3.11. Updating Regions

You can update the properties of any defined region using the Update Regions task. This task can be added to the workflow as many times as you require.

The table contains a list of all of the defined regions, and their assigned types.

  1. (optional) Use the Filter button to filter the table contents based on a particular column.

  2. Assign a Region Name as needed by double-clicking the current name.

    You can also rename one or more regions by selecting them in the table, right-click, and select Set Region Name in the context menu, and provide a new name directly in the menu.

    For imported CAD geometries that include body labels (and if you have set the Use Body Labels field to Yes in the Import Geometry task, see Importing Geometries), body label names are also listed alongside region names in the table (though their names cannot be edited).

  3. Assign a Region Type as needed using the corresponding drop-down menu. Available region types include:

    • fluid

    • solid

    • dead

      Note:  Dead regions are the same as a void or a pocket in the domain, and are not transferred to the Fluent solver.

      Multiple regions can be assigned a specific type all at once by selecting them in the table, right-click, and select Set Region Type in the context menu, then designate a type for the selected regions directly in the menu.

  4. (optional) Click the Print Summary button to display (in the console window) a list of the number and type of regions. For example:

    ---------------- Model consists of 1 Fluid 2 Solid and 0 Dead(void) regions.
    ---------------- The total number of regions is 3. 
  5. Use the Draw Regions button to display the available regions in the graphics window.

    Multiple regions can be visualized all at once by selecting them in the table, right-click, and select Draw Selections in the context menu.

  6. When you are satisfied with the region assignments, click Update Regions.

    If you need to make adjustments to any of your settings in this task, click Revert and Edit, make your changes and click Update, or click Cancel to cancel your changes.

  7. Once all regions have been updated, proceed to the next step in the workflow.