14.5.18. Turbulence Models

To describe the effects of turbulent fluctuations of velocities and scalar quantities in a single phase, Ansys Fluent uses various types of closure models, as described in Turbulence. In comparison to single-phase flows, the number of terms to be modeled in the momentum equations in multiphase flows is large, and this makes the modeling of turbulence in multiphase simulations extremely complex.

Ansys Fluent provides three methods for modeling turbulence in multiphase flows within the context of the - and -  models. In addition, Ansys Fluent  provides two turbulence options within the context of the Reynolds stress models (RSM).

The - and -  turbulence model options are:

  • mixture turbulence model (the default)

  • dispersed turbulence model

  • turbulence model for each phase

Important:   Note that the descriptions of each method below are presented based on the standard -  model. The multiphase modifications to the - , RNG and realizable -  models are similar, and are therefore not presented explicitly.

The RSM turbulence model options are:

  • mixture turbulence model (the default)

  • dispersed turbulence model

For either category, the choice of model depends on the importance of the secondary-phase turbulence in your application. k- ε Turbulence Models

Ansys Fluent provides three turbulence model options in the context of the -  models: the mixture turbulence model (the default), the dispersed turbulence model, or a per-phase turbulence model. k- ε Mixture Turbulence Model

The mixture turbulence model is the default multiphase turbulence model. It represents the first extension of the single-phase -  model, and it is applicable when phases separate, for stratified (or nearly stratified) multiphase flows, and when the density ratio between phases is close to 1. In these cases, using mixture properties and mixture velocities is sufficient to capture important features of the turbulent flow.

The and equations describing this model (and without including buoyancy, dilation, and source terms) are as follows:




where the mixture density, , molecular viscosity, , and velocity, , are computed from





where , , , and are, respectively, the volume fraction, density, viscosity, and velocity of the ith phase.

The turbulent viscosity for the mixture, , is computed from


and the production of turbulence kinetic energy, , is computed from


The terms, and are source terms that can be included to model the turbulent interaction between the dispersed phases and the continuous phase (Turbulence Interaction Models):

The turbulent viscosity for phase is computed from


The constants in these equations are the same as those described in Standard k-ε Model for the single-phase -  model. k- ε Dispersed Turbulence Model

The dispersed turbulence model is the appropriate model when the concentrations of the secondary phases are dilute, or when using the granular model. Fluctuating quantities of the secondary phases can be given in terms of the mean characteristics of the primary phase and the ratio of the particle relaxation time and eddy-particle interaction time.

The model is applicable when there is clearly one primary continuous phase and the rest are dispersed dilute secondary phases. Assumptions

The dispersed method for modeling turbulence in Ansys Fluent assumes the following:

  • a modified -  model for the continuous phase

    Turbulent predictions for the continuous phase are obtained using the standard -  model supplemented with extra terms that include the interphase turbulent momentum transfer.

  • Tchen-theory correlations for the dispersed phases

    Predictions for turbulence quantities for the dispersed phases are obtained using the Tchen theory of dispersion of discrete particles by homogeneous turbulence [247].

  • interphase turbulent momentum transfer

    In turbulent multiphase flows, the momentum exchange terms contain the correlation between the instantaneous distribution of the dispersed phases and the turbulent fluid motion. It is possible to take into account the dispersion of the dispersed phases transported by the turbulent fluid motion.

  • a phase-weighted averaging process

    The choice of averaging process has an impact on the modeling of dispersion in turbulent multiphase flows. A two-step averaging process leads to the appearance of fluctuations in the phase volume fractions. When the two-step averaging process is used with a phase-weighted average for the turbulence, however, turbulent fluctuations in the volume fractions do not appear. Ansys Fluent uses phase-weighted averaging, so no volume fraction fluctuations are introduced into the continuity equations. Turbulence in the Continuous Phase

The eddy viscosity model is used to calculate averaged fluctuating quantities. The Reynolds stress tensor for continuous phase takes the following form:


where is the phase-weighted velocity.

The turbulent viscosity is written in terms of the turbulent kinetic energy of phase :


and a characteristic time of the energetic turbulent eddies is defined as


where is the dissipation rate and .

