14.5.11. Turbulent Dispersion Force

For multiphase turbulent flows using the Eulerian model, Ansys Fluent can include the effects of turbulent dispersion forces which account for the interphase turbulent momentum transfer. The turbulent dispersion force acts as a turbulent diffusion in dispersed flows. For example for a boiling flow in a heated vertical pipe, vapor is generated on heated wall surfaces. The turbulent dispersion force plays a crucial role in driving the vapor away from the vicinity of the wall towards the center of the pipe.

The turbulent dispersion force arises from averaging the interphase drag term. For a dispersed phase, , and a continuous phase, , the turbulent drag is modeled as:


The term on the left side is the instantaneous drag. The first term on the right hand side, , appears in Equation 14–196 and represents the mean momentum exchange between the two phases. is the interphase exchange coefficient, described in Interphase Exchange Coefficients, and and are the mean phase velocity vectors. The second term, , is commonly referred to as the turbulent dispersion force:


where is the drift velocity and accounts for the dispersion of the secondary phases due to transport by turbulent fluid motion. is a factor that can be used to impose a limiting function on the turbulent dispersion force. For clarity, the limiting factor is omitted from the descriptions of the turbulent dispersion models that follow. See Limiting Functions for the Turbulent Dispersion Force for details about the implementation of the limiting factor. Models for Turbulent Dispersion Force

The following sections describe the models for turbulent dispersion force that are available in Ansys Fluent:

You can also specify the turbulent dispersion force with a User Defined Function. For information on enabling turbulent dispersion force in your model, see Including the Turbulent Dispersion Force in the User’s Guide. Lopez de Bertodano Model

Instead of following Equation 14–331 and modeling the drift velocity, Lopez de Bertodano proposed the following formulation [389]:


where is the continuous phase density, is the turbulent kinetic energy in the continuous phase, and is the gradient of dispersed phase volume fraction, and is a user-modifiable constant. By default, . Simonin Model

Simonin and Viollet [598] proposed that the drift velocity, , is calculated from:


In Equation 14–333, is the fluid-particulate dispersion tensor.

For the dispersed two-equation turbulence model (k- ε Dispersed Turbulence Model), Ansys Fluent uses Tchen theory [247] and assumes that is a scalar, expressed as given by in Equation 14–436 with a dispersion Prandtl number, ( by default). The turbulent dispersion force is then given by:


Where is a user-modifiable constant, which is set to 1 by default.

For the per-phase turbulence model, the turbulent dispersion force is given by:


Where and are the viscosity and density of the dispersed phase, respectively; and and are the viscosity and density of the continuous phase, respectively.

For the mixture turbulence model (k- ε Mixture Turbulence Model), the dispersion scalar is equal to the mixture turbulent kinematic viscosity. Burns et al. Model

Burns et al. [88] derived a formulation based on Favre averaging of the drag term. The final expression is similar to Simonin’s model. For the Burns model, the dispersion scalar is estimated by the turbulent viscosity of the continuous phase:




By default, and . As in the Simonin model, when using the mixture turbulence model the dispersion scalar is equal to the mixture turbulent kinetic viscosity. Diffusion in VOF Model

Instead of treating the turbulent dispersion as an interfacial momentum force in the phase momentum equations, you can model it as a turbulent diffusion term in the governing equations of phase volume fractions [615]. With the turbulent dispersion term, the governing equation for the volume fraction in phase , Equation 14–193, becomes:


where is the diffusion coefficient in the phase, and the term is the turbulent dispersion term that must satisfy the constraint:


In order to satisfy Equation 14–339 the diffusion coefficients for the secondary phases are estimated from the phase turbulent viscosities, as


where by default.

For the primary phase, , the diffusion term is

(14–341) Limiting Functions for the Turbulent Dispersion Force

In some applications it is desirable to apply the turbulent dispersion force only in particular flow regimes or conditions. For example, a user may want to include the turbulent dispersion force only in a bubbly flow regime. To accommodate this, a limiting function can be applied through the factor, , in Equation 14–331.

Ansys Fluent provides three options for determining :


By default, no limiting is performed on the turbulent dispersion force ().


Ansys Fluent includes a standard limiting function that varies linearly from 0 to 1 based on the volume fraction of the dispersed phase(s), :


By default,

If necessary, the values of and can be changed using the following domainsetvar scheme commands:

(domainsetvar <phase-id> ‘mp/td/vof-lower-limit < —value>)
(domainsetvar <phase-id> ‘mp/td/vof-upper-limit < —value>)

with appropriate values substituted for <phase-id> and < —value>. Note that the value for <phase-id> for a given phase can be found from the Phases dialog box in the user interface.


You can specify your own limiting function by creating a User-Defined Function (UDF) using the DEFINE_EXCHANGE_PROPERTY macro (DEFINE_EXCHANGE_PROPERTY). Note that must have a value between 0 and 1, and should vary continuously to ensure numerical stability and physical solutions.