Defining Boundary Layers Prior to Meshing

  1. On the ribbon, click Layers .
  2. Click Select face and pick the geometry surface(s) that you want to offset.
    Alternatively, click Select body and pick the entire solid body. Then, click Select target face and pick the surfaces that you do not want to offset. This selection process may be simpler for more complex geometries.
    If you are selecting faces for a fluid flow simulation, you typically want to pick faces that represent a wall boundary. For a structural simulation, you typically want to pick faces that represent a boundary where you anticipate high stress, and you want your mesh to have anisotropy so that you can capture the stress gradient near the boundary.
    Tip: For complex models in which multiple faces require boundary layers, or to select internal faces, you may find the Inverse Selection option from the context sensitive (RMB) menu helpful.
    For shell bodies, the selection processes are similar except you will select edges instead of faces to offset. Click Select edges and pick the geometry edge(s) that you want to offset.
  3. The following Options are available:
    Tip: You can set default Layer growth method and options using the SpaceClaim Options > Mesh panel. See Mesh options.
  4. Click Complete to create the boundary layer control.