12.2.2. Turbulent Dispersion of Particles

The dispersion of particles due to turbulence in the fluid phase can be predicted using the stochastic tracking model. The stochastic tracking (random walk) model includes the effect of instantaneous turbulent velocity fluctuations on the particle trajectories through the use of stochastic methods (see Stochastic Tracking). For stochastic tracking a model is available to account for the generation or dissipation of turbulence in the continuous phase (see Coupling Between the Discrete and Continuous Phases).

Important:  Turbulent dispersion of particles cannot be included if the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is used. Stochastic Tracking

When the flow is turbulent, Ansys Fluent will predict the trajectories of particles using the mean fluid phase velocity, , in the trajectory equations (Equation 12–1). Optionally, you can include the instantaneous value of the fluctuating gas flow velocity,


to predict the dispersion of the particles due to turbulence.

In the stochastic tracking approach, Ansys Fluent predicts the turbulent dispersion of particles by integrating the trajectory equations for individual particles, using the instantaneous fluid velocity, , along the particle path during the integration. By computing the trajectory in this manner for a sufficient number of representative particles (termed the "number of tries"), the random effects of turbulence on the particle dispersion can be included.

Ansys Fluent uses a stochastic method (random walk model) to determine the instantaneous gas velocity. In the discrete random walk (DRW) model, the fluctuating velocity components are discrete piecewise constant functions of time. Their random value is kept constant over an interval of time given by the characteristic lifetime of the eddies.

The DRW model may give nonphysical results in strongly nonhomogeneous diffusion-dominated flows, where small particles should become uniformly distributed. Instead, the DRW will show a tendency for such particles to concentrate in low-turbulence regions of the flow. In addition, this model is known to give poor prediction of the wall impaction rate of particles with a diameter less than a few microns due to turbulence. The Integral Time

Prediction of particle dispersion makes use of the concept of the integral time scale, :


The integral time is proportional to the particle dispersion rate, as larger values indicate more turbulent motion in the flow. It can be shown that the particle diffusivity is given by .

For small "tracer" particles that move with the fluid (zero drift velocity), the integral time becomes the fluid Lagrangian integral time, . This time scale can be approximated as


where is to be determined as it is not well known. By matching the diffusivity of tracer particles, , to the scalar diffusion rate predicted by the turbulence model, , one can obtain


for the -  model and its variants, and


when the Reynolds stress model (RSM) is used [132]. For the - models, substitute into Equation 12–24. The LES model uses the equivalent LES time scales. The Discrete Random Walk Model

In the discrete random walk (DRW) model, or "eddy lifetime" model, the interaction of a particle with a succession of discrete stylized fluid phase turbulent eddies is simulated [215]. Each eddy is characterized by

  • a Gaussian distributed random velocity fluctuation, , , and

  • a time scale,

The values of , , and that prevail during the lifetime of the turbulent eddy are sampled by assuming that they obey a Gaussian probability distribution, so that


where is a normally distributed random number, and the remainder of the right-hand side is the local RMS value of the velocity fluctuations. Since the kinetic energy of turbulence is known at each point in the flow, these values of the RMS fluctuating components can be defined (assuming isotropy) as


for the -  model, the -  model, and their variants. When the RSM is used, nonisotropy of the stresses is included in the derivation of the velocity fluctuations:




when viewed in a reference frame in which the second moment of the turbulence is diagonal [731]. For the LES model, the velocity fluctuations are equivalent in all directions. See Inlet Boundary Conditions for Scale Resolving Simulations for details.

The characteristic lifetime of the eddy is defined either as a constant:


where is given by Equation 12–24 in general (Equation 12–25 by default), or as a random variation about :


where is a uniform random number greater than zero and less than 1 and is given by Equation 12–25. The option of random calculation of yields a more realistic description of the correlation function.

The particle eddy crossing time is defined as


where is the particle relaxation time, is the eddy length scale, and is the magnitude of the relative velocity.

The particle is assumed to interact with the fluid phase eddy over the smaller of the eddy lifetime and the eddy crossing time. When this time is reached, a new value of the instantaneous velocity is obtained by applying a new value of in Equation 12–27. Using the DRW Model

The only inputs required for the DRW model are the value for the integral time-scale constant, (see Equation 12–24 and Equation 12–32) and the choice of the method used for the prediction of the eddy lifetime. You can choose to use either a constant value or a random value by selecting the appropriate option in the Set Injection Properties Dialog Box for each injection, as described in Stochastic Tracking in the User’s Guide.

Important:  Turbulent dispersion of particles cannot be included if the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is used.