5.3.4. Rosseland Radiation Model Theory

The Rosseland or diffusion approximation for radiation is valid when the medium is optically thick (), and is recommended for use in problems where the optical thickness is greater than 3. It can be derived from the P-1 model equations, with some approximations. This section provides details about the equations used in the Rosseland model. For information about setting up the model, see Using the Radiation Models in the User's Guide. The Rosseland Model Equations

As with the P-1 model, the radiative heat flux vector in a gray medium can be approximated by Equation 5–25:


where is given by Equation 5–24.

The Rosseland radiation model differs from the P-1 model in that the Rosseland model assumes that the intensity is the black-body intensity at the gas temperature. (The P-1 model actually calculates a transport equation for .) Thus , where is the refractive index. Substituting this value for into Equation 5–49 yields


Since the radiative heat flux has the same form as the Fourier conduction law, it is possible to write




where is the thermal conductivity and is the radiative conductivity. Equation 5–51 is used in the energy equation to compute the temperature field. Anisotropic Scattering

The Rosseland model allows for anisotropic scattering, using the same phase function (Equation 5–33) described for the P-1 model in Anisotropic Scattering. Boundary Condition Treatment at Walls

Since the diffusion approximation is not valid near walls, it is necessary to use a temperature slip boundary condition. The radiative heat flux at the wall boundary, , is defined using the slip coefficient :


where is the wall temperature, is the temperature of the gas at the wall, and the slip coefficient is approximated by a curve fit to the plot given in  [596]:


where is the conduction to radiation parameter at the wall:


and . Boundary Condition Treatment at Flow Inlets and Exits

No special treatment is required at flow inlets and outlets for the Rosseland model. The radiative heat flux at these boundaries can be determined using Equation 5–51.