Setting the Mesh Type on a Solid

  1. On the ribbon, click Map/Sweep .
  2. Click Select blocks .
    Note: The Map/Sweep control can be applied to geometry bodies or blocks. If the Ghost blocked geometry option is enabled (default) and the mesh has been generated, blocks will be selected. To select geometry bodies instead, disable the Ghost blocked geometry option or hide the blocking in the Structure tree.
  3. In the Blocking Options panel, choose a block type.
    Options are Swept, Mapped or Free.
  4. If Free is selected, select the volume fill type.
    Volume fill options, Hexahedral or Tetrahedral, are applied to the body. Bodies with mapped blocks must have all hexahedral fill. Bodies with swept blocks will be filled with hexahedral and prism elements.
  5. Select a block on which you want to set the block type. Hold the Ctrl key to select multiple blocks. The block type control is applied immediately. If a mesh already exists on the block, the mesh is updated.
    Note: When setting type Swept, the suggested source and target faces are previewed. You may accept these or use the Select source/target faces tool guide to choose alternates.
Tip: If your model has multibody parts, you may set or change the blocking type for bodies independently and connect Mapped blocks to Free blocks.
Note: Converting a free block to Swept supports block topology with different number of splits on the side faces. The free block shown has a single level between the top face and bottom face, while the outer side surfaces consist of several stepped levels. It can be converted to Swept if the top (as shown) or bottom surface is selected as the source.