
|     Mapped Volume [%]               |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |        100               100          |
|   Temperature                       |                                       |
|     Mapped Volume [%]               |        23                100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        12                100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |         6                99           |

  • If between 99% and 100% of either the source-side or target-side locations were mapped, then this is shown in the diagnostics as >99% and all other values are rounded to the nearest whole number.

  • When motion is defined on coupled bodies, Ansys recommends that you monitor the System Coupling Transcript's Mapping Summary sections during execution to ensure that the bodies move consistently throughout the analysis.

Reference Frame and Instancing Information

When a case includes a coupling interface with reference frames and/or instancing defined on at least one side, the Reference Frame and Instancing Information section is written to the Transcript.

This section provides information on interface reference frames and instances, non-zero transformation values, and bounding boxes. If an interface has both rotation and translation, the rotation is applied first.

Figure 63: Reference Frame and Instancing section

|                 REFERENCE FRAME AND INSTANCING INFORMATION                  |
| Interface-1                                                                 |  
|    Side One                                                                 |  
|       Number of Instances :                                               2 |  
|       Transformation                                                        |  
|          Translation (m) :       [ 1.000000000,  0.000000000,  0.500000000] |  
|          Rotation Angle (rad) :                                 1.570796327 |  
|          Axis :                  [-1.000000000,  0.000000000,  0.000000000] |  
|       Bounding Box (m)                                                      |  
|          Minimum :                     [ 9.000e-01, -1.000e-01,  5.000e-01] |
|          Maximum :                     [ 2.00                               |
|    Side Two                                                                 |
|       Number of Instances :                                               1 |
|       Bounding Box (m)                                                      |
|          Minimum :                     [ 9.000e-01, -1.000e-01,  5.000e-01] |
|          Maximum :                     [ 2.000e+00,  1.000e+00,  5.000e-01] |
| Information: If a rotation and translation appear in the same reference     | 
| frame, the rotation is applied first.                                       |

Transfer Diagnostics

When interpolation is performed during coupled analysis initialization, initial data transfer interpolation diagnostics are written to the Transfer Diagnostics section of the Transcript's Analysis Initialization block.

A section for each target participant indicates the data transfer it receives and shows the initial interpolation diagnostics for that data transfer, as follows:

  • For extensive variables (which are mapped using a conservative algorithm), the Sum reports the net sum of values leaving the source and entering the target. Diagnostics are reported per-component for vector and complex variables.

  • For intensive variables (which are mapped using a profile-preserving algorithm), the Weighted Average reports a weighted average of values on the source and on the target. Diagnostics are reported per-component for vector and complex variables. The averages are weighted by area for surface regions and by volume for volume regions.

Figure 64: Transfer Diagnostics section


|                            Transfer Diagnostics                             |
| Fluid Flow (Fluent)                 |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     displacement                    |                                       |
|       Weighted Average x            |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |
|       Weighted Average y            |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |
|       Weighted Average z            |     0.00E+00          0.00E+00        |
| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Force                           |                                       |
|       Sum x                         |    -2.73E-11          0.00E+00        |
|       Sum y                         |     1.25E+04          1.25E+04        |
|       Sum z                         |     1.09E+02          1.09E+02        |


Coupled Solution

Provides information about the coupled solution and its execution.

Figure 65: Coupled Solution section header

|                                                                             |
|                              Coupled Solution                               |
|                                                                             |

Coupled Solution contents:

Coupling Step

Provides information for each coupling step, including the simulation time and details for each coupling step completed. Within the coupling step, the following information is provided, with participants ordered according to update sequence:

Note that the coupling step's SIMULATION TIME is provided for transient analyses.

Figure 66: Coupling Step section header

| COUPLING STEP = 1                        SIMULATION TIME = 1.00000E+00 [s] |        


Coupling Step contents:

Mapping Summary

Each time participant meshes are mapped/remapped (as described in Mapping Process), System Coupling writes a MAPPING SUMMARY to the Transcript.

If mapping occurs at the beginning of a coupling step, then the summary is written to the Transcript at the beginning of the step's first iteration.

Figure 67: Mapping Summary at the Coupling Step level

|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
|                               MAPPING SUMMARY                               |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
| Interface-1                         |                                       |
|   Heat Rate Density                 |                                       |
|     Mapped Volume [%]               |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |        100               100          |
|   Temperature                       |                                       |
|     Mapped Volume [%]               |        25                100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        14                100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |         6                98           |
| Interface-2                         |                                       |
|   Heat Rate Density                 |                                       |
|     Mapped Volume [%]               |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        100               100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |        100               100          |
|   Temperature                       |                                       |
|     Mapped Volume [%]               |        23                100          |
|     Mapped Elements [%]             |        12                100          |
|     Mapped Nodes [%]                |         6                99           |

Coupling Iteration

Provides details for each coupling iteration in the step, with participants listed in order of the update sequence. For each iteration, the following information is provided:

Participant data transfers:

A section for each participant indicates the data transfer it receives and whether the data transfer converged during the iteration.

  • Data transfer diagnostics:

    • For each data transfer, the RMS Change in transfer values reports progress toward specified convergence targets.

      Note:  The RMS Change diagnostic is not reported for transfers involving participant variables with complex number values.

    • For extensive variables (which are mapped using a conservative algorithm), the Sum reports the net sum of values leaving the source and entering the target. Diagnostics are reported per-component for vector and complex variables.

    • For intensive variables (which are mapped using a profile-preserving algorithm), the Weighted Average reports a weighted average of values on the source and on the target. Diagnostics are reported per-component for vector and complex variables. The averages are weighted by area for surface regions, and by volume for volume regions.

