3.8. Temperature

This boundary condition applies a constant or spatially varying temperature. Geometry selections for this load must be made on bodies specified in the acoustic Physics Region(s).

Note:  The application does not support data transfer for this loading condition.

Analysis Types

The Temperature loading condition is available for Coupled Field Harmonic, Coupled Field Modal, Coupled Field Transient, Harmonic Acoustics, and Modal Acoustics analyses.

Common Characteristics

This section describes the characteristics of the boundary condition, including the application requirements, support limitations, and loading definitions and values.

Types Supported

  • 3D Simulation: Supported.

  • 2D Simulation: Not Supported.

Geometry Types: Geometry types supported for the Temperature boundary condition include:

  • Solid: Supported.

  • Surface/Shell: Not Supported.

  • Wire Body/Line Body/Beam: Not Supported.

Topology: The following topology selection options are supported for Temperature.

  • Body: Supported.

  • Face: Not Supported.

  • Edge: Not Supported.

  • Vertex: Not Supported.

  • Nodes: Not Supported.

  • Element: Not Supported.

  • Element Face: Not Supported.

Loading Types: The Temperature boundary condition’s loading is defined by Magnitude only.

Loading Data Definition: Enter loading data using one of the following options.

  • Constant: Supported.

  • Tabular (Spatially Varying): Supported.

  • Function (Spatially Varying): Supported.

Boundary Condition Application

To apply a Temperature:

  1. On the Environment Context tab: select Acoustic Loads>Temperature. Or, right-click the Environment tree object or in the Geometry window and select Insert>Acoustics>Temperature.

  2. Define the Scoping Method. Options include Geometry Selection (default) and Named Selection. For either scoping type, you must use the Body selection filter (on the Graphics Toolbar) for geometry selection or Named Selection definition. Only bodies specified in the acoustics Physics Region(s) can be selected or defined.

  3. Define the Magnitude, Coordinate System, and/or Direction of the thermal boundary condition based on the above selections.

Details View Properties

The selections available in the Details view are described below.


Scoping Method, options include:

  • Geometry Selection: Default setting, indicating that the boundary condition is applied to a geometry or geometries, which are chosen using a graphical selection tools.

    • Geometry (Body selection only): Visible when the Scoping Method property is set to Geometry Selection. Geometry (Body only) selections must be made on bodies specified in the acoustic Physics Region(s).

      Use the Body selection filter to pick your geometry, click in the Geometry field, and then click the Apply button that displays. After you select the geometry, this property displays the geometric entities (1 Body, 3 Bodies, etc.).

  • Named Selection: Indicates that the geometry selection is defined by a Named Selection.

    • Named Selection: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Named Selection. This field provides a drop-down list of available user–defined Named Selections (body-based only).


Type: Read-only field that describes the object - Temperature.

Magnitude: Enter a temperature value. The default value is 22°C.

Suppressed: Include (No - default) or exclude (Yes) the boundary condition.

Mechanical APDL References and Notes

The following Mechanical APDL commands, element types, and considerations are applicable for this boundary condition.

  • Temperatures are applied using the BF command.

  • Magnitude (constant, tabular, and function) is always represented as a table in the input file.

Also see the Non-Uniform Ideal Gas Material section in the Mechanical APDL Acoustic Analysis Guide for more information.

API Reference

See the Temperature section of the ACT API Reference Guide for specific scripting information.