5.3.9. Radiation in Combusting Flows The Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases Model

The weighted-sum-of-gray-gases model (WSGGM) is a reasonable compromise between the oversimplified gray gas model and a complete model which takes into account particular absorption bands. The basic assumption of the WSGGM is that the total emissivity over the distance can be presented as


where is the emissivity weighting factor for the th fictitious gray gas, the bracketed quantity is the th fictitious gray gas emissivity, is the absorption coefficient of the th gray gas, is the sum of the partial pressures of all absorbing gases, and is the path length. For and Ansys Fluent uses values obtained from  [121] and  [611]. These values depend on gas composition, and also depend on temperature. When the total pressure is not equal to 1 atm, scaling rules for are used (see Equation 5–113).

The absorption coefficient for is assigned a value of zero to account for windows in the spectrum between spectral regions of high absorption () and the weighting factor for is evaluated from  [611]:


The temperature dependence of can be approximated by any function, but the most common approximation is


where are the emissivity gas temperature polynomial coefficients. The coefficients and are estimated by fitting Equation 5–106 to the table of total emissivities, obtained experimentally [121][138][611].

The absorptivity of the radiation from the wall can be approximated in a similar way  [611], but, to simplify the problem, it is assumed that   [446]. This assumption is justified unless the medium is optically thin and the wall temperature differs considerably from the gas temperature.

Since the coefficients and are slowly varying functions of and , they can be assumed constant for a wide range of these parameters. In  [611] these constant coefficients are presented for different relative pressures of the and vapor, assuming that the total pressure is 1 atm. The values of the coefficients shown in  [611] are valid for  atm-m and  K. For  K, coefficient values suggested by  [121] are used. If for all , Equation 5–106 simplifies to


Comparing Equation 5–109 with the gray gas model with absorption coefficient , it can be seen that the change of the radiation intensity over the distance in the WSGGM is exactly the same as in the gray gas model with the absorption coefficient


which does not depend on . In the general case, is estimated as


where the emissivity for the WSGGM is computed using Equation 5–106. as defined by Equation 5–111 depends on , reflecting the non-gray nature of the absorption of thermal radiation in molecular gases. In Ansys Fluent, Equation 5–110 is used when m and Equation 5–111 is used for m. Note that for m, the values of predicted by Equation 5–110 and  Equation 5–111 are practically identical (since Equation 5–111 reduces to Equation 5–110 in the limit of small ).

Ansys Fluent allows you to set equal to the mean beam length. You can specify the mean beam length or have Ansys Fluent compute it according to the following equation from Siegel [596].


where is the fluid volume and is the total surface area of the fluid boundaries (walls, inlets, outlets; not symmetry).

See Inputs for a Composition-Dependent Absorption Coefficient in the User's Guide for details about setting properties for the WSGGM.

Important:  The WSGGM is implemented in a gray approach. If the WSGGM is used with a non-gray model, the absorption coefficient will be the same in all bands. Use DEFINE_GRAY_BAND_ABS_COEFF to change the absorption coefficient per band or per gray gas. When the Total (Static) Gas Pressure is Not Equal to 1 atm

The WSGGM, as described above, assumes that —the total (static) gas pressure—is equal to 1 atm. In cases where is not unity (for example, combustion at high temperatures), scaling rules suggested in [158] are used to introduce corrections. When  atm or  atm, the values for in Equation 5–106 and  Equation 5–110 are rescaled:


where is a non-dimensional value obtained from [158], which depends on the partial pressures and temperature of the absorbing gases, as well as on .

Note that the pressure scaling exponent, , is determined based on as follows:

Table 5.1: Pressure Correction Factor Lookup Values

(atm)(atm), for lookup in [158]
>6.510 The Effect of Soot on the Absorption Coefficient

When soot formation is computed, Ansys Fluent can include the effect of the soot concentration on the radiation absorption coefficient. The generalized soot model estimates the effect of the soot on radiative heat transfer by determining an effective absorption coefficient for soot. The absorption coefficient of a mixture of soot and an absorbing (radiating) gas is then calculated as the sum of the absorption coefficients of pure gas and pure soot:


where is the absorption coefficient of gas without soot (obtained from the WSGGM) and




is the gas mixture density in and is the soot mass fraction.

The coefficients and were obtained  [572] by fitting Equation 5–115 to data based on the Taylor-Foster approximation [648] and data based on the Smith et al. approximation  [611].

See Radiation Properties and Using the Soot Models in the User's Guide for information about including the soot-radiation interaction effects. The Effect of Particles on the Absorption Coefficient

Ansys Fluent can also include the effect of discrete phase particles on the radiation absorption coefficient, provided that you are using either the P-1 or the DO model. When the P-1 or DO model is active, radiation absorption by particles can be enabled. The particle emissivity, reflectivity, and scattering effects are then included in the calculation of the radiative heat transfer. See Setting Material Properties for the Discrete Phase in the User’s Guide for more details on the input of radiation properties for the discrete phase.