Basic Design Window Editing

Blocking is generally preserved and propagated when certain geometry design window operations are performed:

  • Move and Copy operations
    • If you edit geometry, blocking and mesh are moved with the geometry.

    • When holding the Ctrl key to create a copy with the Move tool, the blocking and mesh are also moved and copied with the geometry.

    • You can edit the location of a blocking vertex, or vertices. With the Move tool, select a single vertex. The move handle is attached to the selected vertex. You may now move it to new location. Similarly, you can move a blocking edge by selecting the two end vertices or move a blocking face by selecting four corner vertices. Attached edges, and faces if appropriate, are updated by such move operations.

    • You can select a blocking face to move all vertices attached to that face.

    • When doing top-down blocking, you may want to disable Snap Associated Vertices in the General options panel to prevent automatic re-association when vertices are moved across geometry boundaries.

      • The Copy/Paste sequence is not yet hooked up to create blocking and mesh with the geometry.
      • Copy/Paste cannot work from one design window to another.

  • Mirror operations
    • Blocking and mesh gets mirrored across a plane along with geometry.

    • In complex blocking, such as with boundary layers, some blocking-to-geometry associations may be lost.

  • Undo
    • Undo also affects any blocking and mesh which were modified by the operations being undone.