Imported: Rigid Remote Connectors

Provides access to an external system’s data that includes rigid remote connections based on the stiffness of the external data provided. The import process places these objects under an Imported folder beneath the Connections parent folder.

External system's rigid remote connectors data:

Object Properties

The Details view properties for this object include the following.

DefinitionSuppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics PropertiesColor: Enables you to pick a graphics display color.
Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default), and From All Pages.
Transfer PropertiesSource: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Worksheet Properties

The columns of the Worksheet display the following imported source data:



Indicates the type of connection from the imported file. For CDB files, the column displays Remote Point. For ABAQUS files, the column displays Kinematic Coupling. For NASTRAN files, the column displays RBE2.


Displays element identifier from the source file for NASTRAN or ABAQUS. For CDB, it is the real constant ID.

Reference Node ID

This value is the ID of the node that is attached to the participating nodes. You can edit this property to assign a custom name to the Reference Node Id. The corresponding node is identified by the specified name in the solver file and can be accessed using command snippets. See the Assigning Custom Names to Reference Nodes and Accessing them in Solver File topic for additional information.


Degrees of Freedom (DOFs) for the connectors.

Participating Nodes

A listing of the number of nodes (or Node ID for a single node) that are constrained to the Reference node for translation and rotation.

Tree Dependencies

  • Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import process.

  • Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods

This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Right-click Options

In addition to common right-click options, relevant right-click options for this object include:

  • Promote > Remote Point

  • Edit Items >

    • Reference Node ID

    • DOFs

  • Filter Worksheet Based on State >

    • Underdefined

    • Suppressed

  • Export Text File

  • Suppress

Note:  Review the Import Workflow and Interface Options topic in the Import Workflow and Interface Options section for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

API Reference

See the Imported Rigid Remote Connectors section of the ACT API Reference Guide for specific scripting information.

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