3.10. Creating Regions

You can specify the number of fluid regions to be included in your simulation using the Create Regions task.

  1. Choose the number of fluid volumes you wish to create in the Estimated Number of Fluid Regions field, or use the default value.

    Note:  The system will detect additional regions if they exist, however, it will detect fluid regions only where they are connected to capping surfaces.

    By default, all bodies are solid regions and all voids are considered "dead" regions. The conversion to a fluid region can happen in many ways:

    • There is a named selection matching *fluid* or *enclosure* or air*.

    • Any region sharing a boundary with any of the inlet or outlet boundary types will automatically changed to fluid region.

    • Any region sharing "internal" boundaries will also change to "fluid" region.

    When compute regions occurs the estimated value are based on existing fluid regions.

  2. If any dead regions are present, you can use the Do you want to retain dead region names? prompt to determine how such regions are named. Voids or dead regions are usually named dead0, dead1, dead2, and so on, and can remain so when this prompt is set to no. When this prompt is set to yes, however, the dead region names will also be prefixed with the original dead region name (usually derived from an adjacent region), such as dead0-fluid:1, dead1-fluid:2, and so on.

  3. Click Create Regions.

    If you need to make adjustments to any of your settings in this task, click Edit, make your changes and click Update, or click Cancel to cancel your changes.

    Note:  Once this task is completed and updated, if fluid extraction is required, Fluent will display the newly created fluid regions.

  4. Use the Draw Regions button to display the available regions in the graphics window.

  5. When the flow volume is generated, proceed to the next step in the workflow.

    For solid models, you may proceed to the Generate the Volume Mesh task.

Additional enhancements can be made to regions using the Update Regions task (see Updating Regions).