The length scale of the turbulent eddies is


Turbulent predictions are obtained from the modified -  model. The transport equations (excluding buoyancy, dilation, and user-defined source terms) are:




Here, the terms containing and are source terms that can be included to model the influence of the dispersed phases on the continuous phase (Turbulence Interaction Models: is the production of turbulent kinetic energy, as defined in Modeling Turbulent Production in the k-ε Models. All other terms have the same meaning as in the single-phase -  model. Turbulence in the Dispersed Phase

The turbulence quantities for the dispersed phase are not obtained from transport equations. Time and length scales that characterize the motion are used to evaluate dispersion coefficients, correlation functions, and the turbulent kinetic energy of each dispersed phase. k- ε Turbulence Model for Each Phase

The most general multiphase turbulence model solves a set of and transport equations for each phase. This turbulence model is the appropriate choice when the turbulence transfer among the phases plays a dominant role.

Note that, since Ansys Fluent is solving two additional transport equations for each secondary phase, the per-phase turbulence model is more computationally intensive than the dispersed turbulence model. Transport Equations

The Reynolds stress tensor and turbulent viscosity are computed using Equation 14–405 and Equation 14–406. Turbulence predictions are obtained from




The terms and can be approximated as


where is defined by Equation 14–435. The terms and are source terms which can be included to model the influence of the inter-phase turbulence interaction (Turbulence Interaction Models). RSM Turbulence Models

Multiphase turbulence modeling typically involves two equation models that are based on single-phase models and often cannot accurately capture the underlying flow physics. Additional turbulence modeling for multiphase flows is diminished even more when the basic underlying single-phase model cannot capture the complex physics of the flow. In such situations, the logical next step is to combine the Reynolds stress model with the multiphase algorithm in order to handle challenging situations in which both factors, RSM for turbulence and the Eulerian multiphase formulation, are a precondition for accurate predictions [115].

The phase-averaged continuity and momentum equations for a continuous phase are:



For simplicity, the laminar stress-strain tensor and other body forces such as gravity have been omitted from Equation 14–414 - Equation 14–415. The tilde denotes phase-averaged variables while an overbar (for example, reflects time-averaged values. In general, any variable can have a phase-average value defined as


Considering only two phases for simplicity, the drag force between the continuous and the dispersed phases can be defined as:


where is the drag coefficient. Several terms in the Equation 14–417 need to be modeled in order to close the phase-averaged momentum equations. Full descriptions of all modeling assumptions can be found in [114]. This section only describes the different modeling definition of the turbulent stresses that appears in Equation 14–415.

The turbulent stress that appears in the momentum equations need to be defined on a per-phase basis and can be calculated as:


where the subscript is replaced by for the primary (that is, continuous) phase or by for any secondary (that is, dispersed) phases. As is the case for single-phase flows, the current multiphase Reynolds stress model (RSM) also solves the transport equations for Reynolds stresses . Ansys Fluent includes two methods for modeling turbulence in multiphase flows within the context of the RSM model: the dispersed turbulence model, and the mixture turbulence model. RSM Dispersed Turbulence Model

The dispersed turbulence model is used when the concentrations of the secondary phase are dilute and the primary phase turbulence is regarded as the dominant process. Consequently, the transport equations for turbulence quantities are only solved for the primary (continuous) phase, while the predictions of turbulence quantities for dispersed phases are obtained using the Tchen theory. The transport equation for the primary phase Reynolds stresses in the case of the dispersed model are:


The variables in Equation 14–419 are per continuous phase and the subscript is omitted for clarity. In general, the terms in Equation 14–419 are modeled in the same way as for the single phase case described in Reynolds Stress Model (RSM). The last term, , takes into account the interaction between the continuous and the dispersed phase turbulence. A general model for this term can be of the form:


where and are unknown coefficients, is the relative velocity, represents the drift or the relative velocity, and is the unknown particulate-fluid velocity correlation. To simplify this unknown term, the following assumption has been made:


where is the Kronecker delta, and represents the modified version of the original Simonin model [599].


where represents the turbulent kinetic energy of the continuous phase, is the continuous-dispersed phase velocity covariance and finally, and stand for the relative and the drift velocities, respectively. In order to achieve full closure, the transport equation for the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate () is required. The modeling of together with all other unknown terms in Equation 14–422 are modeled in the same way as in [114]. RSM Mixture Turbulence Model

The main assumption for the mixture model is that all phases share the same turbulence field which consequently means that the term in the Reynolds stress transport equations (Equation 14–419) is neglected. Apart from that, the equations maintain the same form but with phase properties and phase velocities being replaced with mixture properties and mixture velocities. The mixture density, for example, can be expressed as


while mixture velocities can be expressed as


where is the number of species. Turbulence Interaction Models

When using a turbulence model in an Eulerian multiphase simulation, Fluent can optionally include the influence of the dispersed phase on the multiphase turbulence equations. The influence of the dispersed phases is represented by source terms ( and in Equation 14–409 and Equation 14–410) whose form will depend on the model chosen.

