5.3.7. Surface-to-Surface (S2S) Radiation Model Theory

The surface-to-surface radiation model can be used to account for the radiation exchange in an enclosure of gray-diffuse surfaces. The energy exchange between two surfaces depends in part on their size, separation distance, and orientation. These parameters are accounted for by a geometric function called a "view factor".

The main assumption of the S2S model is that any absorption, emission, or scattering of radiation can be ignored; therefore, only "surface-to-surface" radiation need be considered for analysis.

For information about setting up the model, see Setting Up the S2S Model in the User's Guide. Gray-Diffuse Radiation

Ansys Fluent’s S2S radiation model assumes the surfaces to be gray and diffuse. Emissivity and absorptivity of a gray surface are independent of the wavelength. Also, by Kirchoff’s law  [447], the emissivity equals the absorptivity (). For a diffuse surface, the reflectivity is independent of the outgoing (or incoming) directions.

The gray-diffuse model is what is used in Ansys Fluent. Also, as stated earlier, for applications of interest, the exchange of radiative energy between surfaces is virtually unaffected by the medium that separates them. Thus, according to the gray-body model, if a certain amount of radiant energy () is incident on a surface, a fraction () is reflected, a fraction () is absorbed, and a fraction () is transmitted. Since for most applications the surfaces in question are opaque to thermal radiation (in the infrared spectrum), the surfaces can be considered opaque. The transmissivity, therefore, can be neglected. It follows, from the conservation of energy, that , since (emissivity), and . The S2S Model Equations

The energy flux leaving a given surface is composed of directly emitted and reflected energy. The reflected energy flux is dependent on the incident energy flux from the surroundings, which then can be expressed in terms of the energy flux leaving all other surfaces. The energy leaving from surface is


where is the energy flux leaving the surface, is the emissivity, is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and is the energy flux incident on the surface from the surroundings.

The amount of incident energy upon a surface from another surface is a direct function of the surface-to-surface "view factor," . The view factor is the fraction of energy leaving surface that is incident on surface . The surfaces used in the calculation of a view factor can be mesh faces or (for 3D cases only) clusters of faces; see Clustering and View Factors for details about clusters. The incident energy flux can be expressed in terms of the energy flux leaving all other surfaces as


where is the area of surface and is the view factor between surface and surface . For surfaces, using the view factor reciprocity relationship gives


so that




which can be written as


where represents the energy that is given off (or radiosity) of surface , and represents the emissive power of surface . This represents equations, which can be recast into matrix form as


where is an matrix, is the radiosity vector, and is the emissive power vector.

Equation 5–103 is referred to as the radiosity matrix equation. The view factor between two finite surfaces and is given by


where is determined by the visibility of to . = 1 if is visible to and 0 otherwise. Clustering

The S2S radiation model is computationally very expensive when you calculate the radiation and view factors for a large number of surfaces. To reduce the computational time as well as the storage requirement, the number of surfaces is reduced by creating surface "clusters". The surface clusters are made by starting from a face and adding its neighbors and their neighbors until a specified number of faces per surface cluster is collected. Clustering and View Factors

By default, view factors are calculated using a face to face basis, in which clustering is used in a limited way only. The boundary faces act as the surfaces for the view factor calculation, and then a cluster view factor is obtained by taking the area-weighted average of the view factors of the faces within the cluster.

For 3D cases, you have the option of using the cluster to cluster basis instead of the face to face basis, which can reduce the computational expense and storage requirements. In this approach, Ansys Fluent internally creates polygon faces by combining all of the faces from non-polyhedral cells in each cluster, and these are then used as the surfaces for the view factor calculation. The .s2s file will contain the connectivity information of the cluster itself instead of the individual faces in the cluster, and the coarser, polyhedral mesh that is written requires less disk space. Note that accuracy can be impacted by the use of the cluster to cluster basis, because of the following reasons:

  • Clusters are assumed to be planar for view factor computation, even though they may not be exactly planar. This discrepancy reduces the accuracy, especially as the surface becomes more convex / concave, and as the number of faces per surface clusters for the boundary zones increases.

  • The option of dividing faces into subfaces as part of the hemicube algorithm (which increases accuracy) is not available with the cluster to cluster basis. Clustering and Radiosity

The radiosity, , is calculated for the surface clusters. These values are then distributed to the faces in the clusters to calculate the wall temperatures. Since the radiation source terms are highly nonlinear (proportional to the fourth power of temperature), care must be taken to calculate the average temperature of the surface clusters and distribute the flux and source terms appropriately among the faces forming the clusters.

The surface cluster temperature is obtained by area averaging as shown in the following equation:


where is the temperature of the surface cluster, and and are the area and temperature of face . The summation is carried over all faces of a surface cluster.