ReferenceFrame (object)

Use ReferenceFrame objects to create transformations from the global (analysis-level) reference, which can then be defined for coupling interface sides.

Note:  Reference frames are not available if at least one side of an interface is an FMU participant.

Multiple reference frame objects can be created either as children or siblings to the global reference frame. Multiple levels of nested frames are possible.

Reference frame objects are assigned default names according to the convention Frame-<#>, where "#" is the first positive integer which yields a unique frame name.

Reference frames must be created prior to initialization, and each reference frame must have at least one transformation defined for it. Once created, a reference frame should be exercised at least once in the coupled analysis – that is, it should be defined for an interface Side, used as a ParentReferenceFrame, and/or used in an Instancing object. The reference frame may be used multiple times in any or all of these capacities.

For more information, see Defining Geometry Transformations for Models with Different Orientations in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Reference Frame branch.

*Option (setting)

Method used to define transformations from the global reference frame.

This value determines conditional transformation settings.

Possible values:

  • ByTransformation

    Transforms are achieved via transformation.

    When selected, transformations are ordered using the TransformationOrder setting.

  • Automatic:

    Transforms are achieved via rigid-body motion (translation and rotation without any bending or stretching) to align the source and target geometries automatically.

    When this is applied to an interface with conformal geometries with any initial mis-alignment (including rotations greater than 90 degrees), the geometries are aligned very closely without user intervention. Some discrepancy is possible due to different meshes, depending on the level of mesh refinement. The alignment will generally be better when the meshes are more refined.

    Note:  An automatic alignment transformation defined using this option can only be applied once. To apply multiple automatic alignment transformations, you must create a separate ReferenceFrame object for each one

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Reference Frame | Option setting.

*ParentReferenceFrame (setting)

Parent reference frame for the current ReferenceFrame object.

Used to create multiple levels of nested reference frame objects.

Accepts the name of any valid reference frame defined for the analysis container which does not introduce sequencing conflicts.

If no reference frame is specified, then GlobalReferenceFrame is the default.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Reference Frame | Parent Reference Frame setting.

*TransformationOrder (setting)

Order in which transformations from the reference frame are performed. Transformations from the reference frame will be performed in the order they are listed.

Available when ReferenceFrame.Option is set to ByTransformation.

Relevant only when multiple transformations from the same parent reference frame are defined.

Accepts a list of transformation names that are defined under the current ReferenceFrame object. All transformations defined for the reference frame must be included in the list. If a transformation is listed more than once then you are notified of the duplication but will be able to proceed (transformations can be applied to a reference frame multiple times).

Required. If no transformation order is defined, then you will receive an error.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Reference Frame | Transformation Order setting.

Transformation (object)

Use Transformation objects to apply transformations to coupling interfaces sides to control the positioning of the geometry.

Available when ReferenceFrame.Option is set to ByTransformation.

Required. Each reference frame must have at least one transformation defined.

Transformation objects are assigned default names according to the convention <TransformationType>-<#>, where:

"TransformationType" is the type of transformation being added (as defined by the transformation Option setting)
"#" is the first positive integer which yields a unique transformation name

Transformations must be added to the TransformationOrder list and may be applied more than once within that order.

Transformations must be added before the analysis is initialized. Transformations defined or modified afterward will not be reflected in the analysis.

For more information, see Defining Geometry Transformations for Models with Different Orientations in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Reference Frame | Transformation branch.

For more information, see Defining Geometry Transformations for Models with Different Orientations in the System Coupling User's Guide.

*Option (setting)

Type of transformation to be performed.

Possible values:

  • Translation (default value)

    The geometry is moved in the directions defined by Cartesian coordinates.

    When selected, the transformation is defined using the Vector setting.

  • Rotation

    The geometry is rotated around an axis with the rotation angle expressed in either radians (default) or degrees.

    When selected, the transformation is defined using the Angle and Axis settings.

Note:  This setting is not editable in System Coupling’s GUI.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Reference Frame | Transformation | Option setting.

*Angle (setting)

Available when the Transformation.Option setting is set to Rotation.

Angle of rotation for the transformation. Used in conjunction with the Axis setting.

Accepts real values with units of either radians (default) or degrees. Default value is 0.0 [rad].

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Reference Frame | Transformation | Angle setting.

*Axis (setting)

Available when the Transformation.Option setting is set to Rotation.

When Transformation.Option is set to Translation, the Axis setting defines the direction in which the geometry will be translated.

When Transformation.Axis is set to UserDefined, the Axis setting defines the axis around which the geometry is rotated. The vector is defined with regard to the parent reference frame.

Used in conjunction with the Angle setting.

Possible values:

  • UserDefined (default value)

  • XAxis

  • YAxis

  • ZAxis

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Reference Frame | Transformation | Axis setting.

*Vector (setting)

Available when Transformation.Option is set to Translation or when Transformation.Axis is set to UserDefined.

Vector in which the geometry will move during the translation.

Accepts a real triplet indicating Cartesian coordinates. Default value is 0.0, 0.0, 0.0.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Library | Reference Frame | Transformation | Vector setting.