You can choose from the following models for turbulence interaction.

Turbulence interaction can be included with any of the multiphase turbulence models and formulations in Fluent.

Note:   For the -based turbulence models, the source term will take the form:


See Including Turbulence Interaction Source Terms in the Fluent User's Guide for details about how to include turbulence interaction in your simulation. Simonin et al.

In the Simonin et al. model [599], the turbulence interaction is modeled by additional source terms in the turbulence transport equation(s). The Simonin model is only available with Dispersed and Per Phase turbulence models. Formulation in Dispersed Turbulence Models Continuous Phase

The term is derived from the instantaneous equation of the continuous phase and takes the following form, where represents the number of secondary phases:


which can be simplified to


where: is a user-modifiable model constant. By default, . is the covariance of the velocities of the continuous phase and the dispersed phase , calculated from Equation 14–436. is the relative velocity. is the drift velocity, calculated from Equation 14–333.

For granular flows, .

Equation 14–427 can be split into two terms as follows:


The second term in Equation 14–428 is related to drift velocity and is referred to as the drift turbulent source. It is an option term in the turbulent kinetic energy source and can be included as described in Including Turbulence Interaction Source Terms in the Fluent User's Guide.

is modeled according to Elgobashi et al. [163] :


where . Dispersed Phases

For the dispersed phases, the characteristic particle relaxation time connected with inertial effects acting on a dispersed phase is defined as:


where is the drag function described in Interphase Exchange Coefficients.

The time scale of the energetic turbulent eddies is defined as:


The eddy particle interaction time is mainly affected by the crossing-trajectory effect [125], and is defined as


where , the parameter, , is given by




where is the angle between the mean particle velocity and the mean relative velocity. The ratio between these two characteristic times is written as


Following Simonin [599], Ansys Fluent writes the turbulence quantities for dispersed phase as follows:


and is the added-mass coefficient. For granular flows, is negligible. The viscosity for the secondary phase, for granular flows is approximated as:


while for bubbly flows it can be left as . Formulation in Per Phase Turbulence Models

For Per Phase turbulence models, only the second term from Equation 14–428 (the drift turbulence source) is added in the phase turbulence modeling equations.

For the turbulent kinetic energy equations:

Continuous Phase


Dispersed Phases


Turbulence dissipation sources for all phases are computed as:

(14–440) Troshko-Hassan

Troshko and Hassan [659] proposed an alternative model to account for the turbulence of the dispersed phase in the - equations. Troshko-Hassan Formulation in Mixture Turbulence Models

In the Mixture turbulence models, the Troshko-Hassan turbulence interaction terms are:



By default, and . These values are user-modifiable as described in Including Turbulence Interaction Source Terms in the Fluent User's Guide. is the characteristic time of the induced turbulence defined as


is the virtual mass coefficient and is the drag coefficient. Troshko-Hassan Formulation in Dispersed Turbulence Models Continuous Phase

In the Dispersed turbulence models, the term is calculated as follows:


and is calculated as


By default, and . These values are user-modifiable as described in Including Turbulence Interaction Source Terms in the Fluent User's Guide. is the characteristic time of the induced turbulence defined as in Equation 14–443. Dispersed Phases

For the Troshko-Hassan model, the kinematic turbulent viscosity of the dispersed phase is calculated as

(14–446) Troshko-Hassan Formulation in Per-Phase Turbulence Models Continuous Phase

In the Per-Phase turbulence models, the continuous phase equations are modified with the following terms:



By default, and . These values are user-modifiable as described in Including Turbulence Interaction Source Terms in the Fluent User's Guide. is the characteristic time of the induced turbulence defined as in Equation 14–443. Dispersed Phases

The dispersed phase equations are also modified with source terms defined as follows:


(14–450) Sato

Unlike the Simonin and Troshko-Hassan models, the Sato model [571] does not add explicit source terms to the turbulence equations. Instead, in an attempt to incorporate the effect of the random primary phase motion induced by the dispersed phase in bubbly flow, Sato et al. proposed the following relation:


where the relative velocity and the diameter of the dispersed phase represent velocity and time scales and .

For the mixture model

where is the primary phase turbulent viscosity before the Sato correction, which is calculated from Equation 14–404.

For the dispersed and per-phase turbulence models, and are the primary phase turbulence intensity and eddy dissipation rate, respectively. None

If None is selected, then no source terms are added to account for turbulent interaction. This is appropriate if you prefer to add your own source terms using the DEFINE_SOURCE UDF macro ( DEFINE_SOURCE in the Fluent Customization Manual).