6.6.3. Velocity of Secondary Droplets

The velocity of a secondary droplet is modeled statistically based on experimental observations. The velocity is given as


where w and v are the normal and tangential velocity components of the incident droplets, is the unit normal vector to the impinged wall surface, is the unit vector tangent to the impinged surface and in the plane made by and the incident droplet velocity, and is defined as . The normal velocity component w is modeled using a Nukiyama-Tanasawa distribution


where the mean of the distribution w m is defined as a function of the incident angle α (the angle between the surface normal and the incident droplet velocity) and azimuthal angle ϕ as


The azimuthal angle is defined as the angle made by the tangential velocity of the secondary droplet and the vector , and it lies in the interval [-π, π ]. It is statistically chosen according to the distribution proposed by Naber and Reitz [60]


Where P is a random number in the interval [0, 1] and γ is a parameter related to the incident angle α by


The tangential velocity of the secondary droplet is described by a Gaussian distribution as


Where the mean and variance δ of the distribution are given as


According to Han et al. [29] , the constants are set to be A = 0.7, B = 0.03, c 1 = 0.1, c 2 = 0.02306.

The term ζ in Equation 6–92 is used to describe the radial distance from the edge of the film to the point of impact at any azimuthal angle ϕ . It is assumed to be proportional to the radial velocity