  • Participant ordering:

Participant solution diagnostics:

Indicates whether each participant's solution converged (it solved its equations) during the iteration.

Possible values:

  • Converged: Used for iterative solutions. Indicates that the solution has converged during the iteration. (Not applicable to AEDT participants.)

  • Complete: Used for direct solutions and all AEDT solutions (that is, both iterative and direct). Indicates that the solution has been completed for the iteration.

  • Convergence Not Evaluated: Indicates that the participant's output was not monitored during the iteration.

  • Not Updated: Indicates that the solution was not updated during the iteration, as specified by the participant's UpdateControl settings, as described in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference manual.

Display names are used for interfaces, participants, and data transfers.

Figure 68: Coupling Iteration section


|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL 1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Heat Rate Density               |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.25E+00          1.10E+00        |
|       Sum                           |    -2.03E-01         -1.40E+01        |
| MAPDL 2                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-2            |                                       |
|     Heat Rate Density               |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.30E+00          1.28E+00        |
|       Sum                           |    -3.22E-01         -1.98E+01        |
| Fluent                              |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.80E-04          3.80E-04        |
|       Weighted Average              |     1.02E+02          1.02E+02        |
|   Interface: Interface-2            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     8.64E-05          8.64E-05        |
|       Weighted Average              |     1.11E+02          1.11E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL 1                           |             Converged                 |
|   MAPDL 2                           |             Converged                 |
|   FLUENT                            |             Converged                 |

Figure 69: Coupling Iteration section with simultaneous-solve participants


|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 2                            |
| MAPDL 1                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Heat Rate Density               |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.25E+00          1.10E+00        |
|       Sum                           |    -2.03E-01         -1.40E+01        |
| MAPDL 2                             |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-2            |                                       |
|     Heat Rate Density               |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.30E+00          1.28E+00        |
|       Sum                           |    -3.22E-01         -1.98E+01        |
| Fluent                              |                                       |
|   Interface: Interface-1            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.80E-04          3.80E-04        |
|       Weighted Average              |     1.02E+02          1.02E+02        |
|   Interface: Interface-2            |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     8.64E-05          8.64E-05        |
|       Weighted Average              |     1.11E+02          1.11E+02        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   MAPDL 1                           |             Converged                 |
|   MAPDL 2                           |             Converged                 |
|   FLUENT                            |             Converged                 |

Shut Down

Provides information about the shutdown of System Coupling, including a list of the restart points created and timing details for the analysis.

Figure 70: Shut Down section header


|                                                                             |
|                                  Shut Down                                  |
|                                                                             |


Available Restart Points

Provides a table of the restart points generated during the execution of the analysis, whether from the current run or previous runs. The corresponding Restart files are named according to the analysis type and the types of participants involved, as described in Restart Files.

Figure 71: Available Restart Points section with step-based restart points


|                          Available Restart Points                           |
| Restart Point                        | File Name                            |
| Coupling Step 1                      | Restart_step1.h5                     |
| Coupling Step 2                      | Restart_step2.h5                     |
| Coupling Step 3                      | Restart_step3.h5                     |
| Coupling Step 4                      | Restart_step4.h5                     |


Figure 72: Available Restart Points section with iteration-based restart points


|                          Available Restart Points                           |
| Restart Point                        | File Name                            |
| Coupling Iteration 1                 | Restart_iter1.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 5                 | Restart_iter5.h5                     |
| Coupling Iteration 10                | Restart_iter10.h5                    |
| Coupling Iteration 11                | Restart_iter11.h5                    |


Timing Summary

In the Timing Summary, Individual participants are ordered alphabetically by display names and are listed before groups of simultaneous-solve participants.

The following timing details are provided:

Total Time

Records the total time of the coupled analysis, from when all participants connect to when they disconnect.

Coupling Participant Time
  • For each ungrouped coupling participant, records its total processing time.

  • For each participant group, lists its members and records the total processing time for the group (that is, the sum of processing times for all member participants).

Coupling Engine Time

Records the processing time used by the coupling engine for each phase of the coupled analysis, as follows:

  • Solution Control is the time used by System Coupling's controller process to set up and advance the co-simulation to convergence.

  • Mesh Import is the time used to import mesh regions from the participants and repartition into System Coupling’s compute nodes.

  • Mapping Setup is the time used to compute the mapping weights used to interpolate solution data.

  • Mapping is the time used to interpolate solution data from sources to targets.

  • Numerics is the time used for other numerical algorithms, such as Quasi-Newton acceleration, ramping, relaxation, and reconstructing solution data from nodes to elements.

  • Miscellaneous is time used that is not covered by the other categories. For example, time spent by System Coupling to send data to and receive data from participants falls under this category.

  • Total is the total processing time used by the coupling engine.

The summary is followed by messages indicating whether the run completed successfully and the time at which the Transcript output was stopped.

Figure 73: Timing Summary section


|                             Timing Summary [s]                              |
| Total Time :                                                    4.92756E+02 |
| Coupling Participant Time                                                   |
|    CFX :                                                        3.30890E+02 |
|    MAPDL Transient :                                            4.50147E+01 |
|    Total :                                                      3.75905E+02 |
| Coupling Engine Time                                                        |
|    Solution Control :                                           8.67179E+01 |
|    Mesh Import :                                                5.67175E-02 |
|    Mapping Setup :                                              1.03958E-02 |
|    Mapping :                                                    1.04814E-01 |
|    Numerics :                                                   3.48588E-01 |
|    Misc. :                                                      2.96124E+01 |
|    Total :                                                      1.16851E+02 |

|                 System coupling run completed successfully.                 |

Transcript output stopped: 2021-07-26 16:31:08