8. External Model Objects

These objects provide access to an external system for your analysis. The objects are grouped by functionality.

These objects provide access to an external system's data.
Imported: Bolt Pretensions and Premeshed Bolt PretensionsProvides access to an external system’s pretension data.
Imported: Constraint Equations or CouplingProvides access to an external system’s data that includes constraint equations and couplings.
Imported: ContactsProvides access to an external system’s data that includes contacts.
Imported: Flexible Remote ConnectorsProvides access to an external system’s data that includes flexible remote connections.
Imported: Rigid Remote ConnectorsProvides access to an external system’s data that includes rigid remote connections.
Imported: Spring ConnectorsProvides access to an external system’s data that includes springs or bushings.
Boundary Conditions
These objects provide access to an external system's data.
Imported: Boundary ConditionsProvides access to an external system’s data that includes constraint and loading conditions.
Imported Plies
These objects provide access to an external system's data.
Imported: Composite PliesProvides ply/layer data from an upstream External Model system.
Coordinate Systems
These objects provide access to an external system's data.
Imported: Coordinate SystemsProvides access to an external system’s data that includes coordinate systems.
These objects provide access to an external system or previous analysis' data.
Imported: Element Orientations (External Model)Provides access to an external system’s data that includes element orientations.
Imported: Nodal OrientationsProvides access to an external system’s data that includes nodal orientations.
Imported: Point MassesProvides access to an external system’s data that includes point masses.