2.2.1. Equations for a Moving Reference Frame

Consider a coordinate system that is translating with a linear velocity and rotating with angular velocity relative to a stationary (inertial) reference frame, as illustrated in Figure 2.3: Stationary and Moving Reference Frames. The origin of the moving system is located by a position vector .

Figure 2.3: Stationary and Moving Reference Frames

Stationary and Moving Reference Frames

The axis of rotation is defined by a unit direction vector such that


The computational domain for the CFD problem is defined with respect to the moving frame such that an arbitrary point in the CFD domain is located by a position vector from the origin of the moving frame.

The fluid velocities can be transformed from the stationary frame to the moving frame using the following relation:




In the above equations, is the relative velocity (the velocity viewed from the moving frame), is the absolute velocity (the velocity viewed from the stationary frame), is the velocity of the moving frame relative to the inertial reference frame, is the translational frame velocity, and is the angular velocity. It should be noted that both and can be functions of time.

When the equations of motion are solved in the moving reference frame, the acceleration of the fluid is augmented by additional terms that appear in the momentum equations  [47]. Moreover, the equations can be formulated in two different ways:

  • Expressing the momentum equations using the relative velocities as dependent variables (known as the relative velocity formulation).

  • Expressing the momentum equations using the absolute velocities as dependent variables in the momentum equations (known as the absolute velocity formulation).

The governing equations for these two formulations will be provided in the sections below. It can be noted here that Ansys Fluent's pressure-based solvers provide the option to use either of these two formulations, whereas the density-based solvers always use the absolute velocity formulation. For more information about the advantages of each velocity formulation, see Choosing the Relative or Absolute Velocity Formulation in the User's Guide. Relative Velocity Formulation

For the relative velocity formulation, the governing equations of fluid flow in a moving reference frame can be written as follows:

Conservation of mass:


Conservation of momentum:


where and

Conservation of energy:


The momentum equation contains four additional acceleration terms. The first two terms are the Coriolis acceleration () and the centripetal acceleration (), respectively. These terms appear for both steadily moving reference frames (that is, and are constant) and accelerating reference frames (that is, and/or are functions of time). The third and fourth terms are due to the unsteady change of the rotational speed and linear velocity, respectively. These terms vanish for constant translation and/or rotational speeds. In addition, the viscous stress () is identical to Equation 1–4 except that relative velocity derivatives are used. The energy equation is written in terms of the relative internal energy () and the relative total enthalpy (), also known as the rothalpy. These variables are defined as:


(2–8) Absolute Velocity Formulation

For the absolute velocity formulation, the governing equations of fluid flow for a steadily moving frame can be written as follows:

Conservation of mass:


Conservation of momentum:


Conservation of energy:


In this formulation, the Coriolis and centripetal accelerations can be simplified into a single term (). Notice that the momentum equation for the absolute velocity formulation contains no explicit terms involving or . Relative Specification of the Reference Frame Motion

Ansys Fluent allows you to specify the frame of motion relative to an already moving (rotating and translating) reference frame. In this case, the resulting velocity vector is computed as






Equation 2–13 is known as the Galilei transformation.

The rotation vectors are added together as in Equation 2–14, since the motion of the reference frame can be viewed as a solid body rotation, where the rotation rate is constant for every point on the body. In addition, it allows the formulation of the rotation to be an angular velocity axial (also known as pseudo) vector, describing infinitesimal instantaneous transformations. In this case, both rotation rates obey the commutative law. Note that such an approach is not sufficient when dealing with finite rotations. In this case, the formulation of rotation matrices based on Eulerian angles is necessary [544].

To learn how to specify a moving reference frame within another moving reference frame, refer to Setting Up Multiple Reference Frames in the User's Guide.